Patriarchal blessing


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How specific are they?

I recall being a youth a being excited about getting one. They were described as "a road map to life" so I expected it would tell me,things like when and if I would get married, how many kids i would have etc. but I fell away from the church before i was old enough to get one.

Latter i found a site online where people had posted theirs and the all seemed pretty generic and vague.(Not saying that to "diss" the Blessing ) The were given to member of the youth so i can understand why they would include a lot of the same things, Missions,temple marriage etc. and since they were not given to me i can't know if they actually were vague.(though allot of the people who posted them thought so)

Now i stand at a crossroad in life.My kids are starting school and i will be doing the same.Problem is I have no idea what i want to be when I grow up. Funny I have the kids, wife, house, but not that. All the career paths that have interested me did so before I became a family man and now they conflict with that responsibility.

So my question is has anyone here got a Patriarchal Blessing as an adult? Post mission age?

Was it specific enough to guide you in secular life(see problem above) or did it only pertain to the church?

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I was out of high school. Maybe 20 years old. I was really disappointed. I had always been told the same thing, so when I got my very "basic" blessing I was way bummed. Now that I'm a little older Id like to get a copy and read it again. See if it has more meaning now. My sister's was much more specific.

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I recieved my blessing at 40 and I definitely recommend that you go fasting. Mine declared my lineage, mentioned trrials I have had, adressed concerns and fears that I have had most of my life, blessed me with success in my work and mentioned other things that are Spiritual in nature. The best part..... it says that if I would recieve all of the Gospel ordinances available to me in this life and If I was faithful all of thhe days of my life that I would recieve Eternal life. My wifes blessing says that she will live well into the Milenium. We are close to the same age so mayber I will be around for the return of the Savior too.
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So my question is has anyone here got a Patriarchal Blessing as an adult? Post mission age?

Was it specific enough to guide you in secular life(see problem above) or did it only pertain to the church?

I got mine at 26. I showed up to the blessing with an engagement ring in my hand, and a great big pile of legitimate doubts about whether marrying her would be a good idea or my worst mistake ever. I followed the specific counsel given by the blessing, and it turned out fine.


(married 10+ great years and counting)

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Yes, I did receive my Patriarchal Blessing as an adult (my late forties). Mine did contain, in several areas, rather specific information. I really do feel that my PB was inspired, and not 'generic'. There were truths in mine that while not exclusive to me, were unique enough to not be a "formula."

Mine did address "strengths" and "abilities" that would guide me towards a certain career. There was financial information also. And whenever I pull mine out to read it, I always notice something that was not overtly apparent to me previously. I find it amazing, each and every time.

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Mine was pretty specific, so it just depends. It's not meant to be a psychic reading that helps you avoid making prayerful decisions. The Lord decides what you need to hear. A friend if mine, hers was only a paragraph long and just talked about obedience. She was disappointed, but she realizes that that's what she needed. If it were really long, she might've overlooked what was most important for her.

President Hinckley's was pretty short, but he said his said something like "all nations would heard his voice". Pretty cool. :)

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And whenever I pull mine out to read it, I always notice something that was not overtly apparent to me previously. I find it amazing, each and every time.

That happens to me as well... it's truly amazing. It seems like after reading it so many times I'd have gotten everything there is to get out of it, but sometimes something new will just stick out in a way I never interpreted it before. My patriarchal blessing is very precious to me... it's been a wonderful piece of personal scripture since I got it when I was 17...maybe 18... I can't remember. It had things in it that I didn't understand at that time but now they make a lot of sense. It's an eternal blessing, not just one that has to be fulfilled in this lifetime. Every blessing is unique... the only reason they have things in common is because God wants us all to reach our potential and become like Him.
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Latter i found a site online where people had posted theirs and the all seemed pretty generic and vague

This really bothers me that LDS put their Patriarchal Blessing on the internet. The following is the standard form letter that comes with the Patriarchal Blessing -

  • All promises and blessings spoken in a patriarchal blessing are conditioned upon the worthy, faithful living of the person receiving the blessing.

  • A patriarchal blessing should be read periodically and prayerfully.

  • A patriarchal blessing is sacred and personal. It should not be read by casual friends or acquaintances. A person may, however, share it with family members.

  • Although a patriarchal blessing is a sacred guideline of information, promises, and counsel from the Lord to help an individual through life, the person receiving a blessing should not expect it to outline all that will happen to him or her, or answer all questions.

  • If a possible future development, for example marriage or a mission, is not stated in a patriarchal blessing, this does not necessarily mean that it will not come. The Lord, for his purposes, may say certain things to one persona in his or her patriarchal blessing and different things to another person.

  • Occasionally members of the same family receive patriarchal blessings declaring them to be of a different lineage. Families are sometimes of mixed lineage, and one lineage will be dominant in one child, with a different lineage dominant in another child.

  • A patriarchal blessing should be viewed from an eternal perspective. Sometimes blessing promised may not come in this life, but may be realized in eternity.

(Taken from the Handbook for Patriarchs)

(bolding done by me for emphasis)

I received my Patriarchal Blessing when I was 49 years old and had been back to church for 3 years after 30 years of inactivity. I consider my patriarchal blessing a sacred letter from my Heavenly Father and have only shared it with my eternal companion.

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I got mine at 36, it was specific enough for me... it talked about callings I'd receive if I stayed worthy, it talked about my family and my parents.... To say the least it was really cool. I recommend one for all those who are worthy, and I hope that all will try to bring themselves home in Heavenly Fathers plan. :)

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