A million reasons to be thankful


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I thought it might be uplifting and enjoyable to "count our blessings", so to speak.

Lets make a list of anything and everything we are thankful or grateful for.

Whether it be the miracles/ blessings in our lives, the challenges we face, or the little things that make us smile.

Our posts of gratitude can be as brief or as long as we want.

I think repitition and acknowledgement/ agreeance with another's gratitude is expected.

1 count for each expression of thanks.

Don't forget to number your posts.

Surely we do have a million reasons to be thankful.


1. I am thankful to be a daughter of such a loving Father in Heaven.

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4. I'm thankful for the ocean.

I love going to the ocean, at any time of the year. The raw majesty and power of God. Never failing to cleanse and heal both spirit and body. Mighty to carry large ships across the crests of its waves, yet gentle enough to caress the feet of a playful child.

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I'm thankful for:

my spouse

my talents and skills (such as they are)


music (except rap and most forms of country-western)



the Atonement



the Constitution and the Bill of Rights

the United States

serving in the US army

Lugz boots

my sister, bother in law, and my niece Lindsey (the most beautiful, and smartest, young lady in the whole world)

My mother


Sundays at sacrament meeting

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