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Posts posted by pam

  1. I thought about Monday Family Home Evening for a long time. It was started a long time ago and maybe the reasoning behind it was not brought forward. Families spend a lot of time together so why devote an hour or so to a formal evening time and on Monday of all days? It must have bothered me a lot. We seem to have a family home evening every night. There is a difference that we should observe on this particular day?

    Of course in time, I received my answer through the Holy Ghost. Monday is the day in which we make our decisions. You decided on Monday that you was going to study for a test on Friday even though you may have waited until Thursday night or looked over your study guides before breakfast on Friday morning.

    Monday has became so important that I look forward to the day and Family Home Evening. It makes all the difference in the world to me now.

    Just a side note. Years ago in the church FHE used to be Wednesday nights.

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    I was wondering if anyone had incorporated any family traditions that are a little different but teach or introduce the gospel to their children.

    We have just started a special meal on the Saturday night we light candles, read a scripture, discuss where our food came from how it was grown etc and say a special blessing and for us this now starts the Sabbath. And we have started making a family quilt for Family Home Evening my daughter really drinks this kind of thing in, like we have chilli bean soup on Monday because it reminds my daughter of the Holy Ghost (makes her feel warm inside lol she is only 3)

    Would love some ideas


    We sing "happy birthday to Jesus" and have a b-day cake for him on Christmas...we also read Luke 2 before we open, since converting to LDS...we have started having the b-day cake for Jesus on his REAL b-day...April 6th.

    Assuming, of course, that that is His real date of birth.

    I've always learned that it was April 6th. Even Spencer W. Kimball in opening a session of general conference mentions this.

    My brothers and sisters and friends, another April has come, and with it the birthdate of the Church, organized on the birthday of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, which we have celebrated on the sixth of April. This weekend, we conduct the 144th Annual Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

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    Take your time...get to know us! we have our ups and downs...but we are for the most part...alot of fun!



    I am alot of fun. Yediyd...well sometimes you have to wonder about her.


    Welcome pilottim. Will be fun getting to know you better.

  4. Ok, I know this is a topic that brings out the "best" in people but I have to ask. With Mitt Romney running for President I have thought about this question. He was once Pro choice ...I understand his reasoning for it ....sort of. I know his mother had a sister (or someone related) die from an illegal abortion procedure. But to me it seems like a contradiction to be LDS and Pro- choice. Abortion denies a spirit a body it just seems like it would be hard to be both. I know that in the case of rape or if the mothers life is in danger it is different. Thoughts? :hmmm:

    My opinion that spirit already has a body when conceived howbeit small and microscopic. To me that is murder. Now in the case of rape, incest mothers life in danger I understand and accept those reasons. My thing is the easiness in which to obtain abortions and how so many treat abortions as a form of birth control.

  5. :rofl:

    I had a wonderful chat with a man of the muslim faith online yesterday...we talked about our different opinoins and had a good time...we parted friends...there was no need to contend with him and he was surprised to learn that we Americans DON'T eat our young! (so to speak)

    though, he may not have seen the thread I started about when life begins...eegats! hope he doesn't have a cat!


  6. I like learning about other's beliefs and religions. Like I served a mission in Germany and met with several groups and talked about religion.

    We met with some Frei-Christen--Born-Again Baptists and we got along great. But then they dug into Anti-Mormon lit, and we contended, the Spirit was SO not there. It left a bitter feeling in my heart today.

    We met with another group, Muslims (like 30 of them!) and talked religion with them (and learned that we have a lot of similarities). I can tell you the Spirit was there on many occasions when we talked about Christ. We established a strong enough friendship that some said that "if there ever was a Christian church that could connect with the Muslims, it would be your church." :o We had our differences, however, but we never felt it necessary to drill it and contend over such things. We really opened a door to possibilities there.

    In many cases, people just want to contend. All I would and could do was say, "You have your experiences, I have mine. I'm just here to teach those who want to be taught and tell them my experience, and encourage them to try it out on their own. I can't convert anyone. That's left between them and God."

    Well said

  7. Questions,

    One of my friends (Its been about 8 years since I've seen him) told me he had those tendencies. He told me about it because he wanted some advice about how to tell his girlfriend. I guess he needed someone to just listen, because I didnt really have any advice to give him. But, even though I was surprised, and I would have never guessed, he was still a friend, and I knew he didnt think of me in that way. Had I not been friends with him for several years I too, like many others, probably would have been a bit paranoid. The guy ended up telling his girlfriend, and they got married a short time later. Pretty cool!

    He talked to me about some church organization that helped him through his issues. I guess they hold events in SLC once or twice a year. I wish I could remember the name ... green something... anyways, he and his wife went for several years together and the last time I knew they were still very happy together. He and his new wife talked to me about this organization, and we found out that we had a mutual friend that I knew from my old BYU days that was also attending this organization. A year later, while I was visiting my old Resident Assistant at BYU, I met up with him and mentioned our mutual friend. He then told me how hard it was to live in Provo. He told me he wasn't active in his tendencies, but that he was always a bit scared and paranoid that someone might find out from the church. He was happy going to that "green" something organization and to my understanding, it still going today.

    Both of those friends know that they have those issues, they know that thier physical body has those tendencies and have same sex attraction. But for them, they realize that its only thier physical body, not thier spirit that feels that way. So, for them the only way was to help curb the physical issues/tempations so that the spirtual growth in the eternal relationship of a marriage could happen.

    Questions, I'm not going to sugar coat this. Its tough for a lot of priesthood men to accept it in the church. This is one of those subjects that gets some guys pretty rattled, especially men in the church. I've worked for so many companies all over the US that it really doesnt bother me - but had I not had friends that had that issue, I might be a bit rattled myself - especially being an active LDS member. I dont think anybody is going to openly welcome behavior such a someone smoking pot, a cigarette, or someone bringing in a bottle of whisky to church. So, I doubt the behavior, or anything like it, will be openly welcome in church. However, my feeling is that you, yourself, should be welcome with no problems.

    I dont know why some men get all wierd when the subject is talked about. For me, Im perfectly comfortable being hetrosexual. And that doesnt preclude me from being friends with someone that is not hetrosexual.

    The only advice I can give you is try and find out about that organzation I mentioned and see if its something you want to look into. They have pretty strict rules too.

    I hope that helps.

    It's called Evergreen

  8. We have different beliefs and different religions. Fights might be a strong word.

    Okay EXTREME disagreements.

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    We have different beliefs and different religions. Fights might be a strong word.

    Okay EXTREME disagreements.

    Just to add to this. I'm happy to see people of many different faiths come to this website and post. We just all need to remember to be tolerant of other beliefs. EXTREME disagreements are so unnecessary.

  9. Homosexuality

    The Church’s stand on homosexual relations provides another arena where we offend the devil. I expect that the statement of the First Presidency and the Twelve against homosexual marriages will continue to be assaulted. Satan is only interested in our misery, which he promotes by trying to persuade men and women to act contrary to God’s plan. One way he does this is by encouraging the inappropriate use of sacred creative powers. A bona fide marriage is one between a man and a woman solemnized by the proper legal or ecclesiastical authority. Only sexual relations between husband and wife within the bonds of marriage are acceptable before the Lord.

    There is some widely accepted theory extant that homosexuality is inherited. How can this be? No scientific evidence demonstrates absolutely that this is so. Besides, if it were so, it would frustrate the whole plan of mortal happiness. Our designation as men or women began before this world was. In contrast to the socially accepted doctrine that homosexuality is inborn, a number of respectable authorities contend that homosexuality is not acquired by birth. The false belief of inborn homosexual orientation denies to repentant souls the opportunity to change and will ultimately lead to discouragement, disappointment, and despair.

    Alternatives to the legal and loving marriage between a man and a woman are helping to unravel the fabric of human society. I am sure this is pleasing to the devil. The fabric I refer to is the family. These so-called alternative life-styles must not be accepted as right, because they frustrate God’s commandment for a life-giving union of male and female within a legal marriage as stated in Genesis. If practiced by all adults, these life-styles would mean the end of the human family.

    This is from President James E. Faust a member of the First Presidency.

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    I got two teenagers.

    Boys? Girls? How old?

    My son is 15

    My daughter is 13

    When my son was born, it was so unbelievable. I realize parents feel that way, but it really was. When my daughter was born, it was nearly effortless for my ex. It was a perfect, happy day.

    I know the feeling.

  11. You win, Pam...I have 2 teenagers and a dog...

    'acourse...Dr. T will be the one still living with his cat when you and I are at the party.

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    I got two teenagers.

    Boys? Girls? How old?

    boy 13...girl 14, four days shy of a year apart.

    Yediyd I have a dog too. We shall all just party in the name of Dr. T. It will be a "Wish you were here Dr. T. Party" WordFlood...I have 2 boys who will be 16 in a couple of weeks and a daughter soon to turn 18.

  12. Blonde and brunette go for a hike in the woods...blonde has to have a BM...she says,"what am I going to do? The last time I wiped with a leaf...I had poison ivy for weeks!" The brunette says, "Use a doller." So. the blonde goes around the tree...comes back 15 min. later...BM all over herself. Brunette asked, "What happened to you?" Blonde responds, "Have YOU ever tried to wipe with 3 quarters, 2 dimes, and a nickle?"

    EWWWWWWW but funny.


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    LOL. That's funny. My life is my kids right now though.

    It doesn't matter Dr. T. You have a cat, remember? They have 9 lives! So even when your kids are bringing your grandkids to visit, you will STILL HAVE A CAT!!!! :-)

    Sad part is the kids keep coming back.

    That is why you don't leave a forwarding address when you move!!!! :-)

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    I love my kids but I'm looking forward to the party. Just not the dog dying part.

    Can I come? I'll bring the root beer!

    Can I come too Pammy? I'll bring chips, dip AND brownies!!!! :-)

    Yeah, this will be fun!!! and we can all sit around and laugh at Dr.T and his cat!

    Hey we don't have to laugh about his cat. We can just laugh at Dr. T. Now THAT would be fun!!!!

  14. Off the subject a little, but kind of related....

    When my youngest nephew was baptized, he asked me to give the talk about the Holy Ghost. I live about 3 1/2 hours away from them and on my way to his baptism, I was listening to a mixed CD of some of my favorite music. I had two of my nieces with me and I was telling them that I had a talk planned, but I felt like I needed to change it a little bit. Right about that time one of my favorite rock n roll bands (Bon Jovi) started playing "Bed of Roses". There is a line in the song that says "I want to be just as close as, the Holy Ghost is...." and it played right as I was talking about the Holy Ghost. We all realized how funny the timing was and laughed and then I continued on with what I was going to say. That song ended and there was a slight pause and then the next song started was another Bon Jovi song called "Lay your hands on me" at which point the three of us all died laughing. My niece said, "Maybe this is a sign that you should just play a little Bon Jovi music instead of giving your talk!"

    Hey I'll listen to Bon Jovi anytime.