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Everything posted by EarlJibbs

  1. I am with LoudMouth. I too have searched under different search terms and this is the only article I can find, which was quoted unfortunately, and was also against the claims made by ElZorillo. I will keep looking, but you would think it would be more widely available if it was as absolute as stated.
  2. Yikes. How many of us see worse than the Batman movie in real life and do not go into rampage mode and kill innocents? How much better do you really think this society would be without violent films? The kid most likely would have done this sooner or later, it's just that he had a venue to do it. Compared to truly gruesome and violent films, Batman doesn’t hold a candle... but where are all of the mass murderers from the millions of people that have seen those? True: Violent films desensitizes you. FALSE: violent films are the cause of terrible crimes. Blame falls of the person that committed the crime. We should not take the personal choice any of us make out of the equation. Never blame your problems on society, your parents, your circumstances... take responsibility. I decide. As far as my opinion of Bale, the guys not very nice. He can do nice things, but my personal opinion was forever changed when he had his rant on the grip that wasn’t doing his job during the Terminator film. But who of us have not had our moments when we have been complete jerks? I dont put any stock into him as a person, as an actor, he does a good job.
  3. Response time shouldnt have anything to do with how hard/long we have thought about it, but I see the point you are trying to make and I have no intensions of saying whether I agree or not. My opinion however, is that not so much thought needs to go into it. You have clearly spelled out what and why you beleive what you do. This (for me) is just way to much guess work into the knowledge and intentions of our Heavenly Father, too many if this and if that, and we can deduct.... For me if MJ can be used as a good tool to better the conditions of people whom are suffering. I take it that God has blessed the minds of medical proffessors to be able to identify that. There are sooo many items and compounds that can be used to better life and for good. But as we all know, many of those items can be severely distorted for eveil and wrong doing. Just because something exists doesnt mean we are using it in the correct way or a way (if any) that God has intended. For me, this type of speculation can be a dangerous road that may seem harmless.
  4. Actually, thinking about it more. There are probably others with callings, such as GA's or temple workers that could perform it. But nothing less than a bishop. Someone correct me if I am wrong.
  5. I am fairly sure that a bishop in the LDS church is the only one by church authority that can perform a marrage. To be a reverend or a minister and be LDS is not recommended, since by being a minister or a reverend you would be part of a different religious organization (even if you make up your own). This is covered in the temple questions. By becoming such, it could be grounds for disfellowship, but I doubt it is. At the very least it would jeopardize your temple recommend. I would be careful with this one.
  6. To the OP. My feelings reflect the majority here. We have the great blessing of the medical knowledge we have today. I say follow what your doctors say. Especially if they are credible. This was 33 years ago... but my mom was prescribed a little vodka while she was pregnant ( I almost came out normal :) ) as she had very difficult pregnancies. She was and always has been temple worthy. Although we cringe at that thought now, it was under medical advisement that she drank.
  7. Definitely not unusual. The majority of our ward are assigned around 4+ families. Our exception is if you have a few families that are needy. When I was EQP I made the mistake of assigning 4 needy families to myself. It about dragged me under. Luckily for myself, the Bishop realized the error and asked that I spread that out.
  8. Sounds a little like my ward :) We have some "lifers" like this. I know that my Bishop will not at least pay any bills if they are drinking or smoking. The way he puts it is that he knows of some members of our ward that barely make it every month and go without some items to be able to give a generous fast offering. How is it fair that they give so that someone else can live a frivolous lifestyle? With the storehouse it is a little different since it is not coming directly out of the ward/stake money. I think that you are warranted to let the person know that they cannot simply expect you to be their delivery service. But I think we should all be careful of judgement (mind you, I am not claiming you are) about if the Bishop decides to give food orders to some people that we ourselves do not feel that he should. Beleive me it is hard. I drive by the Bishops store house every day and see up to 3 grocery carts piled high going into an escalade. I have never had that many groceries in my life! But, hey, that is the decision of the Bishop to use the sacred resources of the church. We limit our home teachers to no more than 2 families that are going to take up a lot of time. If they have those two, they normally do not get any more families. Keep talking to your HP group leader about it. There may be some communication problems and the Bishop may not be hearing about what you are reporting. You may want to place a bug into an councelors ear and maybe the Bishops. He and his councelors personally approve all HT routes. Good Luck
  9. I didnt see the first of your comment. I was looking at it on my phone. Got it now!
  10. Sorry Eowyn, get what exactly? I imagine that after you reply I will apologize again, because it probably makes sense. Long day...
  11. :lol:I hope everyone on this forum can take me seriously after that:lol:
  12. Marriage advice is a tough one to give. The advice you will receive will be as mixed as the people that give it. I can tell you what has worked for me. Respect on both sides. I can honestly say that in 11 years of marriage my wife and I have not yelled at eachother once. We have had arguments or we havent seen eye to eye about a lot of things, but we have never resorted to actually fighting. Some people like to fight. But hey, I think my wife and I are a match made in Heaven (on Earth). Stay calm, and talk to eachother. That is my 2 cents.
  13. We were bored Friday night so we had a dance off. Best in HD. Check it out!
  14. That is the problem we are faced with. Where do you go dancing if not at the dance club? I know friends that frequent country dancing because of the line dances. The atmosphere is a little different. Then you have the "dry" clubs (at least in Salt Lake), but again, singles attend and expect there to be "fresh meat" I am pretty sure we are talking about the same thing.
  15. A very valid question. Christ himself prayed to his Father (God the Father), He did what he did for his Father and taught us his example. He wanted all the glory to go to his Father. This is his example. By giving praise to God the Father, are we not honoring Christ himself? He is the one who taught us to give glory to God. Christ is a huge part of my life. Remembering him, his sacrafices, his teachings, and I honor him by Praising God for Christ. Thanking God for Christ. Every time we follow Christs teachings, we show thanks. Applepansy said it well, what better way to show our regard than to emulate Him. He knows our hearts and wants us to do as he has done, give glory to God.
  16. I think your experience will be different if it has been a while. I went to a dance club after I first got married. I went with my wife, but it was just different. Everyone one else was there to have a good time and hook up. I cannot tell you how many times my butt got grabbed (it was extremely crowded). My wife was ready to fight each time! I was proud of her, fighting for me, but needless to say we left early. Just because it was a good time at one time, doesnt mean it will be now. I say you treat it like an old movie or TV show you watched when you were younger. Leave it alone and dont revisit it. Just remember it for how you saw it then. I loved the TV show He-man, the movie Footloose and others, I re-watched them and I was shocked that I ever considered them good. I should have left them alone. My good memories are now scarred. :) For me, I cant go dancing anymore. It lost its appeal and reason.
  17. Send anyone with a problem with covered up breastfeeding to a 3rd world country. I think they would then appreciate the defined modesty most have here. No covering up in Venezula. That sure opened my eyes.
  18. I am the youngest HP in my ward at the age of 32. Do you know for a fact that they are wealthy or does it simply seem that way? Or are they wealthy only in your standards? I recently purchased a used 2007 suburban (M.A.V. - Mormon Asault Vehicle) with plenty of miles on it. It is in superb condition. I noticed that I received some looks driving it around. I try to keep my yard in good condition. Some assume that because of only those two items that I am somehow well off. This is not the case. We make enough to live modestly. Now some of the people in the ward might call me poor. I know for a fact that some make 3X as much as myself. I also know for a fact that there are some that make much less. I see absolutely no correlation with wealth and HP. It is probably your area.
  19. I have thought of moving into a larger home. My payments would actually stay the same since I purcahsed my property [cringe/gasp] at the height of the housing bubble. With what we put down on the home and making payments, I think it is still worth what we owe. We have enough room for my daughters to each habve their own room and the boys bunk. I am sure they would like there own room one day, but I think about me growing up... I sometimes shared a room with 2 other brothers. I only have good memories about that. Staying up at night talking and messing around, then dad yells at everyone to be quiet. Then it starts all over again. The ward is great, the neighbors aer good, the area is fine. If I moved just to get into a larger home (which really, I wouldnt complain if I did) I think it would be for vanity.
  20. Like any addiction you need help and support. Talk to your parents about he issue, seek counceling. A lot of the councelors have life experience in this I think. Talk to your bishop if you worried about your temple worthiness. This is a tough thing for you to go through. But you shouldnt go through it alone. I know someone that has a daughter going through this same thing. She isnt LDS, but her parents know about it and the daughter goes to counceling. It has helped tremendously. Best of luck to you.
  21. Okay, I was going to simply edit out my post since I completely missed the joke. But I left it to show everyone how dumb I just looked. I hope someone can at least get me some Fries with that, because I just got served. I definitely did not have my funny had on yesterday. Good one mordorbund.
  22. I am not sure, but it has been a good discussion (between Vort and Annatess) :):rolleyes:
  23. Not sure what your comment has to do with Pam's post. That is not what she was saying. I doubt this kid is damned to a life of being obese or "couch potatoness". Which is what A: the government would like you to think and B: those who posted negative comments on the video on youtube are saying. It was a cute video of someone enjoying their first Rootbeer.