How do I relax?


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I've been very stressed out and anxious these past couple days.

I can barely eat. After I'm awake for about 6 hours I get to a painful hungry and I can have a very small snack...

I've tried having supper the last two nights, but they didn't stay down more than a couple hours. My stomach is too uneasy from stress and really doesn't want anything.

I have head aches a lot, and a lot of muscle tenseness.

Been on the verge of tears on and off for the past couple days, too.

Frankly, I don't know how to relax. Whenever I start to just chill out I feel like I'm going to just have a breakdown.

If I can manage to make it to the local county Psych place for a stupid inventory thing, it'll be 9 weeks from then until an appointment.

I've felt more like SI than I have in a year.

I don't know what to do.

Do I ask the EQ Presidency to find out who my home teachers are?

I know it's stupid, but I don't feel like I'm worth a blessing... which means I should probably have one set up.

What's really frustrating is that all this is what I've applied for disability for, but it's not enough for them, as they denied my reconsideration, which means I have to go through a more stressful 2nd appeal.

I don't see it getting any better.

I'm living "on my own" right now. My parents aren't obligated to help me, but my government should be...

Any advice on any of this... please feel free.

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Unfortunitly I can't give you advice on the things that I don't know about... I am not sure how they work in America... In SA it is very different....

For one.... You ARE worth a blessing..... Don't ever say that you are not.... That is step one....

Secondly.. .If at the moment you are not able to stomach having a full meal... Then snack all day... There are a few things that are high in energy to keep you going... Have a peanutbutter sandwhich, a banana & a glass of milk at least each day.. This way you will be at least getting something....

Defenitly findout who your home teachers are....

YOU ARE WORTH THE EFFORT (and don't you forget it)

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Do what Pale said. A blessing from home teachers or EQ President. Appt to sit and counsel with Bishop. A good friend you can pour your feelings out to and not be judged. Those are some of the things you need. Exercise would be very good too. Go for a long walk. Do something to get exhausted. It causes endorphens to be released. Help feel better.

Ben Raines

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I don't know. Perhaps there is value in just having a good ole fashioned cry. Followed up by some wonderful comfort food! I highly recommend such a course! :) Perhaps that is a girlie method, but I still think it works. And then perhaps writing out all your concerns in a journal or a note you could later burn or chuck in the trash bin.

I can't know what you are stressed about, but moving away from parents and trying to find work and move to that place of functional independence can be very stressful and if you have any special circumstances, that can add heaviness as well. But just remember that all the pieces will come together. Father is always there and has many answers even if he sometimes leaves us guessing for a time while he is putting it all together for us. Don't let your heart be troubled or afraid. See your challenges as opportunities rather than hardships. Every challenge has a gift it is waiting to give you. So if you find that you are holding on too tight, you most likely are putting too much pressure on yourself or your circumstances. Try to let go of control.....and give it to God....and enjoy the peace that comes. You can have the peace even if the puzzle isn't complete yet.

I love the idea of a blessing. When I get blessings, I like to pretend those priesthood leaders aren't there and pretend that it is just me and Lord alone in the room. Those feelings of unworthiness....remember whose voice that is. Satan is a mean cuss. Tell him to Get thee hence!! Christ is a best friend who never looks at our weakness in with anything but love and acceptance.

Edited by Misshalfway
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When was the last time you had a physical and total blood workup? Sounds like you might have high blood pressure (mood swings), and make sure they test your thyroid (mood swings and sluggish-ness)

Your state and/or county should have medical assistance for you. Get on it right away. An Endocrinologist can do the blood work up (recommended rather than a Primary Card), and you can also see about making payments.

Get the blessings too- and talk this out, but also tend to the health side. You will need to know your family medical history- Mom, Dad, Grandparents. So get that first and take the history with you. When you call to make the appointment, ask that they send you a copy of the questionnaire so that you can get the correct family history for them.

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I don't know. Perhaps there is value in just having a good ole fashioned cry. Followed up by some wonderful comfort food! I highly recommend such a course! :) Perhaps that is a girlie method, but I still think it works. And then perhaps writing out all your concerns in a journal or a note you could later burn or chuck in the trash bin.

I can't know what you are stressed about, but moving away from parents and trying to find work and move to that place of functional independence can be very stressful and if you have any special circumstances, that can add heaviness as well. But just remember that all the pieces will come together. Father is always there and has many answers even if he sometimes leaves us guessing for a time while he is putting it all together for us. Don't let your heart be troubled or afraid. See your challenges as opportunities rather than hardships. Every challenge has a gift it is waiting to give you. So if you find that you are holding on too tight, you most likely are putting too much pressure on yourself or your circumstances. Try to let go of control.....and give it to God....and enjoy the peace that comes. You can have the peace even if the puzzle isn't complete yet.

I love the idea of a blessing. When I get blessings, I like to pretend those priesthood leaders aren't there and pretend that it is just me and Lord alone in the room. Those feelings of unworthiness....remember whose voice that is. Satan is a mean cuss. Tell him to Get thee hence!! Christ is a best friend who never looks at our weakness in with anything but love and acceptance.

I just wrote this and realized that I need to follow my own advice! I prolly wrote it cause it is stuff I need to hear. Funny how that happens. Anyway.....I will just be taking it all back and moving on to a nice 7 layer devils food cake!

Best wishes VOL.

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I recommend you study up on "relaxation techniques" on the web. Some of the better sites are:

Mayo Clinic,

Univ of Maryland,

Muskingum College.

One of the Best is at Loyola University, where they actually have MP3 audios you can download and listen to. If you use one or two of these relaxation audios every day, a couple times a day, within a couple weeks you will find your stress level drop significantly. You will learn as the stresses hit to automatically begin thinking about the stress relaxation techniques, and they will kick in quickly.

I learned about these years ago, when I was going into surgery for TMJ. The doctor didn't want me grinding my teeth at night, and so I went to relaxation technique therapy for a while. It also cured my panic attacks that I had been having for a time, as well.

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Try doing something you used to do when you were a carefree kid. :D My brother-in-law is hilarious and always has good ideas. When we went to visit, they were poor, we were poor, and he suggested we make boats out of paper plates, straws, cups, etc. and race them down a stream near BYU Campus. It was great! I never would've thought of it. And a blessing is a wonderful idea! I'm sure Heavenly Father is waiting for you to ask. :)

Moving to a new place is really hard too. I remember when I first moved away from home to Provo. I didn't know anyone except for my brother and cousin, but they weren't around much, plus I was looking for a job, hardly had any money, and had no idea how I would survive. I did adjust though, made some great friends, and wonderful times, and I have a lot of fond memories. Me and my roommates used to buy a big thing of ice cream, pick out all sorts of candy we liked, and combined it all together and share a big bowl while playing Skip-Bo. I also went Disco Skating, to explore some caves, hiking (that stunk, but it led to some funny stories), ice skating, to lots of singles activities, etc. Oh yes, me and my friend used to torture this one guy who owned a house. Every single holiday we painted a decoration on his window - once while he and his roommates were sitting on the other side of it watching a movie. They couldn't tell because the blinds were closed and we had hopped over the fence to avoid the motion detectors. And my roommate bought a bunch of used bras from DI, we hooked them together and wrapped them around his car. I also took drives to Sundance for picnics, to some pretty springs up past Squaw Peak (that's a cool drive up there and beautiful view), and I went to play rummy at this nursing home where these two old men almost punched each other's lights out because they were arguing about who me and my friend were there to visit. :lol: One guy was particularly determined having no teeth, refused to wear dentures, but he would not give up eating steak. There are all sorts of things you can do to destress. :)

Edited by MorningStar
I made a typo. Is that OK??? Huh???
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Hi VoL!! You've gotten some really good advise from everyone in these posts...the other thing I would like to add (sorry if someone already said this) but you can go to you nearest vitamin shop and get a blend of herbs that help with mood and stress.

I have one issue with your OP that I will PM you about since I don't want to derail...

Good Luck!



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I just wrote this and realized that I need to follow my own advice! I prolly wrote it cause it is stuff I need to hear. Funny how that happens. Anyway.....I will just be taking it all back and moving on to a nice 7 layer devils food cake!

Best wishes VOL.

I want - 'er I need a 7 layer devils food cake - mmmmmm good. Especially if the layers inbetween have raspberry,orange, blackberry, lemon, cherry, and pineapple fillings. :P
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