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Everything posted by estradling75

  1. When you do.. pay closer attention to these... Anti Nephi-Lehis, the Army of Helman, and the prophet called Samuel the Lamanite... Also focus on why the Nephites keep running into problems. (not the external force but why they are vulnerable to it )
  2. The answer will always be Read the Whole Thing... Even if you want to make the case that certain passages appear to be racist. Reading the whole book will make it very clear that skin color doesn't matter. Only Personal Righteousness does. To use bunt racially charged terms for a summary... When the white/light skinned people (Nephites) go evil they are destroyed.. in fact the end of the Book of Mormon had them get totally wiped out because of their wickedness... Whereas the black/dark skinned people (Lamanites) survived. More importantly those that become Righteous are mentioned as being more Righteous the 'prefered' light skinned group (Nephites). In summary the Book of Mormon does a poor job of convincing me I am some how superior because I have light skin... In fact on even the most basic level it says the color of my skin is not what I am (or anyone else) is going to be judged by.