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Everything posted by NeedleinA

  1. Very interesting. OSHA (Occupational Health and Safety Administration) said: Every employee who was/is required to get the jab should be aware of this.
  2. We had one of our ward woke 'therapist'* get up and cry/tell the entire ward that she didn't feel church was a safe place, basically putting everyone on notice. To top it off, she waited to be the last person so no one else could comment. Times when I'm grateful I'm not in the Bishopric. But hey, at least it wasn't about Rush. *actual paid therapist. If someone has to pay her for advice about life, I can only imagine the advice they get.
  3. This didn't take long: Thank you all for your comments by the way.
  4. Imagine being the Mayor of New York, the largest city in the United States of America, and trying to convenience people to inject themselves for a free side order of fries.
  5. I have no doubt that there are lawyers on the sideline waiting to represent individuals who refused the jab and lost their jobs as a result of it. Sounds like it is time to get into the Vaccine ID/passport forgery business. Hot market😉
  6. The people who wanted the vaccine got the vaccine. Using bribery/lotteries to get us to do it isn't going to work. Using threats of "no jab, no job" isn't going to do it. Using threats of "no jab, no _______": school, flying, dating, etc. isn't going to work either. The Govt. can't give this stuff away any longer, that should be their clue to leave us alone now. The more anyone pushes at this point, the more I'm digging my heals in and they are turning a "wait and see" person like myself into a hostile leave me alone person. This image has been circulating. It is reportedly to be from the upcoming Friend magazine. I can't verify it. I will happily delete it if it is not from the Friend.
  7. So, what do you think... should Colonial have paid the $5 million in ransom to the hackers of the east coast pipeline? Should hospitals who get ransomware do the same? Somali pirates? Hostage takers? What would be better in the long run? Feed the beast now, only to condition it to repeat the same behavior again?
  8. @Carborendum Sorry to hear about your experience, some people flat out suck. While it may not have recorded the conversations, Sam club will definitely have cameras that recorded your experience there. I won't be shy about talking to someone in actual authority at the store... everyone there has a boss.
  9. The speaker could have easily added a clarifying statement to her comments - one that could have changed the tone of having her on stage to begin with. One that could have even given hope to individuals in her shoes. Something like..."While I do experience feelings of same sex attraction*, I married my husband several years ago. We have a great life and I love him dearly**". Omitted by accident OR design? I suspect the latter. Why not share how you have moved beyond your struggle and not let it constantly become your identity? * She explains in a North Star bio. ** She shares her marriage with her husband on her FB page.
  10. Yes, yes and yes. Bingo. "Perverted" is absolutely correct, to the point that people don't even know up from down any longer as if they were in a mist of darkness. I don't really care what the 'struggle' is, I just want people, especially "LDS" members who should know better, to: 1. Stop trying to normalize their struggles 2. Stop trying to demand that I, my family, other church members and society in general accept and embrace their struggles or we are some kind of "phobe".
  11. I figured it was so a Covid mask fit on more securely?? brilliant beard = check! magnificent mane = check, check! Pre-covid NT...
  12. Wait, wait, wait! This is a pic of some dude in the UK not Colorado. Either @NeuroTypical is actually in the UK OR we've been all been duped... again.
  13. Gallup Poll - 2/24/21 QUESTION: I know what some Church leaders think, but I wonder what you think... is this self-identification a learned behavior, perpetuated by people trying to 'normalize' it OR is God simply sending more non-heterosexual individuals to earth in these latter generations? SIDE NOTE: Currently Gallup says 1 in 6 adults of Generation Z identify as LGBT now. If it is a learned behavior, what will the percentage be of LGBT for Generation Alpha, Beta, etc. at this pace? If it is a learned behavior, what happens to the LDS % of LGBT every time someone in authority in the Church tries to cast it in a positive light or normalize it?
  14. I agree. I've wondered why is it 'cool'? Best I can think of is it transports me back to a childhood: no responsibilities, carefree, zero stress and worries, adventure, fantasy, excitement. Basically... all things I pretty much lack as an adult. Being a responsible adult sucks at times.
  15. More FREE MONEY from the govt'! Hooray we are all rich. I'm fairly active on Ebay (vintage toy collectibles). Every time govt. money gets pushed out, toys sales sky rocket. Now that I don't have to pay a single penny in taxes any longer I will complete my Voltron and ThunderCats collections. Gracias Presidente!
  16. Blowing the impressionable and confused young minds of the Church right along with it. Luckily for us at least woke members of the Church aren't blowing right along with culture. Oh wait. They are. Never mind. Cute. Why was the Sister even brought on stage to share 'her story' if not to fight off intolerance in the Church. @JohnsonJones (won't link?) said: Sounds a little like "intolerance" to me.
  17. Thank you. Your response was incredibly insightful. You, my friend, just showed all of us what 'true' Christlike empathy and understanding is all about.
  18. A somber warning given by Elder Quentin L. Cook back in 2008 as the Church actively fought to keep marriage between a man and a woman - only. Welcome to 2021 my friends. A time where members of the Church, a mere 13 years later, now label other members of Church who don't cater to the LGBTQ community as being intolerant, behind the times and unloving to all of "God's children".
  19. Yes. Though participating in a "BYU" Women's Conference the guest is on stage with the entire RS Gen. Presidency, and by association endorsed by them 'all'. So, it is beyond the point of what was BYU thinking, but rather... what was the RSGP thinking? No really... what were they thinking? They could have brought any of the other 30,000 YW presidents from around the world, BUT they specifically brought her there like some kind of show pony because she is "Queer". She didn't say anything about hoping to overcome her queerness with the help and strength in the Lord, rather she wore it like a badge while the other two just stood there and one gave her praise. Unfortunately, this was like watching the RSGP give Caitlyn Jenner the Arthur Ashe Courage award. I'm saddened by their actions and troubled by the direction I'm afraid some individuals in the Church think we should go. I'm saddened by members who feel they need to push our leaders to go this direction. I feel like I've crossed a moment where I can still be a "Fidei Defensor" but I don't have to agree with the actions of some leaders, especially from those who don't hold any priesthood keys for the actual Church itself.