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Everything posted by orrinjelo

  1. Huh, did it on my first try. I got the same answer... 11.....10 7...8...9 6........5
  2. The problem is most people have no clue what the "separation of church and state" originally meant...our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves as we speak. The clause was written to keep the government from telling people what religion to belong to or to having a national religon. You have to remember the main reason people emigrated to this country in the 17th & 18th centuries...to avoid religous persecution. In Sweden alone you had to be a member of the national church. The separation of church and state was to keep the government out of running the church or having anything to do with it, or forcing people to be members of any given church. Not to stop people from praying or displaying their beliefs in a public place. If the liberals and the ACLU really believe that stopping my children from asking God to bless their food at lunch in school is a violation of the separation of church and state then they can send me all their evil money which states "in God we trust" Here, here, Br.!!!!!!!! *sigh* I'm afraid I'm on the softer skirts of the church--my view is there should be no censorship period. The only time I felt like censoring a book was after I had read "Jay's Journal" and had such a dark feeling afterwards (which is about REAL witchcraft, supposedly happened to an LDS kid who messed with the stuff). But now I still wouldn't censor the book.... Some of Orson Scott Card's books are pretty....how do you put it? Graphic? And bizarre. Kinda strange that he's LDS too. But still, I wouldn't censor that. With Harry Potter, the message isn't at all having to do with witchcraft; magic is the medium, just like in many fairy tales. The ultimate theme is good conquors evil (now I suppose I ruined the outcome fo the seventh book?? ) Now here is what is bad: Once I saw this in an elementry school's book order catalogue (Like Scholastic or something). The were selling a couple of Harry Potter books, then had a book of witchcraft they were selling right beside it, kinda like a value pack or something. I wish I had kept the picture of it. So stupid!!! Edit: Hehe, I suppose my avatar is really inappropriate for this topic and this forum. LOL I'll change it.