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I find it interesting that some are somehow embarrassed about living in Utah and feel that they must add some kind of disclaimer of origin to their status as resident. It is not like anyone is forcing you to stay. If it is that bad, then go.

Utah is a great place to be. May not be for everybody. But neither is Texas or Vegas or Seattle or cornville Indiana!

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Angela you haven't been around long enough to know me so let me introduce myself. Hi I am Checkerboy. About 90% of what I say is tongue in cheek or intended to get a rise out of you. While it is true that I do dislike Utah for a variety of reasons I don't dislike people from Utah. In fact I have made some really great friends here that currently live in Utah. I had the opportunity just a few weeks ago to meet them, in Utah. So just remember Checkerboy=Sarcastic.

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Like Idaho is that much different than Utah.

Sorry to sound snippy.....but let's be honest.

Seriously MissH??

Idaho is way different then Utah. And I don't claim to like it all that much here either. I am a California boy through and through, and if the economy would hurry up and collapse there so I could buy up land dirt cheap I would move back in a heart beat.

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MissH have you lived in Idaho? If so please tell me how we are so much the same. Idaho's weather is way different. The people here are a lot nicer. The roads are actually driveable due to the fact that we don't need to be working on them 12 months out of the year. There isn't a huge anti mormon presence here. So all in all Idaho is a much better place to live.

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I visited Utah for 10 days in January about ten years ago. It was beautiful!!!! (for 10 days)

My children loved to play on the snow, they loved the snow in the backyard of the house, in the parks, the playgrounds, and in the mountains. But after 10 days we were all so ready to come back to San Diego. Where you can go on walks on the beach any time of the year. And enjoy it. Where you have sunshine all year round! We have a beautiful temple in La Jolla. San Diego Zoo, Wild Animal Park, Sea World, and Disneyland. Just wanted to mention a few reasons why I'm not too sad I'm not from Utah, but from San Diego.:sunny:


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MissH have you lived in Idaho? If so please tell me how we are so much the same. Idaho's weather is way different. The people here are a lot nicer. The roads are actually driveable due to the fact that we don't need to be working on them 12 months out of the year. There isn't a huge anti mormon presence here. So all in all Idaho is a much better place to live.

Yup Checks you're right - instead of being snowed in for 3 months out of the year, you guys have white out conditions for 5. My experience with people in Idaho wasn't that they were nicer - a bit more nosey actually and quick to point out how their neighbors weren't living the gospel. It seemed like the farm town version of Utah to me, but with less to do. If my limited experience in Pocatello and Blackfoot didn't give me a "well rounded" perception of ID, neither does your limited experience in Provo. :D

Edited by Honor
This post was 90% tongue in cheek LOL :p
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You know....I stand corrected. You are right. Utah is awful and everyone who lives here is a real pill and I should really think about moving because nothing good ever comes out of Utah. How stupid of me to see the good in such a crapo place!

Thank you so very much for konking me on the head with such convincing comparisons. I feel soooooo enlightened! This conversation has shown me how beautifully accepting and non-judgmental people in Idaho are.

OH sorry.....was I sounding sarcastic??? :o

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I find it interesting that some are somehow embarrassed about living in Utah and feel that they must add some kind of disclaimer of origin to their status as resident. It is not like anyone is forcing you to stay. If it is that bad, then go.

Utah is a great place to be. May not be for everybody. But neither is Texas or Vegas or Seattle or cornville Indiana!

Before telling anyone they should just leave perhaps you should know some backgrounds as to why some of us live in Utah and can't leave. Without knowing the whys shouldn't assume that something isn't forcing someone to be here. JMHO

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There are other states besides Oregon? None more beautiful of course...

Oregon is beautiful. Well parts of it anyway. The west and central more than eastern in my opinion. I have many ties to Oregon and having been born there...

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