Lost Scripture by FAIR


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Meridian Magazine :: Answers to Critics:Lost Scripture

Article tidbit: Examples of "Lost Scripture"

There are 12 books mentioned in the Old Testament which are not presently in the Bible. These include the Book of the Wars of the Lord, the Book of Jasher, the Book of the Acts of Solomon, the Sayings of the Seers, and the Book of Nathan the Prophet.

In the New Testament, additional writings of Paul, the Book of Enoch, and the Assumption of Moses are all referred to or quoted but not found in the Bible.

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Many of these or pseudepigrapha of these are available today. Jude quotes from the Book of Enoch (Ethiopic) that is available online. You can also read more about it on Wikipedia.

The thing is, there are many, many, many wonderful writings left to us by ancient Jews and Christians for us to read. There's lots of wonderful nuggets of truth and light in them, which help us to understand the early Church. Some of it can also help us understand the Restoration today, as we can find many of the things we now believe were once taught and understood by the ancients.

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The reason why they weren't included usually goes like this: St Jerome, in compiling his version of the Bible, considered a few things: First, was there strong evidence that it was actually written by the presumed author? Second, was it scripturally still accepted and used in St Jerome's day? Third, was it being used extensively by heretics (re: Gnostics)? Fourth, was it something that orthodox Christians insisted on retaining in the holy writ (Hebrews and Revelations)?

He threw out dozens of books, including Enoch, partially due to its questionable provenance and also because he disbelieved the Enoch's theophany (ascension to heaven and seeing the throne of God).

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Thank You for the great links. I am a Roman Catholic. The Historical writings also included in the link are also valuable. The Sacred Scripture of the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches includes some apocryphal books in our official canon of sacred scripture.

Many others-as noted are worth reading to get an idea of the variety of ideas circulating in the early centuries of Christianity.

-It would probably take you weeks to read them all.

Thanks again


Here is a script link - many are online. They are fascinating to read.

Cumorah's Cave link

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