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Everything posted by Princess3dward

  1. I.. as in ME, don't, until someone told me I did. That IS realism.I have VERY FEW LDS friends. I don't know what THEY talk about.. but I don't.
  2. We are taught the "paradise" is what the spirit world is.. if you arn't in spirit prision that is..
  3. Haha. I might get back into the habit before school starts.
  4. The thief on the cross was given a chance to learn it in the spirit world. He is not saved, but if we did his temple work, and if he accepted the gosple, he could be.
  5. Might that be better stated, "I" instead of "we"? I would guess that many people do notice/become distracted/talk about/etc. other ward member's dress. Am I wrong in that? Dr. T No, for the reason that we don't want them to feel inadiquate.
  6. Why would I do something like that?? I've been reading their lovely dialogue too - I think it's called flirting! I never flirt! We are practically the same, but with crappier cartoons!
  7. We don't focus on how people dress over spirituality. I know plenty of people totally comfortable dressing imodestly going to church. I understand the standards, so I know why they are there.
  8. OH! I am posting this to remind myself! My dad might know. He is really into geneology! I can't ask now, but I can ask when I get back and pm you if you still don't know?
  9. We don't know how long Gods days are! You know about cobolt?(sp?). Well, one day for them is 1000 years for is, therefore, we don't know how many earth days it took. ps. The closest planet to heaven..
  10. Why am I always for peoples amusement! Not even just here... EVERYWHERE! "I like just watching you. It's amusing." "I like hearing you argue with yourself. It's amusing." I am one intresting person to follow huh!
  11. P.C., WOuld you say that Jesus need salvation? Des, Jesus, as P.C. pointed out lived His life as a testimony/example of the proper life, etc. Dr. T So we need to be baptised!Our goal IS to be like him!
  12. How many of my wives should I listen to? I had to laugh. Just what do you take the word "anything" to mean? I hope the "Disco: elvis" was just a typo and not saying Elvis was disco.Thanks for the enjoyment. Dr. T Hahaha. You are welcome Dr. T!
  13. I'm not Ray, but can I try? Just out of respect. If you can get sunday wear, please wear it to church. That is for the people who are already members, and have no tatoos. Modesty is important. You mean, strongly encouraged you don't do... Where do you live that the LDS church there doesn't focus on God and Jesus? Our church is ALL ABOUT being like them. You are focusing on a problem of the church, and ignoring everything about God and Jesus, because you are blinded with problems dressing modestly. Jesus loves everyone equilly. We have never taught any different. He even loves the skanks... but that does not mean you should be one. We don't judge people. :) So I can go out and beak the law of chastity, but as long as I believe in him.. I am saved. I can kill a few people to!!!!No one has ever regretted keeping the commandments, and that is not as easy as, "Ya Jesus.. I know your there. Now I am saved. LDS does not believe salvation is that easy. It isn't about what you can and can not do!It is about prophets and Jesus' restored church and being sealed to your family for all time and eturnity! If that isn't for you, I am very sorry to hear that. If you have been learning about Joseph smith, and know he is a true prophet like you should be if you were thinking about converting, and KNOW he was a true prophet, why would you be hung up on a problem that doesn't even exist?
  14. Anything but country, rap, or pop... no heavy metal either. What about you?
  15. Nor can I. I am allowed. My father lets me... but I choose not to.
  16. I play the piano to (Since I was six). I used to be foreced to play, and then I begged to get back into lessons after I was taken out of them.
  17. we can date, but not "steady"... people do, but you always get blessed when you follow the standards, and I have a testimony of that one!!!!!!
  18. Ya. I heard that one before. I love it! Men should always listen to their wives!<3 Okay.. that one is funny!
  19. Do you know nothing about this church? We follow a prophet!
  20. "allowed"? We are forced to follow Gods standards? You are "allowed" to not follow them?