Paid the penalty


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Every person and every situation are unique. Repentance isn't just about being punished or admitting guilt, it's about having a change of heart. My opinion is that a bishop will help each person through the repentance process regardless of the punnishment they paid. It will be up to him, based on his discernment as bishop, to know if a person has truly repented.

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If a person has committed a crime, been found guilty or pled guilty and paid the penalty by either doing time or paying a fine, where does that person stand in regards to LDS membership?

It is still up to the wil be taken into consideration that things have been settled with the local authorities.
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Having the key of Spiritual Discernment, as Palerider and Justice remarked, the Bishop will act upon those promptings. If I was in your shoes, I would first approach the Savior with sincerety and humbleness prior to meeting with the Bishop. It is not the Bishop church but the Saviors. Approach Him with your desires of your spirit in fasting and prayer.

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I guess this is one of the 'R's Restatution. If they have made a full restatution then they have taken care of that part of repentance. There might still be other spirutal repetance that is needed. But we do believe that Laws of the land are there to help people make ammends to what has been done (when the time comes).

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I guess this is one of the 'R's Restatution. If they have made a full restatution then they have taken care of that part of repentance. There might still be other spirutal repetance that is needed. But we do believe that Laws of the land are there to help people make ammends to what has been done (when the time comes).

it always helps if you have taken care of things on the side of the Law....:)
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I would think that repentance is solely about a change of heart. It is only men who demand a pound of flesh.

The missionaries teach that repentance has specific steps. A change of heart is one of those steps:

Recognition of the sin

Remorse for having committed the sin

A desire to change (change of heart)

Confession to the Lord and those offended


Then the Lord can forgive us. A change of heart, though, is only one step in a multi-stepped repentance process. And sometimes God DOES demand a pound of flesh as part of our restitution. After all, it was the Mosaic Law, implemented by God that required an "eye for an eye, tooth for tooth."

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