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Posts posted by pwrfrk

  1. What I have seen is, as I said in the OP, cops I know that are LDS, are willing to set church standards aside, and truthfully, to be bullies.  I know of a man that was prosecuted for molesting his daughter.  Problem is, even she said it never happened.  Not just him, but her.  She even provided a letter to the court saying that none of it ever happened.  The judge even refused him the right to appeal.  The detective, LDS, though I'm uncertain if he's an elder or not.  The prosecutor, an elder.  The assistant prosecutor, an elder.  The judge, a high priest.  They have a history of abusing non-Mormons and Mormons alike.   This is why I labeled immorality and unethical conduct. 

    I my nearly 50 years of living, this is not the first time I have seen this, nor will it be the last.  When I see how people that hold such positions are so willing to behave like this, to perform their duties/jobs/functions like this,  and no I'm not saying ALL were cops, but some are, and yes some are even doctors, and the damage they do, the lives destroyed, and no matter what I do know about them, I will never ever EVER understand why.

    Because when they "return to the fold", they're gonna have to repent for their many sins, like we all have and do.  And to me, you just cannot go and say "Hey, God, you know, I was trying my best to be a good boy, will you forgive me of ll of my sins?" without going to those you have harmed, and asking them for forgiveness.  Uh, like dude, HOW is that supposed to happen?  You are somehow gonna go to this guy you put away 20 to life for a crime he swears he didn't commit, and you're gonna say "Hi there, my friend!  How are you?"  -enter brief mediochre conversation- "Say, you know I realize we havn't exactly liked each other, I mean you know I put you away for 20 to life and all, but would you forgive me?"  What does the prisoner say?  "Oh gosh!  Suuuure!  I love you my brother!  I'll do it in a heart beat!" acting timid while blushing?  How does compensation for damages come about?  We're not talking one or two people.  We're talking a lot more than that.  Bearing false witness, lying, ignoring testimony, depriving of their rights under law...?  What happened to the Articles of Faith, here?

    When these guys put the church aside, they are still going every Sunday.  They still partake of sacrament.  And last I knew the judge and prosecutor also have their temple recommends.  And to answer a question I think the cops here are ready to ask, no.  I do not have any cases pending now or have had in the past with this trio.

    I have experienced this kind of abuse, but not by them.

    We have good people and bad people, everywhere we go.  But this, how some members are capable of this, they do this, and it's almost like it's ok, because of who they are...?

    It was because of people like that that I walked away from the church 20+ years ago. 


    I am on my way back to the church, I made it clear to my bishop I'm coming back, I know what my errors were and I repented for them.  But to say that my disgust for the likes of these guys no longer exists would be a lie.  I jut wish that there was attention paid to members like these guys by bishopric/stake presidency/area authorities.  It's not right. 

    And no, I won't provide case #'s.

  2. Is it morally or ethically permissible for anyone baptized in the church to set aside the gospel and conduct expected of Mormons so they can "keep" their career?

    I have seen this with a few cops I know, they said they set aside the church and church standards so they can keep their jobs.  I feel that if they-be it doctors, lawyers, cops and politicians, too-set aside their standards so they can do their job, then it is conduct unbecoming a priesthood holder.

    I reflect on it like this- when you do wrong to someone, it is worthless to ask God to forgive you until you have asked the person you wronged to forgive you.  Then, if when you wronged them there were damages, you must compensate them accordingly.  Then, and only then, will you be forgiven.

    What would the expected standards be?  Is it morally acceptable to set aside God for a job?  What about when you retire and return to the church?  Do you somehow have a special prayer to say so God will forgive you, even though your victims don't have to?  

    To me there is nothing else about setting the church aside for a career could mean, but the commission of immoral and unethical conduct.  What else could there be?  Does that make it any mor right if no one is harmed and it's just immoral or unethical conduct?

  3. 5 hours ago, Vort said:

    My understanding is as follows:


    In any case, if you had knowledge of a stake president acting in an unworthy manner such as being adulterous, you could contact Church headquarters in Salt Lake and talk to any General Authority. I would think such a condition would be exceedingly rare.

    Hmmm.  That was the #1 reason why I parted from the church 20+ years ago.  Had such a problem with stake pres, went to area authority, was told to keep my nose out of it.  So I wrote SLC and told them I was leaving and why.  A few months later I was disfellowshipped for conduct unbecoming a priesthood holder.  Seems the church didn't approve of my marriage, though it was 100% legal.  Never asked to see the marriage license either. 

    As I learned, unless the SP is banging your wife, keep your nose out of it, or else.

  4. On 6/22/2018 at 5:33 PM, solsolaire said:

    LDS member here...moved to UT on the 17th of June (2018)...and I am kinda in shock at the level of disrespect I receive...awkward stares...people telling me to cut my church I was listening to someone speak and he happened to mention how only losers have long hair. My grandma is 100% Choctaw and my grandpa half on my dad side of the family. Kept my hair long out of respect for my ancestors and seems these days its common hairs style so I just don't understand how a supposed christian people can be so judgmental about appearances and make wholesale assumptions about people solely based on how they look.   

    Welcome to Utah.  I dunno.  You must have done something else.  To be here that short of time frame and have that many problems?  I dunno.

    Don't worry about people judging you.  If anything they are judging themselves to Jesus. 

  5. On 6/21/2018 at 7:55 AM, Carborendum said:

    Well, it isn't what this person thinks of me that is bothering me.  Consider the metaphor I stated above about Home Depot.

    See, she was blaming me for knocking down the end cap display because I'm the one who is dragging this big-ol'-cart through the store.  So, obviously, I'm the one who did it.  After I got done explaining that I never even touched the display, she finally backed off. 

    But the problem was that, in the process, she pointed out that I was dropping dirt all over the store.  And that is something I was in reality responsible for.  The fact she pointed it out was what finally linked in my mind with her.  So, now I'm stuck trying to figure out how to do my job without dropping the dirt all over the place.  And honestly, I don't see how.

    And so she is now losing faith in...what...over what?!?!?!?!   Man!  Dude, I can not even begin to express the confusion I have here, those kind of acronyms are prohibited!

  6. You guys have next week to go see it.  It's pretty good!  The story line is old, however I enjoy watching the actors & their work.  Some of their costumes are pretty cool!

    And if you do go, make sure you stop by Angie & Fred's Chocolate Covered Strawberry booth!  Man, those are tasty!  And healthy!


  7. On 6/13/2018 at 1:00 PM, anatess2 said:

    Oh my goodness, where to start.  If you loved IV-V-VI, you can't possibly love VIII.  We built the entire Star Wars universe over Luke Skywalker - layers added on to his character from the whiny teen-ager of IV to the greatest Jedi in VI.  They held us in great suspense in VII getting the fandom into a frenzy... and he throws away his lightsaber and got beaten by an untrained wanna-be-Jedi like a crazy old man all in one episode.  

    And that's just the beginning...

    Perhaps it's because we're older and have higher expectations of juvenile-oriented sci-fi to fit our now-adult mental framework...?

  8. 1 hour ago, MormonGator said:

     I admire people like @Rob Osborn who do use their real name. It's harder to be a jerk/troll if everyone knows who you really are. 

    Granted, this case is different. 

    Honestly?  In some forums, yes, that IS ideal.  Like when you're looking for someone to purchase automatic weapons from, or find a cruise ship to hi-jack....

    ...All in sarcasm, of course.

  9. 2 hours ago, Overwatch said:

    I disagree fair lady. My wife IS my best friend and NO ONE can replace her.

    Please extend my condolences to her for me, then.  🤣

    Seriously, if you have a good, close relationship with the Bishop, that's just fine.  Even if he's your "best friend".  Bishops have friends, too, you know.  So long as it's not sexual and so long as both of you know where the boundary is and respect it.  Chad, I think that if anything you and the Bishop need to sit and talk about this.

    Lost Boy, BTDT.  I still have you in my prayers, because bro I know what that's like.  Mine...I was trying to keep my wife happy, not understanding that she was facing a lot of depression.  It was a mess.  No divorce though, turned out her first divorce wasn't valid.  That sucked.  Especially since she was my first wife and I was husband #4.  😑




  10. Carborendum, bro, you need a beer.  Seriously.  You do. 

    Get a beer and kick back.  Just relax.  Because someone doesn't like something about you they decide to hold you accountable for who knows what, blame you, hell they just may blame your hair cut for all we know, but they don't want the responsibility of managing their own crap.  So much easier to blame you.

    So go have a beer and get over it.  It's not your fault.  You don't run their lives nor telling them how to.  You ain't her daddy.

  11. What I see is DPRK wanting to be accepted and recognized as a sovereign nation.  I cannot explain the way they treat their people, but I think the whole thing could change for the better if we recognized and accept DPRK as a sovereign nation.  Who knows what Kim Song Il's other problems are.

    As for nukes, I think we need more countries armed.  I think the US is playing as the playground bully.  That's my ball and I want you to play my game!  Or I'm taking my ball home!"  We were never appointed or hired as any kind of global leadership.  We're just another country on the globe.

  12. I see a possible misunderstanding here, just not sure if it's me or you. 

    When you are saying emotional bond and emotional affair, come on.  Cut to the chase already- do you mean she's having a sexual affair?

    If we're talking sexual, you bet the stake president better be brought into this matter.

  13. I've eaten at several different Hooters, and the quality of food and wait staff reflects on the skill level of the management.  FWIW.

    I have worked at a liquor store before, and it's not for me to decide what other people do with their lives.  Am I condoning the sin?  Well, hate the sin but love the sinner, is my understanding.  I really don't care if they drink, though the three biggest customers we had was the Mormons, Catholics and migrant workers.

    But talking about the WoW....I find it ironically hilarious that a convenience store is not open on Sundays, keeping the Hole Day Holy.  However, they sell chew, smokes, booze, condoms and porn.  Well, if you're willing to forego the profit of weekend customers by being closed on a Sunday, then why not forego the profit of sinful customers as well?  You see, this is exactly what I am talking about when I criticize people.  You see, truly the Bible and other Holy Writings (Holy Bible, BoM, PoGP, D&C, etc.) are not "pick and choose your sin".  A sin in thought is as bad as a sin in real life. 


    But then look at other industries and you see it there, too.  Lawyers,  Insurance salesman, car dealers, real estate agents, landlords, tenants, cops, good grief!  The list goes on!  And people see that.  They see John Q. Public, the local Mormon, at the store, at the barber, at the gas station, or even at where they work.  They look at him (or her, if you wish) and ask themselves, "is this what the Mormon church teaches?", "is this how they are supposed to behave?" or better yet, "there's a Mormon for ya!".  And yes they even look at other religions the same way, and you do as well (so don't tell me you don't or havn't, otherwise yer lyin'!).  How much criticism do tele-evangeists get for having those really nice jets and mansions?  Lots.

    Like it or not, as soon as you step out of the church, you are stepping into the missionary world.  People learn from us and reflect upon the church.  And working in sales makes it even harder.