The Harry Potter Books...


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Guest dec2057

If you look for the good in life - you will find it. If you look for the bad, you will surely find that, too.

There are messages in all things, bad and good.

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Stripped down, Harry Potter is essentially a story about good triumphing over evil, is it not?

It's always a fun debate to have with an athiest. My claim, is that unless you have some ultimate source of good and evil (God and the devil), then the best you can hope for is a story about nice triumphing over mean.

And I haven't found even the teeniest, tiniest hint of God anywhere in Harry Potter. Stuff is that way because it just is. In Rowling's world, there isn't good or evil - only power, those who can wield it, and the reasons they use for wielding it.

It is, almost exactly, the same worldview of the Golden Compass books.

IMHO, Tolkein's Lord of the Rings universe is far superior to both Potter and GC. There is indeed good and evil to be found in Tolkein's world. I've heard a story that Tolkein even had a hand in C.S. Lewis' conversion to Christianity - with Tolkein making the claim that the only thing that could keep someone from being Christian, is a lack of imagination.


Edited by Loudmouth_Mormon
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The Harry Potter books are awesome, and they actually get kids to read!

They are about as demonic or satanic as "The Wizard of Oz", or any other work of children's fiction.

That is very true. The first chapter books my younger sister actually read were the Harry Potter series. She read all seven books within two months. For not reading a lot much before that, reading them that fast was pretty good.

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