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Posts posted by pwrfrk

  1. I found a fiance of mine was cheating on me, about a couple weeks before we were to get married.  A friend of mine gave me the proof, and I called off the wedding.  It was a video, verified the time and date on it as valid, and gave he video to her parents.  I never spoke to her again.  When she tried to talk to me, I just ignored her like she was nothing.  The guy she was banging was doing it to hurt me.  Oh yeah, it hurt.  Congrats.  But to me it just wasn't worth keeping her.  I just walked away.


    What I have learned that time and from watching family and friends, is when someone cheats on you once, they just might do it again.  Can you trust them?  If they love you, they won't do it for anything in this world. 

  2. In reference to Joseph Smith's martyrship, what was the right path to take?  Who decided on accepting Brigham Young and not Sidney Rigdon or James Strang?  Should it be a matter of popularity (the allegation made by the Christian Radicals that protest LDS activities), or is it by blood or by who was ordained and held the second-highest role (such as Sidney Rigdon)?

    Please explain.


  3. On 6/27/2018 at 4:08 AM, Fether said:

    I would disagree with @Iggy. It is our responsibility to minister to all. When we see others beginning to act in such a way that takes them from Christ, we should step in.

    If you read the talk “A holier approach to ministering” ( Neil L Anderson lists many situations in which we ought to reach out to others that appear to be struggling. None of these situations fit under any “umbrella” beyond that of friend.


    I will not go through the entire list, but I will say that in some instances you just need to step away.  Some could even be none of my/your business.

  4. Be careful in which Bishop to ask.  I say that because Bishops are human, like me & you.  Some Bishops may not know anything about what structure settlements are.  I found those with experience & training in the financial field generally consider anything that is not taxable as not tithe-able.  Yet I have met one or two Bishops that look at structured settlements as handouts, and if you did not "earn it" you should give it all to the church. 

    I wish the church had a set policy for this.


  5. 14 hours ago, NeuroTypical said:

    When it comes to handing out judgments for how moms choose to parent, I align strongly with this parenting philosophy:

    "Immunizations cause autism"

    I have heard that argument before, and so far I have not seen anything to back it up.  Even if it does, it does not cause all children to be autistic, and their life expectancy has increased.  In 1900 the average white male lived to 46 year of age.  In 1850 the same man lived an average of 38 years.  As of 2017 the same man would live an average of 78 years.  I do not have any comparable data for non-whites.

    So, no immunizations = die young.  Immunizations = live forever.

  6. What I was taught is to me the simplest way to calculate this.

    If I am working and pulling in $1,500/mo. gross, then I pay $150 (10%) monthly.

    If I am pulling tips, then 10% of that, gross.

    If I own a home and it's worth $150,000 and I still owe $50,000 on it, then I guess I still owe $50,000 on it.  No tithe is paid from this until I sell it.  If I bought it for $150,000 and sell it for $162,375, gross, then I pay $16,237.50, or 10%, of the gross profit.  Should I pay less?  Maybe.  I still pay the 6% for the realtor fees.  I still pay taxes on the sales.  Is the $16k worth so much to me that I must hold onto it?  No.  And I'm not going to regret paying it either, for regretting payment of tithe is akin to non-payment, because it was not done with the sincereness of the heart.  How much did I pay for the house versus how much did Jesus pay for my salvation?

  7. 7 hours ago, NeedleinA said:

    This may be the hold up. Who provides the definition of "good at it".
    Which one of the women is "good at it" at church?

    - picture removed -


    - picture removed -

    I'm not sure anyone has an issue with "breastfeeding". For me it is about how it is done.
    My wife breastfed at church as well.

    I for one see no reason to keep attaching the same pictures everyone has already seen ten million times.

    As a practicing naturist I see nothing sexual about a woman breastfeeding.  I see no reason for people to be offended over a purly natural event.  Sure, sexual intercourse is natural as well.  But a baby needs fed.  No one will die if you have to wait to have sex.

    Reflecting on my experiences in naturism I am compelled to say that if you see a woman breastfeeding, don't watch.  If it offends you, look the other direction.  Maybe I find that dress you're wearing to be sexually provocative.  Should I tell the bishop?  Should I publicly chastise you?  Maybe that blouse you're wearing makes me want to puke.  What should I do then?  This is not the Church of Maureen or the Chapel of Vort (names used for example only).  You're not the only person there.  Your Bishop will say something if he feels there is a need.  Trust him and his judgment.

  8. I am certainly by no means a troll.  The questions I ask are sincere.  Do you understand them?  I dunno.  Do you need to?

    What bothered me so much is that you or the next guy may know the answer, but I'm asking because...I don't know the answer.  You may have access via other means, or you may have read article or speeches elsewhere that gives you this information.  I don't have access to those, or maybe I havn't read those.

    I forgive those that offended me, no matter if you apologized, because, well, this whole thing is really so minor, it is foolish to hold a grudge over something this small.  Except for Anatess2.


    Anatess2, you scare me.

    You sound so much like an ex-girlfriend I had 20+ years ago....

  9. Just do it.  You're human, your child needs fed, there's nothing sexual about it, and if those that are offended would (rightfully) keep their noses in their own business, instead of twisting their necks around to make sure everyone is behaving properly (or whatever)....

    You get the idea.  I think that talking with the Bishop might help.  He has a lot of spiritual guidance on this, I'm sure.  And likely a fair amount from his wife as well.

    Don't worry about the lookie-lou's.  They have their own "just rewards" waiting for them.

  10. It seems I misunderstood what this forum is for.  I ask questions, and they are repeated called "stupid questions" and "stupid comments".  What I say or ask has been repeatedly taken out of context.

    I ask these questions (and the statements as well) in the Gospel Discussion section.  I ask sincerely, hoping to get answers.  Instead, insults...?  I'm not the only one that sees this, and I know I'm not the only non-Mormon here, either.

    I'm not Mormon yet.  Keep that in mind.  Trying to return, yes.  But I'm not there yet.  If you guys said the same garbage to me in person, I'd file a "behavior unbecoming of a priesthood holder" complaint.  Some of you gave honest answers as best as you could.  Some of you simply do not care.

    Remember- Matthew 25:40-45.

    In the mean time, I'm outta here.