Help with something I did.


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Well, I was on a website and I had two accounts(first mistake), which will get you banned off of the website anyway, and they thought the two people were different people. I couldn't handle two accounts anymore so I lied on a post and said that one of them had died of skin cancer(second mistake) (which I actually can get if I'm not careful) and that the other one was taking over the one that died. People got all sad and said prayers (third mistake. Really big mistake) and made memorial pictures. Well people started investigating what happened, and most of them started saying it was a very unlikely story. And so I sent a message to one of the moderators there confessing what I did. She posted a thread saying I wasn't dead. I got to read it, but then shortly after I was banned for 30 days. And I don't dare go back, because everyone hates me now. They made comments on my profile and sent me email saying I was an F***ing jerk, and that they hated me. I don't think they will ever forgive me no matter what I do, and (it is a gaming community) no one would like the games I created no matter how good they were. And most of the people on those forums belong to tons of other gaming forums like that too, and they would make a big deal about it there if I signed up and I would get banned from that site. I have no idea what to do. Should I go back after the 30 day ban and see what happens, or never go back at all? I feel like an idiot now and I am constantly listening to sad music because I feel stupid. It seems all of the mods and admins and the high rated people are forgiving me, but all the ordinary members aren't. I really need your advice on this.:(:guilty::combust::bangcomputer::pray::doh::sorry:wow you guys have really good emotes :D

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It means not to go back. Well, I have good news and bad news:

The bad news is that what you did hurt a lot of people. You made friends on there, talked to people and made them think they knew you. Then, you went on to emotionally manipulate them and make people feel sad and sorrowful. Then, when they -caught- you, you finally confessed. What's worse is that it doesn't sound like you've repented, since you're talking about how sad -you- are.

Now, on to the good news: It's not the end of the world. You're 13. This isn't condescending, since you're very obviously an incredibly intelligent thirteen year old. Just be aware: We all do dumb things at thirteen. I did. So did your family. So did everyone reading this post. It's not the end of the world. All you have to do is wait it out. They'll forget, you'll forget, they'll move on.

Just remember this: When you manipulate people, =they= are the ones who hurt. If you get caught, that is a righteous and good thing. When someone does something bad, they should get caught. It helps us grow, even though nobody likes the social censure that comes with that. If you -ever- think of pulling a stunt like this, or of using self-harm(Real or imagined) as a means to achieve a goal, remember what happened here and don't do it.

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I will be closing this thread for now. Unfortunately the site rules require that a member be at least 14 years of age. Carter is welcome to rejoin us when he comes of age.

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