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Everything posted by estradling75

  1. Let me put it plainly then... If you were to come into my house and say, 'You need to change your curtains, your tv, your furniture, the way you dress and they way you do your hair. My response would be an incredulous 'What?? Why??' And then your if your answer was 'because it would make me feel better.' I would kick you to the curb so fast you'd lose a track of what day it was. If you want to understand us then listen to what we tell you. The standard is set and clear, but each person makes their own choice in how much to obey or how far to take it based on there own experiences and likes and dislikes and understanding.
  2. Right... I was posing a rhetorical question to see if she would see how arrogant she appears to coming across...
  3. Question... If you are not a member.. Why do you care what we do or don't do? I mean saying that you'd be satisfied if whole organization changed to suit your whims when it has no impact on you at all seem very ego trippy
  4. Ahh good... I have a pet peeve about people accuse the LDS members of being brainwashed clones moving in lock step... and then turning around and using the fact that we aren't as some judge of truthfulness
  5. Wait.... Are you seriously asking why different people have difference weakness?
  6. Because people aren't perfect... People want to have it their way and this leads to people justifying, rationalizing, and ignoring what does not suit them
  7. It means it is a Revelation. When it was given it has no scientific support what so ever. People were forced to believe it was of God or not. And back then many did what you are doing now, Maureen. Saying, Why should we? What proof is there? It should be toss out and people allowed to do what they think is right... Now a hundred plus years later the bulk of the Word of Wisdom has scientific backing as correct. After all you are not arguing we should be allowed to drink alcohol or use tobacco. And it has been pointed out how is some cased we fail to live up to the standards in things like RX drugs, and the DOs. But Maureen you only see the small percentage of the Word of Wisdom that has not yet been proven and you want to discard the whole thing. We see the bulk that has in time been proven and say "Are You Nuts?" We are just waiting to see if and when the scientific proof comes around on Coffee and Tea. Science changes and adapts and learns and grows. Maybe it will here, maybe it will not only time will tell.
  8. That could be a problem, but the answer remains the same. Figuring out what you want is a good thing, but figuring out what god wants for you is even better. You mentioned struggling with faith that should be address first and the rest can follow. That might not be what you want to hear, and that is understandable. Many people have to struggle first to find what works for them.
  9. My ward does a lot of moves we have a list similar to mormonmusic. Basically barring special needs we are there to do heavy lifting no more. Now it seems like the OP is a bit worried about getting people to show, and that is a more universal problem. And the only real answer is follow up, ask for help (invite) in the meetings, and the night before call with a reminder. It is alot of work, but it really the only way other then just trusting that people will show.
  10. Coffee and tea aren't bad because of the caffeine... Coffee and Tea are bad because God said No. No other reason needs to be given. It makes it a matter of faith. Those who believe will try their best those that don't will not. As for the rest of the Word of Wisdom it has been my thought that we as a group tend to focus more on the Do Nots parts and and don't have the kind of focus and attention on the Dos... But that is just a personal opinion based on what I have seen of it in practice
  11. This is a problem all EQP face in this issue and the answer is get as many as you can. Sorry no magic answer there. Simple math. The more people you have and the the better prepared the family is, the faster it will go. Less people the longer it takes... and it not like you aren't going to do it if only a few show up.
  12. Get as many people as you can... More people generally means quicker and less tiring. You've got two sets of stairs try bucket brigading the stuff. (ie have people hold still and pass the stuff along) Make sure they are packed and ready to go before the moving groups get there.. (Usally the night before) All people are volunteers and they are willing to help but that fades quick if they have to stand around waiting.
  13. If at all possible add Temple visits you the suggestions of fasting and prayer. (It might not be possible but if it is add it). Don't feel the need to say yes due to expectation or other external pressure (including from the guy)
  14. It has everything to do with why it is an RX and not an over the counter drug in the first place... Basically the idea is that they can be very dangerous and need someone that has spent time (aka gone to school) and knows what they are doing to see it done safely...
  15. Indeed alot of people do just that with the laws. The problem becomes one of the slippery slope. People that get away with a little bit some time just stop there, but other times they figure that they can go for a little more, then a little more, and then even more. And that is a problem because even very low odds can catch up with a person with a horrible result
  16. Yeap... There is a hotline and a suggestion box... Its called prayer... and it is even better then a normal hotline or suggestion box do to the fact that it skips the middle man and goes right to the one in charge. Everyone is encourage to use it often and well... So feel free to get on your knees and pour your heart out to the 'man upstairs'. We are promised that he will listen and respond... However we are not promised that he will do what we ask him to.
  17. Oh thats not hard... The church (meaning the collection of individuals) was not ready so it has to be built up to it.
  18. All blessing of a temple sealing depend on personal righteousness. This includes husband, wife, and any children. For example I am sealed to my parents. I am also sealed to my wife and my kids. If I fail then I am out of the picture for both groups but it remains intact for everyone else. As for kids that are not sealed to their parents as they come of age they have the chance to create a sealed family of their own. If they pass on before they get the chance then there is work for the dead that could be done on their behalf.
  19. When you do.. pay closer attention to these... Anti Nephi-Lehis, the Army of Helman, and the prophet called Samuel the Lamanite... Also focus on why the Nephites keep running into problems. (not the external force but why they are vulnerable to it )
  20. The answer will always be Read the Whole Thing... Even if you want to make the case that certain passages appear to be racist. Reading the whole book will make it very clear that skin color doesn't matter. Only Personal Righteousness does. To use bunt racially charged terms for a summary... When the white/light skinned people (Nephites) go evil they are destroyed.. in fact the end of the Book of Mormon had them get totally wiped out because of their wickedness... Whereas the black/dark skinned people (Lamanites) survived. More importantly those that become Righteous are mentioned as being more Righteous the 'prefered' light skinned group (Nephites). In summary the Book of Mormon does a poor job of convincing me I am some how superior because I have light skin... In fact on even the most basic level it says the color of my skin is not what I am (or anyone else) is going to be judged by.