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Everything posted by EarlJibbs

  1. I am with you, but if you know that what you correctly wrote will not be understood? So rather than being correct and having everyone miss your point. Why not write it in a way that it cannot be interpreted wrong. By doing so, you are no less of a person and are no more/less correct than you would have been before. Save the correctness for the people that will understand you, not for the druthers of society.
  2. As a society, using Hitler and Natzi have become tabu. In general, you cannot expect to have a real conversation with regular people when you use examples like that. Kathy may have been reading into the comparison wrong, but that doesnt mean that a majority of Americans wouldnt have done the same thing.
  3. The price now shouldnt matter if you are going to use it for barter. Because then it will much more precious. If you are buying as an investement, then worry about how much it costs now. If you are buying to suplement money if something were to happen. Then buy regardless of the price. That is like waiting to see when food storage prices will come down in my opinion. On a lighter note. I invested in a silver mine in May. It is doing great!
  4. Depends on what debt it is and how much you are paying. If your savings a month is say $200.00 or more, that is a lot of money you could be puting towards your food storage. Then again, some people arent good at slowly building a food storage. Myself included. I have never been able to be strict enough. My example. I received an extra sum of money, I only have my house and car with debt to it. I could have paid down the car a little more shaving off interest in the end. But instead I chunked it down on some good food storage to start out. It will now be able feed my family for about 4 months. It is a great start and I am adding on slowly with staples like flour...etc... This has felt great to me, but that is because I have not been organized enough to slowly build it up.
  5. I definitely do not think that if your true desire is to become someone that can let offenses roll of you like a duck in the water it will come overnight. If your personality doesnt quite match up with that sort of thinking or natural reaction, it will take some hard work. I beleive that the perception of weakness for turning the other cheek, especially if you know it is intentional, could be a first step if accepts that it is not weakness.
  6. Congrats Daboosh. I have only a few pieces of advice (since you have received some great advice already here) 1. forget yourself and immerse yourself into the work you are about to do. 2. You are going to run into companions that you may normally not get along with or may not have hung out with outside of a mission. Forget it! You dress the same, teach the same message, have the same goal. None of the rest matters. I have seen work hindered because of companion spats. The spirit cannot do its full work with hard feelings or irritations around. 3. Have fun. You are not a robot and will not be one on your mission. Staying within the letter and the spirit of your mission rules, you can still have a good time. 4. WRITE IN YOUR JOURNAL! I had one, and felt stupid for writing in it when I did. I wasnt very good at it. But I am so greatful for what I have and kick myself for not writing more. I have a pretty bad memory and I wish that I could take a trip back in time by reading all of my thoughts... but I didnt write them down.
  7. Since we are now talking about first tickets (great sub topic by the way, I love reading these stories), my first and only ticket was within a year of getting married. Times were tight and I totally didnt even know I was speeding. So when I saw the lights flashing in the well know trap area I glance down at my speed and I was going 5 or so over (limit was 35 and I was going a little over 40). Cop comes to my window. I was expecting a question like, "do you know how fast you were going?" or something to give me the chance to say I didnt realize it and try to get out of a ticket. But nope, nothing. He simply flashes his raidar in my face and says somthing like "You were going 48 in a 35mph zone" and asks for my info. I knew I wasnt driving quite that fast, but he reduced it to 5pmh over for me. The funny part about it now, but wasnt then is I get home to tell my wife and I basically start crying for getting us a hundred dollar ticket (since we were facing some tough times). She was very understanding and didnt get mad at all . That is when I knew that my wife would love me no matter what!
  8. Talk to the store. I am sure they could work something out with the "no cart" rule. After all, they want your business.
  9. Hahaha!!!! I think this is exactly the reason people slow down even under the speed limit when they are around the squad car. I was driving with some friends from high school and we hit a section of cars...every one going the speed limit hovering around two bike cops. We went 1 mile over and slowly started to pass them (it literally took about a minut just to get right next to them). Once we got right next to them, one of them looked over at us, tapped his speedometer and shook his head. We were cool with it, but honestly? What a joke. They totally would have pulled us over. Maybe cops should have stickers on their car that says "strict cop", "Lenient Cop", "Cool Cop"... Now, If one is behind me in the fast lane, I will pull into the next lane, let him pass and then I will follow. Let him "set the example" as someone else posted.
  10. I agree with those that have said he hasnt forgotten. How could he? The love of his life attracted to another man and only one step away from a full affair? I would imagine that everytime he kisses you etc... he may wonder if you really like/love/ or are attracted to him. Maybe not, but this is something that he will have to deal with the rest of his life as well. I agree with the Bishop, focus on your husband, but also focus on what drove you to this and why you slipped. Has he treated you any differently since this happened? Paid more attention to you? less? Paid you compliments? You mentioned that you were lonely, has this changed?
  11. My answer: This isnt heaven, this is Earth! Why do we always look at some of the worst things we can think of to to pose this question? Why not.... if there is a loving God, why doesnt he help all that have dislexia? Cancer? Aids? Stubb your toe? Car crash? Fever.....? There is suffering all around us. From a headache to ingrown finger nails, so why isnt the question, how could a loving God send us here to a suffering Earth? NOW THAT... has an answer!
  12. Good luck Shannon. I think the advice to ask for a calling is a good one. Then you will not have to rely on you simply wanting to talk to others, but you will be somewhat forced to.
  13. I wonder what we will all do if we find out that our idea of "gender imbalance" is actually the way it is supposed to be? I am not saying things cannot change or should not, only, that our opinions of such things may be way off of what the Lord plans. I hope our testimonies can stay strong through any changes. I guess this is why changes are not made all the time. Then everyone might leave? I guess I was naive when this was first annouced by thinking that it was simply "pretty cool" and will allow many more missionaries to go out. I didnt understand that dust would be stirred up about equality in the church and so on...
  14. Haha! That is what we think! But they help with home teaching, less actives and the young men more than asking for refferals. I think it is a great push to strengthen inward while pushing outward.
  15. I would like to see that case. Because it would seem there is more to it other than the fact that a drunk guy walked into a home and was shot. Nowhere in the law does it state that you must have hard facts proving someone intended harm... the word "beleive" added leaves the debate wide open. I think on that word and the word "stealth" alone would give good justified cause (in the eye of the law) to shoot someone that showed up in your bedroom in the dark. But I see your point. You are working with a judge and jury, and they will be influenced by more than just the written law. I do beleive however that a lot of police would have you NEVER protect yourself and to call them instead. They are, thankfully, not the resolution to all.
  16. So my thought when they annouced this was as follows. Can you imagine the immediate boost of total missionaries that this will provide? Not only the women but the men? You are going to get an influx, a years worth of boys submitting their papers. You are going to get two years worth of girls out of the gate. There may be other blessings involved, but think about how many missionaries we are going to have out at one time? The significance, I beleive is far greater than simply evening the playing field. I dont think this is the only reason, but a large one. We are supposed to have missionaries all over. In my stake alone we have a set of english speaking, spanish speaking, sisters and an elder couple... FOR MY STAKE! The church is planning on releasing something similar to other stakes soon. To provide more missionaries in a smaller radious, you will need a lot more missionaries. I think this accomplishes that. Of course the influx will settle down after a few years, going through the system. But I think this will be a positive missionary movement. The author of the blog is simply bitter. My wife said she would have gone if this were the rule. But wasnt remorseful about it.
  17. I think your police advice is flat wrong. I just looked up the law written on this. I found it on http://www.lds.net/forums/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=704471 "76-2-405. Force in defense of habitation. (1) A person is justified in using force against another when and to the extent that he reasonably believes that the force is necessary to prevent or terminate the other's unlawful entry into or attack upon his habitation; however, he is justified in the use of force which is intended or likely to cause death or serious bodily injury only if: (a) the entry is made or attempted in a violent and tumultuous manner, surreptitiously, or by stealth, and he reasonably believes that the entry is attempted or made for the purpose of assaulting or offering personal violence to any person, dwelling, or being in the habitation and he reasonably believes that the force is necessary to prevent the assault or offer of personal violence; or (b) he reasonably believes that the entry is made or attempted for the purpose of committing a felony in the habitation and that the force is necessary to prevent the commission of the felony. (2) The person using force or deadly force in defense of habitation is presumed for the purpose of both civil and criminal cases to have acted reasonably and had a reasonable fear of imminent peril of death or serious bodily injury if the entry or attempted entry is unlawful and is made or attempted by use of force, or in a violent and tumultuous manner, or surreptitiously or by stealth, or for the purpose of committing a felony." This is pretty clear. You do not have to ask them to leave.
  18. Still not an apology, sounds like empathy, not remorse for something done wrong. Do I think that our Heavenly Father can feel sorry for us and our poor choices? Yes, but would he apologize for our mistakes. I think not.
  19. I am not so sure. How many people have been upset at God for this or for that. I have never been apologized to. Maybe we misunderstood God, would he apologize for your misunderstanding? This still sounds like "our" problem and not Gods, so why would he apologize?
  20. I suppose that is what you were talking about then? The OP stated . Nowhere were we pointed to "interpersonal" relationships and I am sorry you misunderstood.
  21. I am thinking about me. If I were asleep in my bed with my wife. I then notice there is someone in my room. I yell at them to leave and they do not. If all I see is a shadow of a man/woman and they do not listen, I think I would shoot. My reasons. 1. I dont know their intentions. 2. They are not responding to my demands in my home. 3. I dont know if they are armed. 4. What if I am wrong and they end up doing things to my family, even death. I would hate to know that I could have prevented something happening to my family, rather calling the cops and waiting for them to respond to someone in my home, less than 5 yards from me. Cops are not the end all. That said, if I had a light on and I could physycally see the girl and noticed she was intoxicated and unarmed, then no I wouldnt shoot. Unfortunately we live in a time whereit is more common that this scenario turns out the other way around, a family murdered for whatever reason.
  22. Although I agree that I have in the past at times given-in so to speak. I cannot say that by me doing that I have felt the pleasure of not sharing my true feelings, and yes, feel like a fake. It has been mentioned above, but saying you are sorry for something is not necessarily the same as apologizing. My thoughts are in line with those that feel apologizing for something is not being true to yourself. I know this is not in direct correlation, but I think I can tie it together. What of those in the Book of Mormon that were told to say they didnt beleive in their God? And when they didnt, they were burned. Would they lie about it only to save themselves? In a sense would we be apologizing so that we wouldnt be burned, but inside we know we are just saying it to avoid the confrontation? Extreme example, but it makes sense to me.
  23. I am with Vort on this one. If you are not in the wrong, why on earth would you apoligize for something? Would this be lying to yourself and someone else? Not apologizing for something you are not at fault for doesnt mean you are being a jerk. Being a pacifist doesnt mean bowing down just to make everyone happy. Avoiding confrontation doesnt mean that you need to apoliogize for something that you have no need to apologize for.
  24. The pamplet is pretty clear "...presents immorality or violence as acceptable" If the violence is presented as an acceptable act, then stay clear. The BOM shows us a history of violence, but doesnt portray it as "acceptable" but rather shows it as necessary at times and does not glory in it. I see it as night and day, what I should watch and what I shouldnt. However, that doesnt mean that I will change my habbits at this time. We all justify to one extent or another. But the message doestn leave much room for debate.
  25. I am sure our American inmates can make him feel right at home.