Hi, my name is Drew. I have 2 children with my ex wife who are 30 and 28 and I have 2 children with my wife who are 18 and 12. When I separated from my ex wife I was inactive and she was a baptist, and I didn't see out children for 8 years, so by the time I began to see them again they had already decided to be baptists and they didn't want to learn about the LDS church. With my daughter who is 28 now I had a close relationship with her for a while when she was 12-17/18 but now we have a very strained relationship due to our religious differences. With my son we have never had a close relationship, but we really fell out a few years ago when he started a church plant and needed financial assistance, I felt conflicted on whether I could give it to him and decided not to. Now the only time I see him now is outside the temple, he runs a mission that hands out tracts to members of the church. My daughter and her husband are going to be missionaries for a baptist mission in Bolivia for at least 2 years, they need to raise some money themselves and my daughter asked me, she told me she is really worried to go there without the goal amount of money. Obviously, I want to help my daughter but I don't feel good about donating money to a mission that is spreading a gospel contrary to the LDS church. I feel like it would be wrong of me to do so. What do you think? I have in the past as mentioned not donated to my son's church but I feel very conflicted in wanting to support my children. Another issue this time is that my 18 year old is a missionary for the LDS church and I support him financially and I feel guilty over not supporting my other 2 children and treating them differently. Do you think it would be a bad decision to sponsor a mission for any church other than the LDS church?