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Posts posted by JimmiGerman

  1. Well, he can't be the Clark Kent from Superman Returns, as that Clark Kent was an adulterous homewrecker.


    He also can't be the Clark Kent from Smallville, for similar reasons.


    He also can't be the Clark Kent from the first four Superman movies, because that Clark Kent was so lame... It is hard to imagine anyone in the real world saying something as corny as "I fight for truth, justice, and the American Way" with a straight face.


    Maybe he could be the Clark Kent from the old black and white Superman TV show?


    Sure he was a homewrecker. But that's the point. You can't be Superman without being a homewrecker on the other hand.  ... hippie4.gif

  2. I don't see the resemblance. 


    Also, I don't think that's actually Vort.


    Has your image some resemblance with you? I'm sure it has. Red haired ones...  Irish...? Can you step dance?  Let's forget about Vort, he's here in disguise. We all know he's Superman. But don't let's struggle. Let's sing this song, let's dance, it's New Year!!!


    If brown or red haired, if blonde or black, let's dance! Let's live a hippie dream!  hippie4.gif


  3. Vort is awesome and I love his posts. 


    But let's be clear-no one is cool as Superman/Clark Kent. 





    "no one is cool as Superman/Clark Kent" = Vort


    Hah! It's Vort! Ye wanna fool the children of the revolution, crocodile? hippie4.gif

  4. There's a great similarity between Vort's forum picture here and the image of Clark Kent. It's been torturing my mind from the beginnig he created his new forum picture here (after "Iron Man") till now, and my direct question would be: Are you Superman?


    photo-13319.jpg?_r=1398306758   (Vort's forum image)




    200px-Clarksupescompare.jpg    (His - maybe - real person)

  5. I work as an Information Technology Service Desk Technician/Analyst.  Internet Explorer by default seems to have a lot of security settings that block safe websites or features of websites.  I usually get a few calls a day on problems with Internet Explorer caused by either the Internet Explorer software defects or security settings.


    I mainly use Mozilla Firefox version 30, Opera version 26, or the Safari if I am using an iPad.  I try not to use Internet Explorer as I really do not like it.


    Edit: The company I work with uses Internet Explorer version 9.



    Ever tried Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) or the latest LTS version 14.04 (Trusty Tahr)? Open source software, "LTS" means "long time support" for five years. Never have had any problems by using Firefox web browser (Ubuntu version) or Chromium (downloaded from the Ubuntu software pool) or with the system software at all. No bugs. No anti virus software necessary. The best system software / operating system I know. I've not used Windows for years now, after it crashed down by a virus and I couldn't restore the system again. I've said good bye to Windows without any tears in my eyes.  smiley-eatdrink062.gif



  6. I do. It just doesn't make sense for the Lord to take the earth and roll it up as one would roll up a scroll, or as one would when they are, say, molding dough into the form of a stick.

    I imagine he would also violate a law of nature if he substantially changed the physical shape of the Earth.


    What makes a lunar man worry about the Earth?  Is the Moon out of the 7th house? Is this not the dawning of the age of Aquarius?  hippie4.gif 



  7. I want to understand the reasoning and "why" the LDS church would need to excommunicate a member. I understand if you commit murder or adultery  but why is it necessary to revoke their membership number? and exactly what else does it entail when someone is excommunicated?


    When you're acting and agitating against the church and make others unsure in their faith and, thus, bring them away from their faith, then you might be excommunicated, if -at last- you won't return and give up your undertakings and ignore the warnings the church has sent to you. The ultima ratio - the last resort.


    It's not alone for the sake of the institution, but for the sake of the members of the church.

  8. I've been an Lds member for most of my life. My father has stopped going though but my Grandfather is a great support. I look forward to the things I see on these newly found Lds Sites



    Your forum name sounds a bit mysterious. To be honest, I'm a little bit scared. It remembers me to the Flying Dutchman who suddenly appears out of the fog. This is no sailor's yam, and maybe it sounds superstitious, but I'm from a port town, and we believe in such things here.  smiley-shocked011.gif


    By the way... as far as I know, the correct spelling of the name of the church is "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" (instead of Latter Day).  Anchor's aweigh! 

  9. Hi!! I've been a member of the LDS churchmy entire life and I recenly started an LDS instagram account.  Please go follow me on instagram for awesome quotes, funny memes, and other nice stuff!!!  @happy_lds_quotes



    Hi, happyLSD  hippie4.gif

  10. Can anyone suggest what the relationship might be between the stuff that emanates, on the one hand, from my light bulb, and the sun, and a fire, and, on the other hand, the stuff referred to in Doctrine and Covenants 88: 7-13? Are they different forms of the same thing? Are they completely different things that happen to use the same word - light- to describe them? Is the word we use for the stuff coming from my light bulb simply an analogy for the light referred to in the scriptures? Or is there some other answer? We have a guy in our stake with a Ph.D in physics, with a special interest in light, and he is not aware of any LDS or scientific studies that have considered this question, but the scriptures seem to suggest that there is a connection between these two types of light.



    A difficult question. But the idea of the light is possibly meant allegorically in the scriptures.

  11. (...)

    I am going to try and reactivate myself, which I understand will be a process in itself. I will need to fill my lamp back up with metaphorical oil.


    But handle with care, otherwise there could be a metaphorical steppe fire.   :)

  12. Sorbet, it's French, and we have the same word in German, i.e. Zitronensorbet,  lemon sorbet.  In French: sorbet citron or sorbet au citron. Bon appétit. (American) English has overtaken or integrated so many words from French, see here   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_French_expressions_in_English    ...so why not "sorbet", it works even with an English pronounciation, but we in Germany use the French pronounciation for French words, because otherwise you might have the same problem like Vort with "sure Bert" in a restaurant affronting the waiter... :)

  13. That's where they stand up and give an inspirational 20-minute lecture in Spanish on how they prepared the meal.


    I'm always a bit concerned when I see how much time it takes to prepare and to cook a good meal, and how fast it's finished then.

  14. You say it tastes best  the next day? Maybe I'll have to make it tomorrow in preparation for Christmas Eve so it can have a night in the fridge.


    Make it tomorrow in preparation for the next day and put in in the fridge. That's what I would recomment. You don't need red wine. You can, but it's not necessary to make it an excellent meal.


    The recipe I've found is essentially pickle, onion, mustard, bacon, salt, pepper, and beef.




    Just as I say. Gutes Gelingen, und einen schönen Weihnachtsabend mit einem tollen Essen!

  15. I'm glad it's actual German approved. :D


    Gern geschehen. One thing that seems important for me, if the receipt doesn't involve it:  in the middle of the Roulade belongs a stripe of a pickled gherkin, we call it Gewürzgurke, but only a stripe, in the way of a longside sliced quartered gherkin, and a stripe of bacon. And a good sharp mustard. It makes the taste fantastic. You know the Hamburgers and McDonald's? Of course. There is always some Gurkenslices on them. It makes the taste more delicate.  And the only spices used in the traditional German cuisine are: salt and pepper. See again McDonald's: they don't use anything else, except onions, and I think they also belong to the Rouladen. Once I was a store manager assistent at McDonald's here in Hamburg. At Gänsemarkt, the biggest store here, where thousands Hamburgers were sold a day. But I'm not so experienced in Rouladen as my mother and my grandmother once were, only what's in my memory.


    And another thing: tinned Rotkohl needs several hours before it really tastes, not fresh out of the tin. The best is when it becomes a bit dark red, oxidated, a little bit "durchgeschmort", you may say, then it's the best. When we had Grünkohl at the time of my youth, it always tasted the best the next day. It's the same with Sauerkraut or Weißkohl or Rotkohl. Fresh out of the glass or can - forget it. 

  16. . . . no one actually likes kale.





    . . . there has to be a better system for driving nails into something than to do so with some of your most nerve-rich body parts in the path of the hammer.




    Use both hands to hold the hammer.


    . . . redheads really ARE more feisty.



    Sure. Why else they are redheads?


    . . .procrastination really is an art, and I'm pretty close to perfecting it.



    Not only you.  smiley-eatdrink062.gif