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Everything posted by Marsha

  1. ahhh come on serapha, let it go. Even the best of us have been either banned or put on moderated status.
  2. Marsha


    Starsky, IT IS against the rules here to post PM's or I would do that to "remind" you of yours to me. Anyway, the admin has a copy of it and that is good enough for me. Both you and Jets have so much in common I understand why you stick up for one another. Anyway, this is my last post to you as I have asked that you not contact me and get on with your own life, such as it is. Lets see who has the integrity to drop it. I am finished, hoping that you are too. Good luck to you in the future. Marsha
  3. Marsha


    Starsky,Please don't flatter yourself. I am not obsessed with you or anyone else for that matter. I was banned for one reason because you and I don't see eye to eye. That is one thing that I think we can agree on. I have posted here under Marsha since the beginning, which is more than I can say for you. How many times have you changed your name to try and come back under some sort of disguise? Even as a moderator you did that. If I remember right I was recently threatened in a PM by you that you would not stop until I was banned again. Well, sorry I have broken no rules here and don't intend to. Now back to your corner and do your thing and once again, please leave me alone. I mearly asked why this post was in the GOSPEL group. You felt the need to continue on and on and on. Thank You Marsha
  4. Because my dear, you are both unique. Wouldn't want a world full of Snow's and Mrs. Snows.
  5. Marsha


    Why, because he's a Christian not Mormon farmer? Or because you've nothing better to do with your invaluable God given time than help the moderators categorize messages? And your point is? Nothing personal Marsha but I think his point was that he thinks "you've nothing better to do with your invaluable God given time than help the moderators categorize messages." Not that that's what I think but his opinion was clear enough. ummmmmmmm Yeah I knew that. Guess that my time is as valuable as the next persons. Just call it relaxation time. Besides, Starsky was a moderator and I just was wondering why she would put the post under Gospel discussions. Marsha
  6. Marsha


    Why, because he's a Christian not Mormon farmer? Or because you've nothing better to do with your invaluable God given time than help the moderators categorize messages? And your point is?
  7. Marsha


    Shouldn't this be under the General Discussion board? Marsha *** Now it is. Thanks.
  8. ummmmmmm I see a cat and husband...guess they already got rid of the dog?
  9. Oh I dont know about that... Most people want to know who is doing the moderating. Well, some of us anyway. Snow: I'm a thinking that she doesn't know the answer, so maybe one of the real moderators can answer? Marsha
  10. ahhhhhh well, doesn't take a rocket scientist.
  11. UMMMMMM YES, I know he has. But if you go to your "my assistant" and click on the moderating team, under administration you will see a "new" person named MODERATOR. That is what I was asking. In my initial question I did say "admin staff" not moderator staff. Thanks anyway, just wanted to clarify what I was asking, not what is already under moderators, which consist of Jenda and Proud Duck.
  12. I see there is a new member of the admin "staff" - Moderator. Wondering who this is?
  13. Oh boy if you believe that of Winnie you really haven't read much on this board. Winnie is one of the strongest women that I have had the pleasure of knowing. And looking for "handouts?" That one is funny. Not Winnie. But if you need a "hand UP" she is the first one there.Maybe you should go back and read some of her posts and insight about things. I am thinking you could learn a bunch from them. Marsha
  14. Oh Lindy, I am so sorry to hear this. Doesn't make it any easier with your son just going in either. The family is in my prayers this evening, as well as all of our service men/women are. Please let me know if I can do anything to help out. Love Marsha
  15. City of Redlands, California E-Mail: [email protected] KARL N. "KASEY" HAWS - Mayor Address: 35 Cajon Street, Suite, 200 Redlands, CA 92373 Mailing: P.O. Box 3005 Redlands, CA 92373-1505 Telephone (office): (909) 798-7533 Fax: (909) 798-7535 IS he still he mayor? As of early 2003 he was.
  16. Maybe because too many threads are being closed? How can you have a forum if you close all the threads? Just curious
  17. It is my understanding that there are some LDS members that OWN casino's in Vegas. Wonder if they tithe on that increase?
  18. and I am on Mod status for LESS. Where is justice anyway?This is an honest question. Please answer
  19. Scott,For what it is worth, I agree with you on this one. Glad to see that I am not the only one to see Peace as she is. Marsha
  20. awwwwwwwww Snow, nobody has questioned the red hot shoes/feet in yours.
  21. AS, I don't have an answer for that question. I often have had the same feelings in which I received no answers. Sorry. Marsha Bingo. Hence the reason why I respect you, least right now until you start disagreeing with me Thank you for your honesty. AS, Thanks for the respect. However, I don't think that anyone can answer that question. Scriptures can be pasted here all day long. There is a scripture for every aspect of life - and death for that matter. Guess that is one question that we'll have to ask the Lord when we see him. Marsha
  22. What exactly is in the exhibit? Are there any of the actual scrolls or just pictures? Is this a traveling exhibit? I've always thought the DSSs were fascinating. As I understand it, and you know my understanding it a wide as the eternities and as bright as the promise of a new day, the exhibit or at least part of the exhibit is a BYU reproduction of the scrolls. I am told that the reproductions are very good. BYU has scholars on the translating team and DNA project and are seriously involved. Parry, who is speaking, is on the international team of editors of the DSS. He works with Frank Cross, the famous Harvard guy on the Samuel scrolls from cave 4 at Qumran. Although small fragments travel around in museum shows (I saw one at the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana) the scrolls themselves are locked down tight in the University in Israel. Bug, you may have seen the reproductions at BYU. Hmmmmm. There was a display, actually a whole floor of the scrolls in Grand Rapids about a year and a half ago. It took up the whole floor. If these were reproductions, I'll eat my hat. It is a very interesting display.
  23. If that would be the case, I'd be the first in line to pull the handle at the electric chair. No one has a right to do that to another human being. AS. Tell me how that isn't doing the same thing? Murder is Murder. Doesn't matter whether it is a "handle" on an electric chair to pull or a "trigger" on a gun. Just my 2 cents worth. Marsha Ok. But you didn't address the question. How can a Kind, Loving, and Merciful god create the monster that murdered that child? AS, I don't have an answer for that question. I often have had the same feelings in which I received no answers. Sorry. Marsha
  24. If that would be the case, I'd be the first in line to pull the handle at the electric chair. No one has a right to do that to another human being. AS.Tell me how that isn't doing the same thing? Murder is Murder. Doesn't matter whether it is a "handle" on an electric chair to pull or a "trigger" on a gun. Just my 2 cents worth. Marsha