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Posts posted by pwrfrk

  1. 9 hours ago, MormonGator said:

    It doesn't bother me either but it does bother others. And their concerns are valid. If you are a blue collar guy struggling to make ends meet and you see a preacher/church leader making huge amounts of money, you might think differently. 

    Again, it doesn't bother me. But I'm not struggling to feed my family- and yes, not everyone who is struggling would think how I'm describing. But some will. 

    That's what I don't get.  I struggle to make ends meet.  And I see someone like Osteen making money hand over fist, which really is none of my business how he does it, all I do is shake my head thinking maybe I oughta change jobs.  Then I reflect on when I was a pastor, and I remember the stress one has, the trials, the tribulations, all the good stuff and all the bad stuff...and I end up thanking God that I came back to the LDS.  I wasn't in it to make money, but if I was I'd still be in the poor house.  You see, it takes a certain type of person to handle the cameras and attention.  I'm not that type of person.  And I'm not saying that he's the average tele-evangelist, because he is doing very well.  At the same time, if I had a nice wad of dough come into my possession, count on me taking Dave Ramsey's courses!  In fact, I should be doing that already....

    Anyhow, for all we know that could be how Osteen is making so much money.


  2. Does it matter?


    If you are in the ER and a doctor saves your life, does it matter what color they are?  Or if he is a he or a she?  Maybe even outright gay, or perhaps transgender.  But, does it matter?

    What about if you are in a car wreck and an EMT saves your 5 year old daughter's life.  Does any of that matter?

    So if it doesn't matter in those two cases why should it matter what color Jesus was?  Yeah, it's a good debate topic, but in the end it's still the same question- does it really matter?


  3. 15 hours ago, Emmanuel Goldstein said:

    Neither does Star Wars and adventure time.

    Speaking of Battlestar Galactica, I love when Six removes the inhibitor device from the Cylon Centurions making them self aware and Cavil yells, “Say What!”

    Nobody, and I mean NO ONE DEAD OR ALIVE can ever equal the famous "Starbuck".  They tried replacing him with a woman.  Nuh uh.  Does not happen, cannot happen, never will he be equaled!


  4. 43 minutes ago, Junior said:

    She could have used protection too, it isn't my fault she got pregnant. I slept with her but she is the one who got pregnant. I am not going to go out partying!

    I will apologise to her but she should apologise to me too. She was wrecked my life and she has never apologised to me. 

    Junior, if you are 19 then I really feel sorry for you.  It doesn't matter who had what opportunity to play it safe.  YOU had the chance, and YOU dropped the ball. 

    As for apologies, no I don't think she owes you any apology.  All you are doing is trying to minimize your roll in this matter.  You are far from mature.


  5. I read the whole thread, and this is my response.  I’ll be back later to see how much trouble I’m in....

    Junior said: No I hadn't broken up with her and I still haven't.
    Me: I see....

    Junior said: I still do disagree that it is sinful because I only moved in with her to help her as she was struggling with sickness and told me she was lonely. Obviously, I wasn't going to sleep with her because I had already repented from that sin and I never want to do it again. Also, it's gross to sleep with a woman who is pregnant so obviously I wasn't going to sin. I was just trying to support her.
    Me: It is not obvious, Junior.  First, where I’m from, under those conditions, you would be investigated for a minimum of Second Degree Rape because you recognize that she’s ill and having mental health issues.  Then you say it’s gross to sleep with a pregnant woman.  Well, unless someone else has been having sex with her, that’s clearly a problem of your own making.  But to tell how you refuse to marry her, yet you’re still going to support her?  No, it doesn’t happen that easily.  You two had sex.  You two became parents when she became pregnant by your own words and works.  Now you are obligated to marry her.  “It take two to make ‘em & it takes two to raise ‘em” is my philosophy.  You can disagree all you want, but either through marriage or the State, you will support your child.

    Junior said: I want to go to the temple with my mom because we used to go together a lot and I miss going with her. I dont see why it is bad that I want to go to the temple.
    Me: Nothing bad about wanting to go to the temple.  But there are requirements you must first meet.

    Junior said: because I do care about her and I know it will upset her if I leave her.  So I am staying with her at least until the baby is born.
    Me: Ohhhh!  That is somehow going to make everything better!  Get a girl preggy then dump her once the kids is born.  Not only are your unrighteously proud, but you are rude and arrogant on top of that, and you found yourself in a pickle because you weren’t smart enough to use protection, and now you are going to leave her with the damage to repair while you go out partying and bragging about getting laid.  And don’t tell me you won’t, either.

    Junior said: No she isn't a whore.  We were together for a long time before she agreed to sleep with me and I know she would never sleep with lots of people. She didn't know that I wasn't always honest about my intentions towards her.
    Me: So you knew of her dedication to you, but you are not capable of show dedication in return...?

    Junior said: Well I want to get back to being temple worthy because I want that for my child to have a dad who is temple worthy.  So I am just trying to get there in the next few months.  
    Me: Dad?  WHAT dad?  You’re a dad when you marry the child’s mother.  Until then you are nothing more than a sperm donor.

    Junior said: Okay I thought it was for a woman who had a child whose dad wasn't around at all.  
    Me: And what are you, in this picture?

    Junior said: because she hates it that I am a member of the church and she doesn't get on with my mom at all. Also, she is kind of controlling of me and I don't think I can put up with that forever.  
    Me: Ohhhh!  And that somehow makes everything better, now?  She doesn’t like your mommy and now you’re gonna split.  She’s marrying you, not your mommy.  Oh, I forgot, you don’t want to get married.  So she really was just your whore.  That somehow explains everything right there.

    Junior said: I know and I don't want to hurt her because i care for her so much.
    Me: You care enough to get laid but not enough to marry old are you again?

    Junior said: I am thinking of moving back in with her once the baby is born to help her out especially at night to make sure she gets enough rest.
    Me: Oh, please!  I have heard some pretty messed up back tracking, but that is close to earning the worst of the worst!  

    Junior said: I wouldn't fully move in but would just have a few things there so I can easily stay over to help her out with night times.  
    Me: Oh, so just there to help here and there and...get laid.  Hey “Junior”, I doubt I’m the only one that saw that line coming!  She needs you now and foreever.  You got laid.  You made another living being to be on this Earth.  And throughout all of your posts all I hear is some kid that was in the game for fun, and when he found out he he had a losing hand, he now wants to take his bet money and run.  Sorry Junior, life isn’t like that.  You put money on the Ante’ line, your cards were dealt, you bet & draw, you lost, now you lose you bet oney and the Ante’.  That’s the rules we all live with.  Now it’s time you pay up.

    So you complain about your Bishop being unfair.  No, he is very fair, if not too nice.  You are the one guilty of being unfair and unreasonable.  There is a young woman you owe a big apology to, and I suggest you pay up a lot of money, because I don't think you have what it takes to be a good father or husband.

  6. I have family, then I have family.  Extended family, including half brothers and half sisters, I have a lot of.  We just don't talk.  No desire to.  Then closer family, mother sister, dad, etc., we just don't talk.  No desire to.

    The joys of coming from an abusive family.  They had no concern for me as a kid, and I couldn't care less about any of them as an adult.

  7. I for one think it's ironic that we have all these people that tell how terrible racism is...yet they express the same hatred right back at the racists. If we're gonna accept and tolerate people because of race or color or political views, then we must also tolerate those that are not tolerant, that do not "like" people of race or color or politics. It's like the pot calling the kettle black.

    If a white family wants to hate another family because they are black, that's fine. Let them. That's their business. Maybe they have a reason. But does that mean that I can hate the white family? No. Why am I going to hate them? Because they hate someone I like? Maybe I don't like the black family either. But does that mean I can still hate the white family? No. If a kid in that black family stole something from me and the black daddy thinks it's ok, does tht mean that all blacks are thieves? No. Just that kid and his daddy is a piece of garbage. But that never represents the entire race. Instead, it's the individuals. I cannot justify expecting others to live by my standards just as they cannot justify expecting me to live by theirs. Just live and let live. Let others live to their standards and I'll live to mine. I'm not gonna hate people becuse of their color or politics or even if they are criminals.

    Do you know why some people are black? It's because they ain't white! Whoop dee do! And just because you change a color or pigment does not change the person they are inside.
    Do you know why some people are criminals? Just because they were convicted does not mean they broke the law. And if they did break the law, who knows what the reason is. Maybe the woman was busted for stealing. Why was she stealing? It could be she was trying to feed her kids. Maybe she needed the money to go visit her sister while her sister is dying from cancer. Who knows?  Maybe the guy next door spent 20 years in prison for murder. Is he evil? Maybe he didn't do it? What if he did do it? Maybe it was to keep himself or someone else alive? Maybe the guy he kilt just got done raping my neighbor's 3 year old daughter? Who knows?

    Maybe if we quit judging people on their past, maybe they won't judge us for ours? Who said we're perfect?  I'm not by any means!

    If we go the extra mile and love our neighbors instead of hating them, maybe they will learn to love as well. And when people learn to love and accept their neighbors they cannot jutify hating them. And if we could live like that, the world would be a much better place. And that's what the old school Mormons I knew when I was growing up taught me. Real Mormons don't hate. Real Mormons love.

    (actually, this is an edited cut & paste from a post I made earlier in another forum I go to.  But, it fits....)
  8. Go download and install Garmin's BaseCamp.  It can help a lot.  And it also depends on the age of your GPS.  Hardware is the GPS itself.  Software is the programming that makes it work.  Sometimes the hardware gets old enough that you really can't upgrade it.  You may have to buy a new one.