Hello from Golfnut


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Hello friends,

I am a former RLDS high priest, now worshiping with a restoration group of former RLDS.

I Love the Restored Gospel, (Book of Mormon) and look forward to serving with most of you to do the Lords will in establishing the cause of Zion.

Play a little golf too.

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The Restoration branches are made up of former RLDS members, and new baptisms, friends, and other restoration believers only organized on local levels.

There are many who have organized like the Remnant Church of Jesus Christ of LDS, With Brother Larson (great great grandson of Joseph) as their president. I enjoy their fellowship and in many cases priesthood authority between the Remnant and non affiliated branches is shared.

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We are the same in very many ways. We however did not cannonize any revelations from JSjr. after 1838 with few exceptions. We were reorganized by Emma and JSIII in 1860-61. Never practiced poligomy, or baptism of dead, have a different emphasis on section76.

I believe The church should reflect the Book of Mormon pattern. 12 deciples, both priesthoods, and no first presidency. However, I do believe the Lord permitted the first presidency the same as he permitted Israel a King.

By the way, The RLDS is no longer a restoration church. We left because of the leadership wanted to be a part of the world counsel of churches, ordained women and called the book of Mormon historic and not inspired or translated.

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We are the same in very many ways. We however did not cannonize any revelations from JSjr. after 1838 with few exceptions. We were reorganized by Emma and JSIII in 1860-61. Never practiced poligomy, or baptism of dead, have a different emphasis on section76.

I believe The church should reflect the Book of Mormon pattern. 12 deciples, both priesthoods, and no first presidency. However, I do believe the Lord permitted the first presidency the same as he permitted Israel a King.

By the way, The RLDS is no longer a restoration church. We left because of the leadership wanted to be a part of the world counsel of churches, ordained women and called the book of Mormon historic and not inspired or translated.

But the LDS Church does not give the Preisthood to women, nor does it say the BoM is historic, it IS inspired and translated.

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You are correct Mykdiver, many of us have left the RLDS. They do not even use the name any longer, they go by the name community of Christ instead of the church of Jesus Christ. They also perform same sex marriages.

I prefer to not represent them, but want a closer relation with my Utah LDS fellow restoration believers.

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We are a group of Book of Mormon Restoration believers. We obey the voice of Jacob, brother of Nephi the older, in your Book of Mormon it would be chapter2:23-28. One man and one woman,The only way of marriage agreeable of The Heavenly Father.

I do not want to confuse you, I believe in the Gospel restored by the Lord in 1829 through the prophet Joseph Smith Jr.

Thank you for asking.


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