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Posts posted by JimmiGerman

  1. I am fluent in Spanish (both my favorite and my Mission Language), The Army trained me in French, I can read and understand Brazilian Portuguese, read some Italian, and I am currently studying German for my son.  He assures me he is going to Germany on his Mission.

    My native language: American English


    Hmmm... I've heard the new Pope speaks even more languages...  but it seems to be all right.  smiley-eatdrink005.gif


    By the way, if your son is going to go to Germany on his mission, I would recommend better him to learn German instead of you.  Or will you accompany him as a translator? 




    "Ja, bitte?"


    Son: "Hallo, wir ha'm... ein frohn Botschaft... for Ihnen!"


    Father: "Entschuldigung, dass ich dazwischenrede, ich bin der Vater:  wir haben eine frohe Botschaft für Sie!"


                  ("Excuse me, that I interrupt, I am the father: we have a glad message for you!")


  2. I finally started learning German a week ago, something I have wanted to do for most of my life. Fun to see this familiar scripture rendered in German. Fwiw, I believe v. 6 is primarily in reference to v. 5, which sort of ties in to what you said.


    I'm not sure if v. 6 is only in reference to v. 5 - maybe it is in a primarily way, but I'm not absolutely sure. Verses 7 and 8 are undoubtliy in reference to each other. 


    May I ask you for your motivation to learn German?  French is your native language, as you once told here you came from the Côte d'Ivoir?  (As far as I remember)

  3. I think you all scared off AussieMatt in the process. So much for the horsen and the fast boats.


    He isn't scared off! You forgot about the sheep. And the night train from California. He still isn't out of the race. And if the cowboy will have some problems with  lame horsen, the Aussi will knock on your door tonight before the Texan will arrive. Only God knows what will happen then...  hippie4.gif


    PS... And let's all pray the Texan left his old .44 at home, as I've adviced him. But we all know what the Texans are like... h0307.gif


    Oooh, we all see the shape of things to come...! Dark clouds over Missouri...!  smiley-shocked011.gif



    To be continued.


    The most obvious to us would be the 1978 revelation to Spencer W. Kimball granting Priesthood blessings to all people, regardless of ancestral background. Wilford Woodruff's "Manifesto" would also qualify as such a revelation. Certainly Doctrine and Covenants Section 136, given by Brigham Young, and Section 138, given by Joseph F. Smith, qualify as the word of God to us.
    In my view, the day-to-day operation of the Church, including such things as the directing of missionary work, are all determined by divine revelation.




    For me -personally-  Section 131 Doctrine and Covenants is of fascinating importance:



    Es ist unmöglich, daß man in Unwissenheit errettet werden kann.


    So etwas wie unstoffliche Materie gibt es nicht. Aller Geist ist Materie, aber er ist feiner oder reiner und kann nur von reineren Augen erkannt werden;


    wir können ihn nicht sehen, aber wenn unser Körper einmal rein gemacht sein wird, werden wir sehen, daß Geist nichts anderes ist als Materie.


    I also believe we can't be redeemed in a status of unconciousness, without having experienced God in a concious way, even if it's only in a split of a second before we die. Matter exists in the whole universe, also dark matter, different from its atomic structure to the kind of matter we know, and dark matter makes approx. 90 percent of all matter in this universe, approved by gravitational effects that can't be otherwise declared, and spirit is some kind of matter, in a status we can't find an explanation for because it strikes the borders of our scientific knowledge and experience. Joseph Smith, the Mormon Prophet, was a hundred miles ahead with his assumptions and revelations in comparison with other Christian churches and their knowledge and their doctrine.

  5. I'm in Texas; that's a lot closer to Missouri than Australia...and I grew up on a farm  :D


    Take some good horsen and hurry up then! Don't waste any time, 'cause the Australian has a very fast boat and he'll certainly take some sheep with him, and he'll take a fast train from California.  Ahem... didn't she say that her father was not a farmer and she's a midwest accountant's daughter...? Anyway, you're in advantage, Texan! Leave your old .44 at home, just not to offend the Missourians, but don't forget your Stetson! Accountants' daughters adore cowboys! smiley-eatdrink062.gif


    The most obvious to us would be the 1978 revelation to Spencer W. Kimball granting Priesthood blessings to all people, regardless of ancestral background. Wilford Woodruff's "Manifesto" would also qualify as such a revelation. Certainly Doctrine and Covenants Section 136, given by Brigham Young, and Section 138, given by Joseph F. Smith, qualify as the word of God to us.
    In my view, the day-to-day operation of the Church, including such things as the directing of missionary work, are all determined by divine revelation.



    The 1978 revelation to Spencer W. Kimball was about granting Priesthood blessings to coloured people, official declaration / announcement 2,  Wilford Woodruff's revelation was about polygamy, official declaration / announcement 1, Oct. 1890. Brigham Young's revelation (Section 136) at Winter Quarters, Omaha-Nation,  1847, was about how to organize the Mormon exodus to the Salt Lake valley, and Joseph F. Smith's revelation, 1918 (Section 138), was about the Redeemer's appearance and the teachings of the Gospel in the Ghost World and how the teachings are organized there, where people resurrect the first time before the Judgement.


    I would agree with your assumption that the day-to-day operations, including directing of missionary work, are determined by divine revelation.

  7. Top of the Morning to you all,


    I just found this forum by searching far a way to contact the Church Translation Department.  I am a 20 year veteran, retiring next year. While this new transition takes place, I am seeking positions as a translator / interpreter or language instructor.  My father worked as a grounds keeper and custodian many years ago at the Mesa and Logan Temples and various meeting houses in Oregon and Arizona.  I want to follow his example by working for the Church, but, using my own special talent for language.   Is there anyone here that can help?


    Dave Davis


    I'd like to know which language or languages you speak, and which language is your native one. 


    Tóhaŋni waŋžíla iyápi iyóhi šni, yeló.  h0304.gif  One language is never enough, yelo.

  8. Maintenez la touche alt? Sur le pavé numérique?


    Mais oui.  hippie4.gif  Mais ce ne fontionne pas. J'ai un clavier allemand, et mon système d'exploitation est Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.

    Je presse "alt" et entre avec le code (0231). Pendant que je presse "alt".

    Zut alors. Je parle la langue du Quebec, mais ce n'est pas la langue du Paris. :( La cédille est ç ou alt-0231.


    O Canada, terre des nos aieux... lala-lalaaa, lalalalala-laaa   smiley-gen013.gif  Mais...  la cédille (alt-0231) ne fonctionne pas sur mon clavier... mer..! 



  10. But we don't know what he's looking for or how he's looking. 


    It seems to me like a lot of guys want Celestial Barbie to hunt them down while they sit on their hands (or game controllers) and wait.

    You're right. We have too less information about his undertakings and expectations. But from his words impatience is speaking. Based on your former suggestion I would say: Missouri is the promised land for him.
  11. The advice I gave my sons, 'be the person you want to meet'.



    Hmm... the person they want to meet should be like them, and they should be like the person they want to meet, who, as the same person they want to meet,  expects to meet a person that should be like herself or wants one of them to be like herself, because she is the same person like one of them, who wants to meet herself by being herself? Sounds like being on a LSD trip, hihihi.  hippie4.gif

  12. Maybe you two should meet. ;)


    The problem might be: he lives down under in Sidney, Australia, and she is a Missourian girl...  it's a long distance for a rendezvous, not just around the corner... he would need a fast boat and good horsen. Missouri, Missouri... hmm... and maybe she's a midwest farmer's daughter, and that wouldn't make things easier for him, if he doesn't much understand about farming. smiley-eatdrink062.gif

  13. I am 31 years old, single and seem to not be able to find someone to marry.


    Is it a case of trying harder, or, should I simply wait for the Lord to bless me with a wife?



    See it from the bright side: the Lord hasn't brought you under the command of a wife yet. By the way... perhaps God has no time for your request at the moment, and be sure He won't forget you, but you might have to wait another ten years. God acts in large temporal steps. Be patient.  hippie4.gif

  14. Or this one: "My father married a pure Cherokee, my mother's people were ashamed of me..."  As far as I know, she had an Armenian father, and her mother was American with Cherokee forefathers. I always found her songs great. Expecially this video shows that there's certainly nothing she'd have to be ashamed of... if ye know what I mean.  <_<