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Posts posted by pwrfrk

  1. On 12/9/2008 at 8:12 AM, BenRaines said:

    There is a saying in spanish that I love it is:

    Mejor sola que mal acompanada. Better alone than in bad company.

    Ben Raines

    My favorite is "Better to be single than to be married only to find out on Jerry Springer that my wife used to be a guy"....

    My difficulty is money and education.  Too often the only women I found date-able was when I had lots of money.  The more money I had the better looking women were more and more available.  But I also know that just because a woman has the looks does not mean she has the personality.  Strangely, women that do not appear very attractive at first, somehow change when you get to know them and find out what kind of a special person they really are inside.  BTDT.  Now if only the date-able women understood that about men and money...of course I have plenty of lessons learned about being single.

    Being single sucks.

    Being single and and with not a lot of money is hard. 

    Being almost 50, and with not a lot of money is hard. 

    Adding to that having physical impairments makes it harder.

    THEN when the women find out about my impairments, it scares them.  "Hi!  I'm the guy that makes lepers with the boubonic plague attractive!"

    Now if only they would learn about it, instead of judge first. 

    It's tough to find a date.

  2. On 9/7/2017 at 1:34 PM, DoctorLemon said:

    So, I just read North Korea may fly a full-range armed ICBM on Saturday to celebrate its founding and prove its capabilities.

    I just wanted to ask, in face of all of the recent developments in North Korea (ICBMs, hydrogen bombs, increasingly provocative behavior, etc.):

    1)  What do you think of the situation in North Korea?  An existential threat to America, or overblown by the media?

    2)  What do you think about the possibility of EMP attacks on America?  Again, true threat or overblown?

    3)  Should America deter North Korea, or attack?  What should Trump do?


    1. Overblown.  If you want to learn about the news media, listen to Don Henley's "Dirty Laundry".  Today's news is largely yellow journalism.

    2. EMP is a true threat, but also overblown.  Where can someone get legitimate non-biased data on what EMP can do, it's effects, and the like?  My concern is the huge market the so-called survivalist/pay-triot community has on their own Faraday Cage "designs" and other miracle cures.

    3. Trump needs to shut up.  Kim is doing what he's doing because he's being played like a toy by others.  Who are they?  Who knows.  But from what I know of Kim is if he takes the first shot, Russia and China won't defend him.  They won't stop him either, because it'll be a tool to weaken the US.  But they will not defend him.  OTOH if the US fires the first shot, Russia and China will step in and smack us down.  They are like a big brother that is annoyed with their little brother.  As for S Korea, I don't think that Kim wants to hurt them as they have resources he is desperate for and that he cannot get from China or Russia.

    Dr. Lemon, I thought that Ivy King was the first thermonuke?  Wasn't it speculated to detonate 500kt, but turned out to be 3-4 mt instead?  If not, which one was it?  BTW, there was at least one nuke shot in the S Pacific where it was atmospheric, minimal to no fallout IIRC, but also no EMP noticed by the guys on the ground.  I forget the shot name, but saw the video.  Interesting.

  3. On 9/17/2017 at 11:42 AM, The Folk Prophet said:

    I do not believe this.  I have never met anyone who believes or heard anyone say that prophets are perfect.  

    Just because you never saw this does not mean it did not happen.  I was taught that as well, but there is a lot I was taught that I have found later on to not be "legit", as well.  Which is a problem endemic to small remote communities.  Sometimes leaders start getting this idea they are on the same level, or even above, the First Presidency.

  4. On 8/5/2017 at 11:23 PM, Gomezaddams51 said:

    I finally dropped out of the church and lived my life.  Recently the missionaries tracked me and my wife (she is catholic) and have been working on her to get her to join the church.  She is pretty much receptive.  I have kept my mouth shut because I do not want to interfere with her joining or not joining.  I figure at 66 I should start cramming for my finals LOL.  but still have  no idea if the church is true, if any of it is the truth.  What do you do IF you feel nothing?

    The church IS, IMO, the true church.  However, the church is not for everyone.  Is that destiny?  No, I think it's a matter of personal choice.  If you feel nothing, then you feel nothing.  No one can change that.  To feel it you must first see it and experience it.

  5. On 10/4/2017 at 1:13 AM, prisonchaplain said:

    “We’re past ‘thoughts and prayers,’ declares some politicians. A couple of them even refused to join a moment of silence for victims of the Las Vegas shooting. Similarly, in discussing the NFL kneeling controversy, one commentator defended the protesters by saying Christians were hypocrites, because we kneel in church all the time. Where did this relatively recent anti-religious tone and content come from? Why the vitriol—especially against Christians? I’ve always considered those I disagree with, whether about politics, social issues, or religion, to be loyal Americans. Increasingly, I see them as folks who may love America, but who might really hate me. How sad.

    I really do not feel like reading 6+ pages of replies, so with that said....

    The politicians said what? about prayer???  Uh, politics and religion don't usually mix well.  But then we start going off into another realm when we talk about Christianity.  Who are Christians?  What are Christian views?  What is defined as Christian?  IMO Christianity is way too broad to paint with a single brush.  At the college I am attending the Muslims have shown far more respect for the victims of the Vegas shooting than the Christians have.  You remember Islam.  The religion where they believe (allegedly) that it's "ok to kill all Christians".  All I can say is "hmmm".

  6. I dunno.  Has anyone really tried to define "porn"?  I knew a woman that was a By The Book Catholic, she was so arrogant, and according to her everyone is destined for Hades but her.  Her view was, if a picture showed skin, it was pornographic.

    To me, there is art and then there is porn.  The difference being the intent of the artist and possibly the model.  Keeping in mind a quote I snagged from a liberal arts professor back in 1988- "How can people develop wholesome clean thoughts when they are taught that immorality is ok and a lack of ethics is permissible?  People can only harvest from what is planted."  From my experience, if you are taught and raised that all nakedness is sexual, then that is the way you view all nakedness.  But if you grow up with the view that nakedness being sexual is merely perspective, same thing. 


  7. Reflecting on recent events, I think that Colin Kaepernick is an idiot for supporting the "Black Lives Matter" gig, when ALL lives matter.  When he starts preferring the preservation of one race over another, he should start looking for another job.


    At the same time, Trump has no business saying the crap he said about firing anybody.  When I enlisted the oath I took was about protecting the POTUS and the US Constitution.  Out of those two the US Constitution is omnipotent, POTUS is not.  The US Constitution is there to stay.  And if/when the POTUS starts violating the US Constitution, We can always vote out or impeach the POTUS.  Trump should have thought about that.

  8. So if a cop kills, murders, my unarmed mother at a traffic stop, I can go down to a nursing home and spit in the faces of the elderly veterans?

    It is not just black lives that matter, but all lives.  Not just blacks are beaten and murdered by cops, but whites, too.  And Hispanics.  And Chinese.  And Japanese.  It happens and the group "cops", as a whole, has no concern for or against anyone's race or color.  The group itself does not commit these acts.  It is the acts of the individuals that are in question.  So because my neighbor was driving intoxicated and had a wreck killing someone means I can show America, as a whole, disrespect?

    I have no idea what our early pioneers would have done.  Times were different back then.  A lot was different.

  9. I got a hold of a pamphlet the in the first part told of forgiveness and repentance, but no scriptural references.  Back in the day when I was in primary I remember being taught the very same principle about forgiveness and repentance- 1. You apologize. 2. You repent with a sincere effort to change, whatever it is you did wrong. 3. You make good on fixing the damage done, be it physical damage like a broken window or whatever, or non-physical such as retracting a falsely made allegation that hurt someone's reputation.  4. A sincere effort to not do it again.

    Actually, I do not remember all of it, but this is pretty close.  Can someone please guide me on this?

  10. It looks like my "title" is "newbie".

    I am new to this forum, but not new to LDS.  Currently attending college (again), changing careers (again), and looking forward to enriching my life exponentially (again).

    I dunno what else to say, so I'll end it there.