Ancient writings support LDS doctrines and teachings

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Ancient writings unearthed in the last century and a half, primarily in Egypt, are lending support to doctrines and teachings of Joseph Smith, founder of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.......

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Pass this along.......extremely interesting read!

Just though I would agree and pass on another thought. Prior to the dawn of the industrial age a number of Spanish explorers become obsessed with what was then translated as the “fountain of youth”. One reason is because the Spanish encounter stories of individuals that would live forever without death having drank of the fountain. I would submit that they were on to something but off the mark.

The “fountain of youth” is the very fountain of living waters spoken of concerning the Christ in the Bible. The Book of Mormon and the ancient text do indeed tell of three Nephits that partook of the “fountain of youth” or the living waters of Christ and will not die but are translated.

The Traveler

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Wow, that article was somewhat uninformative. It's just a guy telling us that the ancient documents jive with LDSism. But there is no reference to the actual scripts and what parts they think say that. I would need to see a lot more of the text and translations to take him seriously. Or am I just supposed to take his word for it?

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Wow, that article was somewhat uninformative. It's just a guy telling us that the ancient documents jive with LDSism. But there is no reference to the actual scripts and what parts they think say that. I would need to see a lot more of the text and translations to take him seriously. Or am I just supposed to take his word for it?

Agreed. I really dislike articles like this. Those who already believe will nod their heads, filling in the blanks, and those who don't already believe will shake their heads and wonder where this "proof" is.

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Just though I would agree and pass on another thought. Prior to the dawn of the industrial age a number of Spanish explorers become obsessed with what was then translated as the “fountain of youth”. One reason is because the Spanish encounter stories of individuals that would live forever without death having drank of the fountain. I would submit that they were on to something but off the mark.

The “fountain of youth” is the very fountain of living waters spoken of concerning the Christ in the Bible. The Book of Mormon and the ancient text do indeed tell of three Nephits that partook of the “fountain of youth” or the living waters of Christ and will not die but are translated.

The Traveler

What ancient texts tell the story of the 3 Nephites besides the Book of Mormon? You can't just make claims and expect everyone to say, "Cool". and I'm a guy who wants to believe your right.

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I was referring too his book 'Lehi in the Desert', and two others. He spoke many times of examples of comparison between the BOM and findings in and around Israel during that time period.

However, it is known that there were strong evidence that during the time of Lehi, Egyptians made there way to Israel and known writings were found were dated during 8th and 7th century BC.

Lehi and Egypt

Eyewitness, Hearsay, and Physical Evidence of the Joseph Smith Papyri

Appendix: Echoes and Evidences from the Writings of Hugh Nibley

Ancient Texts in Support of the Book of Mormon

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Post 6 - yes, he supports the very claims as those are doing today. I do believe he did make the claims and it is fair to add them as evidences to support the BOM or sites with such.

However, I don't worry what the world thinks or those in church whether or not the BOM is real and was translated from a reform version.....I do know that Joseph Smith was chosen to ensure the works was done and not some academic buffoon.

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