STILL do NOT know what to do!!!!!!


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Okay, so I am still on the hunt for a job. I'm still not positive is I should or if I really want to move in with my Dad. Whenever I'm applying for a job where my Dad lives I have this feeling in my tummy, does that feeling mean I should stay home? I'm not as excited as I was when I first started this whole process back in May.

So... I don't know what to do, I don't know what I want.

Do I move with my Dad, if the right job comes along? OR stay home and find a job at the grocery store or something.

Bleh, I don't like making decisions!

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I don't know the living or relationship situation with your dad, but I would suggest a good fast and prayer session. If you still feel uneasy then maybe look closer to home within your field. Or, it might feel better if you stay with your dad but on a temp basis... until you find or can afford your own place. Look at a wider variety of options you could persue

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Anyone need a Nanny? ;)

I'm not very good in the prayer department.

My choices are:

Live with Mom

- find a child care job

- get another jon ie grocery store

Live with Dad

- well thats my only option if I move with Dad.

If I had my drivers license I wouldn't have to move with my Dad, but

nooooooo I don't even have my G1 yet!


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I think you need prayer to help you figure out what is causing the feeling in your tummy.

Sometimes fear can do that to you in your tummy and if this is a completely different thing for you it could be fear. On the other hand getting out of our comfort zone and moving on is where we can truly find our dreams. If it is fear what is it fear of? If it is the fear of failure I say go for it because I am not sure but you look like you might be at the age where you can take a few risks if your safety isn't at risk. :)

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