Church Responds to California Supreme Court Same-Sex Marriage Decision


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SALT LAKE CITY 16 May 2008 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints recognizes that same-sex marriage can be an emotional and divisive issue. However, the Church teaches that marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and that the family is the basic unit of society. Yesterday’s California Supreme Court decision is unfortunate. (LDS Newsroom - Church Responds to California Supreme Court Same-Sex Marriage Decision)

And in the news.

A letter sent to Mormon bishops and signed by church president Thomas S. Monson and his two top counselors calls on Mormons to donate "means and time" to the ballot measure. A note on the letter dated June 20 says it should be read during church services on June 29, but the letter was published Saturday on several Web sites.

Church spokesman Scott Trotter said Monday that the letter was authentic. He declined further comment, saying the letter explains the church's reasons for getting involved. (The full article: - Mormon Church Enters Calif. Gay Marriage Fight)

There's no question where the Church stands on this. Feel free to make comments on the action the Church is taking in this matter.

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The church, as most know, takes a neutral stand on politics but will stand up on moral issues. I am glad to see the church take a stand on this issue. As much as I understand the wants and desires of the same-sex community, this is something that I cannot agree with. It is hard to stand up for the right sometimes. Especially when the issues are so heated and confusing. We may have to take a tomato or two in the face as we move forward to protect marriage and the role of man and woman leading the family.

Edited by Misshalfway
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Mosiah 18: 9

9 Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the first resurrection, that ye may have eternal life—

Alma 1: 25

25 Now this was a great trial to those that did stand fast in the faith; nevertheless, they were steadfast and immovable in keeping the commandments of God, and they bore with patience the persecution which was heaped upon them.

:( I feel it's really hard for those who have chosen a different path from heavenly Father's teachings and ways; I can try to comfort, and mourn with them, but I can't go against my beliefs and covenants to stand as a witness of God in all things at all times! So, I must actively do something within my community! I can't be lukewarm... I'm not trying to hurt or hinder anyone's way or "happinesss'' or "rights,'' I'm just trying to stand for what I believe because what I believe comes from Heavenly Father to whom I answer, and not men.

I say that I can feel their suffering because in other things, I have also chosen different ways from the Lord's and suffered for those choices until I repented, and chose His ways, and yes, He showed me how much better it is; His ways are always better!

p.s.: Somebody should come up with a "tone/feelings'' button... :D

It's so hard to express in printed words some feelings... It's so easy to be misconstrued, especially the tones & feelings one tries to express through writing & on a forum, and talking about sensitive issues... :(

The reader tends to interpret the other person's tone/feelings, and see through their own eyes... and this can cause lots of confusion/problems aside from completely missing the point the person writing tried to make/convey... :(

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It is not surprising that our church has taken this stand. Seems like this is another time where we need a Captain Moroni but instead of a banner of liberty it is a banner for marriage and we all should rally behind it. Marriage, as God has defined it, is sacred and should not be treated as anything else.

I remember a saying that goes, "A man with God is always in the majority."

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and the Roman Catholic Church have obvious differences but I am glad to see that both churches are taking the same stand on this issue.


The church, as most know, takes a neutral stand on politics but will stand up on moral issues. I am glad to see the church take a stand on this issue. As much as I understand the wants and desires of the same-sex community, this is something that I cannot agree with. It is hard to stand up for the right sometimes. Especially when the issues are so heated and confusing. We may have to take a tomato or two in the face as we move forward to protect marriage and the role of man and woman leading the family.

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