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Posts posted by volgadon

  1. Looking at the quotes cryophil posted, I don't see how they are at all examples of brainwashing.

    Martin Buber adapted a Hasidic tradition for his book, Or HaGanuz.

    R. Eleazar said: "The light that the Holy One, blessed be He, created on the first day- Adam could see with it from one end of the world to the next. Since the Holy One, blessed be He, looked at the generation of the Deluge and the generation of the Division and saw that their deeds were wicked, He concealed the light from them. And for whom did he conceal it? For the righteous in the future to come."

    Hasidim asked: "Where did he conceal it?"

    They were answered: "In the Torah."

    They asked: "If so, will the Tsadikim not find some of the light as they study Torah?"

    They answered: "They certainly will find some."

    They asked: "If so, what will the Tsadikim do when they find some of the concealed light in the Torah?"

    They answered: "They will reveal it in the way they live."

    Theophany can occur very dramatically, with thunderings and angelic declarations, but more often God's light reveals itself through the way people live.

    I've bolded a portion from p. 39 of a different book of Buber's, the Ten Rungs.

    This is the service man must perform all of his days: to shape matter into form, to refine the flesh, and to let the light penetrate the darkness, until the darkness itself shines and there is no longer any division between the two. As it is written: “And there was evening and there was morning, one day”

    One should not make a great to-do about serving God.

    Does the hand boast when it carries out what the heart wills?

    Abraham Joshua Heschel called this the immanence of Gods through deeds. It is one of our most direct encounters with Him.

    Knowing God comes from following his way, growing in love for him and others, leading to a testimony, that is, a witness. THis is what the church articles were talking about.

  2. I don't think the church will alow you to use mtc resources. Its only licensed for the church I do believe

    The MTC uses language books written by non-members, like the 501 Verbs series. This is the French one. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CEkQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2F501-French-Verbs-Easy-To-Learn-Alphabetically%2Fdp%2F0812092813&ei=9ACXT_7QC6jmiAKFvvDiDw&usg=AFQjCNHQenod9c0X1OCwXA7Jt4ATHwJXew&sig2=Rjv3Sc7htoLJbRFVdM5JrA

    Don't know what grammar book is used, but this comes from a good series of books, though it isn't quite for beginners. Using French: A Guide to Contemporary Usage - Ronald Ernest Batchelor, M. H. Offord - Google Books

  3. Obviously most people have not ever been in a Ward that sucks the life out of you.

    I am glad of that, but they do exist.

    Yes, they do exist and even though they should not negatively impact your testimony, unfortunately they can and do affect it.

  4. What happened to the spring time birth date due to the shepherds being in the fields with their flocks?

    I thought that was pretty well established even outside the Church.

    Not that it matters to anyones salvation, but it is an interesting topic.

    Shepherds were out almost the whole year round, exceptions being shearing and lambing.

  5. What does God mean when refers to Jesus as his "only begotten son"?

    The dictionary defines the word "begotten" as to: procreate, father, produce offspring.. So when I read the above, my understanding is that God is saying that Jesus is his only flesh and blood? Are we not all children of God? For the record, I know that we ARE but I suppose that's what is confusing me about this particular scripture. And so why emphasize the word "only"? Clearly, I'm misunderstanding the context of this scripture. My husband and I were debating it's meaning and came up with this: Jesus is God's only son (procreated, flesh and blood) and that we are "creations" of God (in His image etc) but more like ZAP - you now exist!

    The Greek word monogenes was not used in a literal sense, but meant one of a kind, or dearly beloved.

  6. It's not an age only thing. I'm 28 and I get a charge out of say touching a building that has existed longer than my country. But then I'm a geologist at heart and part of that is an appreciation of where something has been not just where it is now.

    I'm not a geologist, but I am 28 too. I feel the same way about the past. There is such a thrill to it.

  7. Hmmmm: You should study the history of the USA Civil War. I do not know of a war where civilians as well as prisoners of war were treated worse – even including what the Japanese did to the Philippines during WWII.

    I can think of a few that were far worse. The Armenian Genocide, the destruction of Galician Jewry in WWI, the Russian Civil War, WW2 and the various ethnic cleansings in it...

  8. Oh, my. I need a laugh button for you three. ^_^

    I saw that and some other grammatical errors in his questions and was actually tempted to write them correctly on here, but wanted to present the questions exactly how he'd worded them. He's a history teacher, so I didn't bring it up to him. I cut him some slack. ;) I'm certain though that if some of the English teachers had seen his questions, they would have pestered him about his poor grammar.

    I didn't bring up poor grammar to my history teacher either ("to not" appears frequently), even though he would mark down students' papers for their grammar.