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Everything posted by OnePassenger

  1. Okay. The first times after founding the Church of Christ it was a usual thing to have some wine at the ceremonies. But wine was expensive and had to be bought from the "Gentiles". Thus, and no longer being dependent of those ressources, once it was said (by the Prophet) that water would do it. But maybe Jesus turned wine into water, or only made the guests in that house in Galilee only think or believe it was wine, and thy all wouldn't have been aware of this...? In spite of all your deep thoughts, , this idea maybe might calm you down.
  2. I will have to read a bit more on this subject, also about the author mentioned. However, I'm always very sceptical about those near-death experiences - they might be symptoms of a near-death psychosis or a temporary state of paranoia.
  3. Exactly, Goldstein. 😊
  4. Maybe he believes with marriage might come sin... 😀
  5. I once got the idea of wearing some pure black pepper in my right hand jeans pocket. In case of getting in trouble and in a self defense you could throw it or wipe it directly into the face of the aggressor. I guess even a dog would get finished and moved away, with its nose a thousand times more sensible than a man's. It's like a Ninja weapon.
  6. Stop breathing as long as you can, and a few seconds more, and then you might get the answer instead of pure speculations. 😀
  7. And, therefore, as long as one might believe all that, to give certain people in black robes a raison d'etre...?
  8. What would it have to do with the historical fact about Jesus not having been confirmed as the Messiah by the Jewish clericals...? (cunning Jersey Boy - let me tell you it's always rewarding to answer with a counterquestion, just to win time)
  9. 👵 But when it counts they might be those ones who shoot the aggressor.
  10. No, that there were people who denied Jesus was the Messiah. Jews don't believe he was.
  11. Sorry, it can't convince me. Jesus was the leader of a former new sect, against those rabbis and the upper class Jews, who collaborated with the Romans. It had started with John the Baptist, at those times of Herodes Antipas, Roman clientele king of Judaea, Galilea and Samaria, and becoming a leader of them one must have had gained recognition of his followers; not only by wise words. Jesus claimed to be the Messiah, but the rabbis and the majority of the Jews were denying he was - the old story.
  12. Personally, I'm rather sure he was married. And I can only repeat there is, objectively, a certain probability he was. "Denn: Rabbis hatten zu Lebzeiten des in der christlichen Lehre als Gottessohn bezeichneten Mannes Frauen." ("Because: For rabbis had wives during the lifetime of the man who in christian doctrine was called the Son of God.") A powerful argument, I think. It's convincing me all the more each time when this question is being discussed. Jesus as an unmarried man wouldn't have found the slightest recognition among his followers. Think just Jewish and try imagining the spirit of those times...
  13. A Kindergarten teacher was observing her classroom of children while they were drawing. She would occasionally walk around to see each child's work. As she got to one little girl who was working diligently, she asked what the drawing was. The girl replied, "I'm drawing God." The teacher paused and said, "But no one knows what God looks like." Without missing a beat, or looking up from her drawing, the girl replied, "They will in a minute."
  14. And why not getting a bit paranoid...???
  15. You've to wonder what they might be afraid of. The barrel's mouth of the gun doesn't aim to themselves. 🤠
  16. I wouldn't be so sure... check out his website.
  17. Faith is not exclusively based on reason. I wouldn't call it irony.
  18. Surely it's not your obligation, but you're obviously trying it. 😀
  19. Not quite convincing.
  20. What makes you so sure...?
  21. Let me assure you I'm proud to be one of such good entertainers.
  22. So why don't you laugh instead of getting so outraged...?
  23. I'm only mocking on you, not mentally ill ones in general. Guess you know it.