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  1. In all honesty the way you describe things I would think that the sister in law does not reciprocate these feelings you've romanticized the scenario and need to focus on your marriage ever consider taking an institute class called building on eternal marriage? Also consider how your wife would feel if the rolls were reversed would you feel confortable with your wife talking to your sibling in the same manner? Marriage is something we all need to work at it isn't always perfect maybe consider letting your wife know that you miss being complimented or you would like to have deep compelling conversations.
  2. Thank you for your reply I haven't heard it would you happen to know which conference it was from? I've been trying to seek counseling but I haven't found the right one just yet a lot of counselors seem to have a negative attitude about the church and I haven't found an lds counselor who works through my insurance
  3. Thank you I cannot tell you how much this has helped me today. I hadn't really been thinking of it this way it really does give some outside perspective.
  4. I havent been able to find one within my insurance do you know if there is a program through the church?
  5. I am pregnant with what would be our "rainbow baby" and currently struggling with depression. My husband and I have a large load of medical debt and are living with our in-laws temporarily. I am struggling imensly with my testimony of the gospel and its been extremely difficult for me. I have an unhealthy thought process that if I had been a better Mormon that we wouldn't have lost our first daughter and I know that simply isn't true but I can't stop those feelings from welling up inside of me I feel as though I'm doing something wrong all of the time even though I haven't. I feel like it's a really unhealthy self punishment I've prayed, looked for counsel and each time they simply say that "it's not your fault and you haven't done anything wrong etc" I've had counselors tell me that I should leave the church because it's just giving me unnecessary anxiety and honestly I would give anything to not feel this way but the gospel is a huge part of my life. I've been terrified that if I don't do everything exactly right then I'll lose this baby too so I consistently read the scriptures, pray, go to church I even signed up for institute classes thinking if I immerse myself completely these feelings would go away. I don't know if I need to just take a step back and give myself room to breathe and then come back when I'm ready or continue pushing through this depression and anxiety immersing myself? The reason I mentioned that we live with our in-laws is that this is adding to my ever long list of anxiety.