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Everything posted by ttribe

  1. Congrats! I live in the Phoenix area, and while it may be hot in the Summer, it's a wonderful place to be. Best wishes to you as you prepare and serve.
  2. Perhaps they were...and perhaps you are applying a little bit of presentism here. I believe it is you assuming...not me.You said - "The church was pretty much the last major religion to allow black people the same rights in the church. If they hadn't have finally let it happen. It would have turned very bad for the LDS members." How am I supposed to "Google" your suppositions that "If they hadn't finally let it happen. (sic) It would have turned out very bad for the LDS members"? BTW, I've posted this link before, and I've said we were definitely later than most, but there's plenty of racism still present amongst the sects of Christianity (which is what I was alluding to with my comment about TN and KY...still a lot of segregation there): Curse and mark of Cain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia That's nice. You certainly seem to have a preconceived set of standards you'd like everyone else to live up to. So? My point was that this had been going on behind the scenes for some time. No, it does not mean a revelation at the back-end is precluded. Why you would think otherwise is still a mystery to me. And yes, a current prophet can reverse a previous practice. unless it happens on the timetable YOU think it should have, must mean they aren't Seers, correct? Ummm...there's been a few more than 2, but you seem to have a bias in your interpretation of things anyway. Let's see if you decide to take this another guess is you will...and you'll be wrong.
  3. I don't know; is that your litmus test for "one true church"? Is there no human element? Where? Maybe...but it seems you are unwilling to give any credit here. You mean the same one that it is documented to have been requested numerous times previously by David O. McKay? I don't disagree. But that still doesn't answer my question.
  4. And many still have not. Correct...saw it when I served my mission in TN and KY. This all appears to be supposition...have any facts? They may not have issued some formal "apology", but Elder McConkie sure made it clear what he said - "Forget everything I have said, or what…Brigham Young…or whomsoever has said…that is contrary to the present revelation. We spoke with a limited understanding and without the light and knowledge that now has come into the world." Almost sounds like - "we were wrong." It was already labeled as such...nevertheless, if there was no revelation at the outset (which there wasn't), why does that preclude a revelation on the back-end?
  5. Useful links on this topic: Black LDS Mormons The LDS Church and the Race Issue | Genesis Group Curse and mark of Cain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I served my mission in TN and KY and this topic became very important to me - I have an opinion on how this came about, how it ended, etc. However, I am quite aware that my conclusions aren't popular. Therefore, I won't throw them out there. If someone is particularly interested, I may respond via PM.
  6. Honestly, I think it may be a good idea. The Church is not here to tear apart your marriage, and if there are struggles right now, your Bishop is likely to understand the need to be a little less "activity" for a while so you get some things smoothed over.
  7. This may sound contrary to what you may be feeling, but you may need to put your marriage before the Church for a while until you can get some things worked out. This may require a discussion with your Bishop about callings, etc. If she understands your commitment to her, she may be more willing to hear why the Church is important to you. In the meantime, it seems she may be feeling a sense of you've "left" her for something else.
  8. I agree with your final sentence there...not everyone does...but I certainly do.
  9. Setting the record straight (again): FAIR Topical Guide: Martyrdom of Joseph & Hyrum
  10. By itself, I suppose I can see your point on the sentence you bolded. However, that sentence was not stated by itself. The first sentence, the introductory sentence, puts that statement into context.
  11. The fact that God spoke to prophets outside of the Biblical account and told them many of the same things.
  12. Yes, Joseph got off a couple of shots (undoubtedly diversionary to draw fire from his remaining friends), and yes, the word is two individuals later died when their wounds refused to heal and their flesh began to rot. Read more here: FAIR Topical Guide: Martyrdom of Joseph & Hyrum
  13. I believe that this is missing the point of Elder Holland's talk altogether. Let's piece it together this way - 1) Joseph and Hyrum are frequently accused of fraudulently writing the Book of Mormon; 2) they had strong reason to believe that going to Carthage would result in their deaths; 3) they found solace regarding their predicament in the words of the Book of Mormon; and 4) they wouldn't find such solace if they KNEW the Book of Mormon was a fraud.Your Quran comparison falls apart insomuch as the Islamic martyrs to which you refer are not the alleged authors of the Quran.
  14. BTW, just for the sake of completeness in disclosure, the 1890 Manifesto (now Official Declaration #1 in our Docrtine & Convenants) was reaffirmed by Joseph F. Smith in 1904 due to some...ahem...continued plural marriages (Plural Marriage - The Encyclopedia of Mormonism).
  15. Correct. See link: Why Did the Church Abandon Polygamy?
  16. Of course...just wondering (out loud) whether we were being enticed into providing such fodder. That's a far cry from eavesdropping that produces the same result, don't you think?
  17. The very question given by the OP is so outrageous, and the subsequent arguments he provided in favor of the question so contrived, that it just set off my "troll alert"...which is, admittedly, fallible.
  18. I guess I am just questioning the sincerity of the OP in this thread...whether he was asking a sincere question or just trying to work up a lather amongst the board participants that he can then copy and paste somewhere else for a little laugh-fest at our expense.
  19. Am I the only one that thinks this entire thread was nothing more than a fishing expedition for someone to quote mine and use on another corner of the Internet? Perhaps I'm just paranoid
  20. Here you go. A talk by Elder Dallin H. Oaks on this very subject: Link
  21. Agreed...I generally just invite them over to Mormon Apologetics & Discussion Board and FAIR.
  22. Congratulations and welcome back into full membership.
  23. Unfortunately, that's not how the law works and words do matter.
  24. Therein lies the problem, IMO, the duality of meaning.