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Everything posted by orrinjelo

  1. Sorry if it was sounding like I was saying anyone who is over 20-something has something wrong with them, that was not what I was intending. I know why I'm not married yet, and it's not because I haven't met the right "someone."
  2. Meep. O_O My answer to the question is why not? Most likely, she will have the same goals as I do. I've done stupid things too so I have no right to judge her on her life before baptism.
  3. It is common for us to see someone in authority and place them on a pedestal. Just remember that they are just like us; they will have their faults and they are sinners too. God calls us to our various positions because he knows us, never because we are more perfect than someone else.
  4. I'd say in my situation, the opposite has happened. We had a really good YSA program in the traditional stake. I go off on a mission and return, and the whole program has fallen apart! I went about a year just living life and I really didn't know any of the single adults in my area that whole time. A lot of them were off at college. The ward had new YSA leaders who never taught class, all the YSAs at home had callings, so they never saw each other on Sundays. Stake activities were twice a year, ward activities were once a month (if I could make them). I felt like I didn't know anyone from my area, so I visited the college ward. At first, the ward was amazing. Right now, it is all right, but I still attend for the social aspect. I'd say visit the ward once a month, get to know people and the ward, then compare wards and evaluate your situation and goals.
  5. NERD....Nevewski's Especial Recruit Dominant? Nobody Everyone Really Despises? Nurf's Eager Retro Dart?
  6. Hello Friends, I know I have been away for a while and haven't been too active on these forums. In fact, as I just now came back to visit, I realized everything was different. I was aware that the forums and site were changing, but when I checked today, I was amazed at all the new faces and features. I feel so alienated now. So here is my tabula rasa on these forums. My name is Orrin Jelo (not really, but you get the idea) from Utah. I am going to Utah Valley University, studying physics, although I am a professional bum. I am good with computers--familiar with many aspects including hardware, Linux, Windows, 3d modeling, audio editing, programming in C/C++, graphics, and much more. (In fact, if you want me to build a computer for you, feel free to contact me!) I am learning guitar. I like to read and write--I've got about 100 pages of a rough draft of a novel sitting on my hard drive (someday I will get to work on finishing it). I am a sci-fi fan. I watch Lost, Fringe, Battlestar Galactica, Sanctuary, Heroes...that kind of stuff (also some anime like FMA and Serial Experiments Lain). I am a fan of U2, Coldplay, Pink Floyd, Styx, Matchbox 20, and more. As that is all I can think of without posting something like my entire curriculum vitae, I think I will stop and explore the site a bit more. I'm feeling lost. Oh yeah, I just recently turned 24 and and very much single. I must be ugly or have a very repulsive personality.* ------------------------ * Just kidding. Except on the 24 and single.
  7. How many posts do I have??? Edit: I just passed 123 not too long ago...
  8. I am an independent. No party. None. Now don't get messed up with "Democrats support this evil thing" or "Republicans support this evil thing" because that is NOT part of a party's declaration. I view democrats as begin more pro-choice, where republicans are more for-the-greater-good. I vote for the candidate and not the party. As for voting for a candidate, I don't think you can label anyone as an evil or good person--they are all gray areas. I think yes, you will be accountable for your actions, but as with all gray-area decisions, you need to make one and live with it, or not make the decision and live with the consequences of that.
  9. Hey, it's me again. Wow, I've never been troubled with an issue as much as this one. Let me give you the quick story: I don't understand WHY it would be bad if prop. 8 failed. I am pro-choice and consider myself an independent in politics. Now, I know the Church's stand, but if I am to agree with the Church, I need to know why and have my own reasons. I've got a few starter questions: How is proposition 8 not refusing these people their rights? Is civil union still in effect? Is civil union in this case the same as marriage (in the eyes of the government)? Can you verify this?: "First of all, the failure to pass Proposition 8 will "inevitably lead to conflicts with religious liberty and free speech rights. Society will become more and more hostile to traditional beliefs about marriage and family." (Preserving the Divine Institution of Marriage) "If same-gender attraction is legalized, pastors, ministers, bishops, and others who refuse to perform these marriages in their churches will face the possibility of discrimination charges. Churches will no longer be tax-exempt if they do not comply with this law. Religious liberty and religious rights will be devastatingly affected in the long-term if same-gender marriage is legalized to immediately appease liberal attention in the short-term."
  10. I thought the older movies were crap. Yeah. I liked Batman Begins, however. Just hoping this is the same.
  11. Did I hear my name? >.> <.< Anyway, the story behind Orangejello and Lemonjelo are only urban myths. As far as I know, they don't exist.
  12. I guess I'm not pretty enough to get these....
  13. So what makes it very close to R? Just they scary parts? Violence? I'd prefer psychological horrors (although horror in general always has some psychological part anyway--that is, I am not fond of any blood-guts-and-gore stuff like Saw)--like if you know Serial Experiments Lain, that is sometimes just eerie like all cyberpunks are.
  14. So it's a really cool feature for Firefox--you submit your interests, and it will pull up random pages it thinks you would be interested in. So here's a problem that I encountered on another forum. Remember the Eat the Cake game? I started that on this other forum. It turned out to be a success...actually, a huge success, that someone thought it would be clever to submit it to SU. UruObsession (the forum) suddenly has tons of new members that are signing up just to play the game! Not only that, but most of these new members are coming in, posting explicit stuff in their posts in a family-friendly forum. (Poor mods, putting up with ad bots, and now this.) Sure, we would welcome visitors and new members, but if it's drawing the wrong crowd for the wrong reasons (not for Uru), it's really not as fun anymore.
  15. Okay. If I ever enter into drawings, and I do win, I always know beforehand (~5 minutes beforehand) that I will win. It works with games, too, sometimes. I was playing some kind of chance game and I declared I was going to win, although the odds were against me winning. I knew. And I won. There was something that was very recent which I can't remember right now... Otherwise, I have to play according to Murphy's law. And that the most probable outcome will happen most. But Murphy's law always seems to hit the nail.
  16. Heh. I dunno. I'm at least happied to find this site. Er, lds.net or former ldstalk.com, I mean. As a YSA, I kept looking for an LDS Youth networking site, and everytime I did, it decayed into a yucky mess of...well, let's not go into gruesome details, it became obviously below standards. *sigh* At first look, it doesn't look like much, but it doesn't look bad either. It's just I like to stick to one forum. One Uru forum, one anime, one LDS, so on.
  17. It's starting to look that way for me. Geez, I just want to have fun for a couple years! I don't have to get married right this second! *sigh*
  18. I was using my Stumble! in StumbleUpon, and came across this site: Rational Christianity It's not often that I come across something like this that really draws my attention. The overall message it gives is that Christian youth all over the country are falling away because they can't stand up to the "rational" arguments of those who do not believe in God--and we must help these youth construct a sort-of rational basis in order to defend their faith. Also in the Church, we see several of our young adults going inactive about this time because of different reasons--either they don't feel the support of friends and colleges or they haven't received a strong enough witness of God, Christ, the Church, etc. Now, I don't think just arming our youth with some "rational thought" will help them in the least. They need that spiritual experience to give them a strong enough testimony, and then that will construct the rationality of it all. No, it may not sound rational, but -I KNOW.- I felt His Spirit. He told me the scriptures are true. He IS there. I know it. We're not the only people that can get these revelations. You have to admit, there is something significant between the person that believes in God and knows there is a God, and one that doesn't believe. Anyway, look the site over, what do you think?
  19. Gee, that thread topic kinda worried me...
  20. Hmm. I've been called a blankity-blank Mormon far too much....no one ever says blankity-blank LDS. And I never heard anyone say a restorationist. LDS.
  21. Hey, if I were in the Mesa area, I could tell ya. Or...maybe not...<.< I don't even know much of what's going on around here....
  22. I've read the first five or so. Very entertaining, but then about half-way through the series, it just felt weird when I read, and I quit--ya know, like if you read any of Orson Scott Card's weird books or stories (ooh, like Treason!!!), it's just...weird. You get that weird feeling and you're not sure if you can function in society like everyone else...er, yeah. But yes, reading this series is good!
  23. Got it!!! Halfway through now. Got a question for ya--how would Eddie smell? And how would Bella smell? While I was reading, in my mind I imagined Eddie smelled like the "new" smell (ya know, new car, new shoes, new leather jacket smell) and Bella smelled like honey and cinnamon. However, seeing I am neither vampire nor womanly, I bet I am pretty far off of what anyone else is thinking...
  24. Gospel of Thomas... If you ever get a hold of it, look for the Hymn of the Pearl, it's amazing!!! From what I understand, the GoT is considered not cannon, but can have value when read with the spirit of discernment.
  25. Flyleaf! I just came across them. New fav group!