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Everything posted by EarlJibbs

  1. Netflix for me also. Although I think there are some shows that I would like, no time to watch them. I need to be able to watch 5 minutes, then stop. Too much going on for a lot of TV.
  2. So here are my thoughts after reading through all of the comments. 1. If you and your spouse do not have the same opinion about having kids right now, that needs to be worked out. BOTH sides of the argument to have/not to have need equal attention and consideration. 2. Although you should live your own lives, advice from your parents should not go unheeded. Remember that they can be a voice of reasoning. But in the end, you should make your decisions. 3. Involve the Lord in these decisions and disputes. For my family we have followed a patern. If we could afford another child and provide these neccessities, we would have another child. It's not how we planned it, but it made sense and felt good. My wife and I were debating on having a 4th child after deciding we were going to be done at 3. It was on our minds and while praying I contemplated having another child. Although me personally I thought no way, it's nuts as it is... a thought came to me that changed my mind in a heart beat... that thought was "why not?", and I reflected on the why nots, it came down to my selfishness. We could afford it, we could handle it. So why not bring another spirit into a good family when there are sooo many problems in the world? 4. Do not expect to have your plans go through the exact way you want. Lives change, plans change, hearts change, as long as your end result of raising a righteous family and being able to support them do not change, then you will be okay. 5. Please do not expect the church to govern your every move. We receive a direction on most items and are expected to make the best of it. Use your "tallents" you have been given and make more of them. Do not expect others to tell you exactly how to use your tallents. Some can afford both monetarily and mentally more children. Or any children. Some cannot. But USE WHAT YOU HAVE. You cannot expect to be at the judgment seat and tell our Savior that you werent told to turn left or right at every possible moment.
  3. I was once at a very small gathering with President Hinkley at a ranch. I am not related to him, but was with my own family. He was walking around the ranch talking to some of us mingling or off on our own enjoying the scenery. Since we were not family or regularly together, my family still called him President when addressing him. Although his great great... grandchildren called him Grandpa. It was a good experience.
  4. Maybe place on the invite "Please, no gifts. Any gifts will be donated to a charitable organization" Or maybe this would have the opposite effect? People bringing more gifts to seem charitable? Either way, I think you ignore it. Often times we pass over written items like that. Or maybe a spouse told the other about the celebration but not the "no gifts" You wouldnt want to damage a relationship over a mistake.
  5. You dont have just text messages either, you have all of your email messages that go to your phone now. Callender reminders..etc... Your phone is literally making sounds all day. I normally will take a peek at what came through, then put it back away unless urgent.
  6. What a great article. I think we are losing alot through text. I myself LOVE to text for simple items, not discussions. If it is something that cannot be communicated within One to Two texts with only using "yes/no" questions, I call the person. Or go and visit them if you need to. That being said, I still text alot. Maybe I could cut down more. But unfortunately texting isnt going anywhere. Thanks for the post!
  7. We already know that there are good people that do extroardinary things and have no faith. Removing the knowledge of God would do nothing to deter that. We are all born with the light of Christ within us, or as some like to say, your concience. You may think that faith is doing something blindly, but what about investigating and receiving heavenly answers to prayers? Then is it really blindly? If I pray to Heavenly Father if I should help someone (to keep it simple) and receive an asnwer through the Holy Ghost, then I do what what the answer was (in this case, to help someone) is it truely through faith alone? Or am I now acting on knowledge from the Holy Ghost based on the faith that God would answer my prayers? Faith isnt always leaping into the air hoping that something catches you. You can have true faith and still know for a surety. Our purpose on earth is not solely to be judged. The plan of happiness is fulfilled by being judged (hopefully judged being righteous), but prior to that you receive your body, we make covenants and receive promissed blessings, we beciome resuected to receive a perfect immortal body(that everyone receives regardless of actions), then we are judged to receive our glory.
  8. Loved it. They mixed good humor into it as well. Ever notice how most of the best money making films seem to keep the smut out of their movies? Lord of the Rings, Star Wars... or maybe these are just my favorite movies. I didnt particularly like Iron Man as much as the others. But this one tops them all.
  9. The dreaded question! :) President Hinkley once said in an interview on Larry King that we do not drink Caffeine. Other than that, I do not think there is an official church policy on soda. Do I? Yes I do. Although it is very, very moderate for me now. I wasnt obese or anything, I am a tall guy with a big frame, but I dropped like 15-20lbs on just not drinking sugary soda. Since January I have not had one sugary soda, and maybe 2 caffinated drinks. to her once, "you know, I can't say it was always so however. I used to pound Rickstars and Monster drinks like a man trapped in a desert that just found water. Our stake presidents daughter loves Dr Pepper, and he saidyou aren't going to have Dr Pepper in Heaven" and she replied " I know that dad, that is why I have to drink it while I am here." I thought that was funny. So do we? My answer would be like everything else not named in the Word of Wisdom. We do not need everything spelled out for us. Eat in moderation and eat good foods. I think if it is not right, it is just as bad as over eating, which we all do (at least now and then).
  10. Hello all. I normally read the news and comment on what I read about. I enjoy discussions, what can I say. However, being from Utah, the comment boards on news here has a lot of negative Mormon sentiment regardless if the story is about the LDS or not. It gets you down sometimes. You know, all of the haters with blanket statements. I also enjoy reading other articles about the church from other states and different views. Some well written and some not, but the comments on those boards are just as bad and more often than not, worse and poorly researched. I chose to try this out to converse with others that share my beleifs and not worry about the same antics we run into every where else in ours lives. To be uplifted and to know that although we may not agree with one another in politics and etc..., we know the core values of eachother and will stay respectful. So far, I have enjoyed reading others ideas and opinions.
  11. I am one of those out of the "norm" I dated my wife in high school. We had talked of things like marrahe before me leaving on my mission. I can't say we promissed anything, although we both thought it to be a great idea. We wrote eachother diligently. She dated a lot of people while I was gone and told me of only a few (the few I knew I didnt have to worry about) and that was for the best since I needed my head in the game. When I returned I had to shake off TWO very serious pursuers from her. One talking marrage. I fought for her. Why shouldnt you love before your mission? Even if chances are slim and there are not a huge percentage of people that actually make it, why not? As far as her telling you I love you, that is a hard one. A large part of building and maintaining a relationship involves great communication. It may seem scary, but maybe you should have a conversation with her if you really want to know where you are at and where you are headed. I wouldnt try to guess. Just do it in a place that she feels confortable and you both can leave if desired. When I tell people about my wife and me, I always get a lot of resposnes about how rare it is. Well, que sera sera, but that doesnt mean I just sat around hoping. Best of luck to you.
  12. Look up Rhett & Link. They are not commedians, but they are really funny. They have a daily show and other things. They keep it clean also, which is important to me.