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Everything posted by OnePassenger

  1. An interesting statement. String Theory, Superstring Theory, M-Theory. Whenever we speak about these things, we speak about concepts, assumed theoretical constructs. The only problem I would see is that our mind is not able to understand those higher dimensional concepts (and I wouldn't call them "spacetime" or "field" any more, there wasn't any name, and it certainly would depend some kind of a super universe or multiverse), and mathematics might be a fine instrument, and it's easy to assume there are more than three or four or eleven dimensions and create some mathematical proof, but how could anyone understand it? Is mathematics and theoretical physics the key that might lead us out of our limited imagination? Or would it lead us into a nightmare we can't even imagine yet? A nightmare we won't wake up and never escape from...?
  2. "Whoda thunk ?"...? Seattle street gang language...?
  3. Nope. Supreme Court: (Hebrew בית המשפט העליון) Beit haMishpat ha'Elyon
  4. We still have it all in German. du, Ihr (habt Ihr...), euer, sein, ihr alle (y'all) usw. Funny to see that "y'all" is often used as a singular, necessitating the doubly bastardized plural "all y'all". Oure fadir that art in heuenes sounds a bit German: Unser Vater der ist in der Höhe...
  5. I'm rather sure those houses in Galilee had no cellars.
  6. My point of view: there is a certain probability he was. The big question mark would only be: who was he married to...? I'm sure the scenario doesn't describe his own marriage resp. wedding reception.
  7. You mean, if he only was invited he surely wasn't responsible for the wine. Why not? On a party or so you can delegate some things to one of your friends. In this case Jesus was it.
  8. We should point out Jesus wasn't the bridegroom. Yes, maybe one of the guests asked someone else. But I think Jesus was responsible for the drinks, because he was helping out there. And the only drink they knew was wine.
  9. Better a thin theory than a thin wine.
  10. No, Old English, KJV. Jesus helped there and maybe he was responsible for the wine. That's all. And the guests were drunk, which surely didn't make things easier.
  11. He didn't only transform water into wine, but he created even a better wine than the guests had drunk before.
  12. Yes, because they didn't know there was water in the amphoras right before, and no good wine being withheld.
  13. There was only water in the amphoras before, but they thought it was wine. They couldn't understand Jesus had transformed the water into wine only just.
  14. Your words are a greater miracle than Jesus' transformation of water into wine... Who was the groom, by the way...?
  15. Sure he was. Otherwise he hadn't had the standing in a Jewish community those days 2000 years ago.
  16. Will those Barbarians ever become Mormons...? ... 🤠
  17. Joooaaa, oooan'zoapfft iss's... humptata, humptata, jauser, jauser, jauser! Und oan kräftig's proast! Joa, himmelkruzitürken! So foan madels, wo gibt's denn soawoas...? 🤠
  18. Dear Anatess, I haven't completely failed in noticing there may be some animosities between the two of you, for some reasons. However, john4truth was talking about law enforcement. I'm not familiar with RKK canonical law, but I assume that a church claiming to have been built on the rock of Peter and which practices sexual abuse and homosexuality behind its doors, en masse, has lost its institutional raison d'etre, legitimacy. The danger for Germany and Europe consists of an infiltration of left-wing globalists, whose ideologies have already become entrenched in the official churches (both Evangelist church and RKK) and who understand homosexuality, the abolition of marriage, free choice of sexual gender, etc., as some of their goals., not to forget the socialist world government. The green party in their gender ideology even regards sexual interactions between children and adults as normal - at least some of them articulated this in the past (I could give here some citations, but it would go too far). What john4truth is demanding here is that law should be enforced. This impressing American term has no counterpart in German, no pendant, and I could show you that Germany is not even a real constitutional or law-and-order state *. But I think, i.e. Texas is, and his posting is based on this ground and a sense of justice. The real estate of the fundamental Mormons was seized by the State of Texas (!), their "prophet" has been incarcerated in Texas, after he was extraditioned to Texas and convicted. I'm sorry my "like" for john4truth's words have made you concerned, but maybe it should be taken only as some collateral damage - some friendly fire or so. * PS... You got a "like" from me, too; so let's stay friends.
  19. Maybe for a certain moment to gain back some harmony with God. Asking for forgiveness having moved away from him and forgot about his presence. Asking for forgiveness. Asking for protecting other persons I love. Losing fear. No ceremonial prayers, no routine, just sporadically and intensively, with no expectation of an immediate answer, but the wish to communicate, and with the certainty not to be unheard.
  20. I'm against those cruel punishments, and who would roll the rocks to the sea? And where could you find enough millstones? It's more than a felony, it's a first degree, because they're hiding behind what they call priesthood - what they call priesthood. A sworn-in club of degenerated pederasts. Hang'em high. Some would call it "hate speech". And...? Let me call it Rock 'n' Roll.