who i am, what i believe


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Hello, I'm a non-denominational Christian who attends a Calvary Chapel in California

I believe in the sacrifice of Christ on the cross, that He was crucified for the sins of the world by His own decision because He loves us with an infinite and immeasurable love. I believe that three days after His crucifixion, Jesus rose again from the dead. I believe that Jesus Christ alone is the Mediator between man and the Father, and that He alone is worthy for this purpose. I believe that all who believe this in their heart and confess it with their mouth will be saved by faith alone in Him.

I do not believe in salvation by good works, but rather, good works by salvation.

I believe that the Holy Bible (Old Testament + New Testament) and the Holy Bible alone to be the inerrant and infallible word of God. It is God breathed, written by men, has succesfully withstood scrutiny from generation to generation, and the final authority over my life. It is a document that God holds on higher importance than His own name (Psalm 138:2).

I believe in the doctrine of the trinity and it's fullness: There is only ONE God, that God has one nature, but three centers of consciousness - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I also believe that this doctrine is undeniably supported throughout scripture (1 John 5:7, Deu 6:4, John 1:1). Anyone who says Jesus is not God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, is calling Jesus a liar (Exodus 3:14, John 8:58).

I believe that Jesus Christ has niether returned to this world yet, nor has established His millenial kingdom. I believe that when He does this, EVERY EYE will see Him, and that it will be no secret event whatsoever.

I believe in a place of eternal punishment called Hell, and that all who do not put their faith in Jesus Christ will be condemned to this place.

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Hi and well come ... we have somethign common ans something not...

I believe in good works because of the love we get in us as we understand the salvation... any other kind of good works are no use. Anyone can do "good works" to gain something, bit that is not possible with salvation as our Hevenly Father knows each one of us and He knows the real reason of our good works.

I dont believe in trinity but I believe in godhead, which is Hevenly Father, Jesus and HG together.

I believe that that Bible is Gods word; both the oldT and the NewT adn I believe that God has not left us alone and withour guidance and thus He has sent us later day profets that can say :Thus says teh Lord. I also believe that Mormons Book and other scriptures are Gods words.

I believe Jesus was the God of Old Testament.

I also believe that when Crist comes again every eye will se him, but not all can look at him and every knee will bow in front of him.

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