No Rainbows For 1 Year = Jesus Is Coming

Guest bat

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Originally posted by huma17+Sep 30 2004, 10:10 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (huma17 @ Sep 30 2004, 10:10 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by -bat@Sep 29 2004, 07:26 AM

<!--QuoteBegin--Jenda@Sep 29 2004, 04:58 AM

Bat, I am sorry, you have to change your icon to something else.   Every time I see your posts now I think of Peace.

M-O-O-N, that spells "people live on the moon".

A vision was seen with other people living on a different planet. His interpretation was that it was the moon, that is what he knew at the time. Prophets do not know all things. Just like a vision of planes in the future being described as flying metal birds.

He had a vision that he saw g-d and j-s-s in the woods too. Should we assume that that didn't happen either? And since when does modern science trump visions given to prophets by god? I don't think you have enough faith.

Here is what Brigham Young had to say about such blasphemy as yours:

"Who can tell us of the inhabitants of this little planet that shines of an evening, called the moon?... when you inquire about the inhabitants of that sphere you find that the most learned are as ignorant in regard to them as the ignorant of their fellows. So it is in regard to the inhabitants of the sun. Do you think it is inhabited? I rather think it is. Do you think there is any life there? No question of it; it was not made in vain" (Journal of Discourses, vol.13, p.271).

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Originally posted by Maureen+Sep 30 2004, 11:53 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Maureen @ Sep 30 2004, 11:53 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--bat@Sep 28 2004, 07:29 PM

That's an easy one!  The xtian g-d didn't kill those people, Ares, the Greek God of War did.  I don't know how you could have not known that.

Sorry bat, I think you're wrong there. A better answer would be:

Set (Seth, Setekh, Sut, Sutekh, Suty), an ancient Egyptian god; a god of chaos, confusion, storms, wind, the desert and foreign lands.

It seems like a somewhat 'reasonable' answer. And don't bring Mother Nature into this, she's a little cocky and likes to take credit for practically every physical thing that happens on the earth - she's kind of arrogant if you ask me.

Another 'logical' conclusion could be that 'nature imitates art'. If there are any Trekkies out there, they know what I'm talking about. Season 3 of 'Enterprise' had the aliens called the Xindi destroying Florida with a Probe-like weapon. I think someone or something out there in this vast universe is copying Star Trek. What else could it be?


That makes sense, you're probably right.

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Originally posted by bat+Sep 30 2004, 03:51 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (bat @ Sep 30 2004, 03:51 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by -huma17@Sep 30 2004, 10:10 AM

Originally posted by -bat@Sep 29 2004, 07:26 AM

<!--QuoteBegin--Jenda@Sep 29 2004, 04:58 AM

Bat, I am sorry, you have to change your icon to something else.   Every time I see your posts now I think of Peace.

M-O-O-N, that spells "people live on the moon".

A vision was seen with other people living on a different planet. His interpretation was that it was the moon, that is what he knew at the time. Prophets do not know all things. Just like a vision of planes in the future being described as flying metal birds.

He had a vision that he saw g-d and j-s-s in the woods too. Should we assume that that didn't happen either? And since when does modern science trump visions given to prophets by god? I don't think you have enough faith.

Huh? What are you talking about?

Sometimes I wonder if you actually read what I, or anyone, writes, or you just see what you want to see. You can't be so slow, that you cannot understand what I said.

When did I say anything about science trumping anything?

What did I say: He saw a vision of people living on another planet. He assumed it was the moon, because he didn't completely understand all things. Have you ever read Revelations? It is hard to read, because, at times, John tried to explain what he saw, even though he didn't fully understand it all.

Just because JS saw the Father and the Son, didn't automatically make him knowledgeable in all things pertaining to the Father and his Son.

I don't have enough faith!? What does faith have to do with this statement?

Man, you really need to pay attention.

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Originally posted by Amillia+Sep 29 2004, 07:34 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Amillia @ Sep 29 2004, 07:34 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by -Cal@Sep 29 2004, 05:59 PM

Originally posted by -Jenda@Sep 27 2004, 06:22 PM

Originally posted by -Cal@Sep 27 2004, 05:41 PM

<!--QuoteBegin--Jenda@Sep 27 2004, 08:35 AM

Why would you consider that an impossibility?  God did not place the bow in the sky till after the flood at Noah's time, so why couldn't He remove it?

Jenda--so that means that water did not have a refractive index before Noah? Welcome all to physical lala land!

Yes, Cal. I believe in a God so powerful that, if He created the heavens and the earth, he can change the physical property of same.

Or, maybe there is an easy explanation for it. Maybe the conditions of having sunshine during a rain storm just never materialized.

Nah, I would rather believe that God can do anything. B)

Can He make a rock too large for Him to lift?

Only if he is a house devided against itself.

Talk about avoiding the issue with hyperbolic nonsense!

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Originally posted by huma17+Sep 30 2004, 10:10 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (huma17 @ Sep 30 2004, 10:10 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by -bat@Sep 29 2004, 07:26 AM

<!--QuoteBegin--Jenda@Sep 29 2004, 04:58 AM

Bat, I am sorry, you have to change your icon to something else.   Every time I see your posts now I think of Peace.

M-O-O-N, that spells "people live on the moon".

A vision was seen with other people living on a different planet. His interpretation was that it was the moon, that is what he knew at the time. Prophets do not know all things. Just like a vision of planes in the future being described as flying metal birds.

I guess there is a way to explain yourself out of every contradiction. Just change the plain meaning of what is said, and make it say something else.

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  • 2 years later...
Guest Yediyd

I'd consider it an impossiblility. Unless one of the following happens:

1. No rain anywhere in the world for a full year

2. No light anywhere in the world for a full year

3. No waterfalls or sprinklers in the world for a full year

4. The pot of gold finally gets stolen.

5. The laws of physics governing light are changed.

WOW!!! I know this is an old thread, but this made me laugh!!!!

If you believe the Bible...(a big IF) An iron axe floats, man walks on water, man lives inside a fish's stomic for 3 days and lives, a valley of dry bones comes to life, The red sea parted, dead raised, lepers healed, blind see, water into wine...need I go on?

Give me a break!!!!

G-d made this Earth AND the laws of physics...he can do what he lkes with both!!!!!

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Guest Yediyd

Originally posted by Jenda@Sep 27 2004, 08:35 AM

Why would you consider that an impossibility? God did not place the bow in the sky till after the flood at Noah's time, so why couldn't He remove it?

Jenda--so that means that water did not have a refractive index before Noah? Welcome all to physical lala land!
No, it means that there was a mist that covered the ground...

there was no rain before the flood...that it why the people mocked Noah. I believe that there was a water canopy that covered the Earth (in Gen. 1, G-d divided the waters that were above the Heavens from those that were below the Heavens)

That water canopy was brocken up when G-d broke up the waters of the great deep...when this changed the eco system of the Earth. The Earth was protected by this water canopy and because of the greenhouse affect...there was no rain, only mist formed on the ground (ever had a terarium? Same concept)The berimetric pressure of the Earth was different before the flood and after...this is why the ages of man declined after the flood....Man was not as insolated from the sun.

Also, when the berimetric pressure changed...the atmosphere was not as dence...this effected the health and life spans of man as well...but then...we were just talking about rainbows....sorry for the "rant".

The flood was a catclismic event.

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God doesn't need any compound-changing-oxygen-killing-water-blasting-super-thingy-mabob,

all he has to do is command the light to stop forming rainbows!

If he can command the earth to make plants, and move mountains, he can certainly make rainbows stop coming for a year! :idea:

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Guest bizabra

Why would you consider that an impossibility? God did not place the bow in the sky till after the flood at Noah's time, so why couldn't He remove it?

BIZ: Do you not understand the laws of nature? A rainbow is not a supernatural event. It is a natural event caused by the sun refracting through the water vapor/droplets that are acting as many tiny prisms that togethtr create the visual effect of the rainbow.

Tsk. There could never have NOT been rainbows as long as there has been rain. Or that somehow, supernaturally, there could ever NOT be any so long as there IS rain falling on this earth! :blink:

Go back to school and pay attention in biology/science classes again!

Actually, JS was technically right. IF there were no rainbow, the earth would be in big trouble. But that is a great big IF. Fact is that the earth has had water for its entire history. Being that water is one of the most stable compounds around , it is not going to be decomposing on its own. Anything that would decompose all the water in the earth would fry the rest of us before the water turned to hydrogen and oxygen.

Bottomline: Let's hope JS was speaking very metaphorically, not literally.

BIZ: Joseph Smith was speaking as the ignorant, superstitious person that he was. And that most folks in his neck o' the woods were at that time in history. Hmmmmm. As too many people STILL are, apparently.

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Guest bizabra

<div class='quotemain'>

Originally posted by Jenda@Sep 27 2004, 08:35 AM

Why would you consider that an impossibility? God did not place the bow in the sky till after the flood at Noah's time, so why couldn't He remove it?

Jenda--so that means that water did not have a refractive index before Noah? Welcome all to physical lala land!

No, it means that there was a mist that covered the ground...

there was no rain before the flood...that it why the people mocked Noah. I believe that there was a water canopy that covered the Earth (in Gen. 1, G-d divided the waters that were above the Heavens from those that were below the Heavens)

That water canopy was brocken up when G-d broke up the waters of the great deep...when this changed the eco system of the Earth. The Earth was protected by this water canopy and because of the greenhouse affect...there was no rain, only mist formed on the ground (ever had a terarium? Same concept)The berimetric pressure of the Earth was different before the flood and after...this is why the ages of man declined after the flood....Man was not as insolated from the sun.

Also, when the berimetric pressure changed...the atmosphere was not as dence...this effected the health and life spans of man as well...but then...we were just talking about rainbows....sorry for the "rant".

The flood was a catclismic event.

BIZ: YIKES! Nice demo Yed, of how our schools fail miserably at teaching the laws of physics, thanks! Start here for more answers: and then read some of the links at the end of the article for more reasons why this idea is a load of horse hocky.

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Guest Yediyd

BIZ: YIKES! Nice demo Yed, of how our schools fail miserably at teaching the laws of physics, thanks! Start here for more answers: and then read some of the links at the end of the article for more reasons why this idea is a load of horse hocky.

Here is a shocker, Biz...I didn't learn that at school...I believe the lord gave me that insight as I read my scriptures...I believe that my G-d is lord of physics, and you have an arrogant, pompas attitude...did you learn that at school?

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Guest bizabra

BIZ: YIKES! Nice demo Yed, of how our schools fail miserably at teaching the laws of physics, thanks! Start here for more answers: and then read some of the links at the end of the article for more reasons why this idea is a load of horse hocky.

Here is a shocker, Biz...I didn't learn that at school...I believe the lord gave me that insight as I read my scriptures...I believe that my G-d is lord of physics, and you have an arrogant, pompas attitude...did you learn that at school?

BIZ: Excuse me, but I would say that it is arrogant and pompous to claim that your particular supernatural beliefs trump the laws of physics. Some native american tribes thought that the world sat atop the back of a huge turtle. Are they wrong? Why would you say they were wrong? Your absolutist claims about your god might strike them as arrogant.

Did you read the article? I doubt it.

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Guest Yediyd

You know what Biz? It is clear to me that you are up here only to argue and belittle the things that I hold dear, so you go ahead and believe what you want...I'm not interested in your reteric, Have a nice life. :wacko:

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Guest bizabra

Yed, do you ever take modern medicine for any reason? Do you use any kind of plastic or synthetic materials at all? Do you understand how babies are conceived? Do you trust that the airplane you might fly in will stay up in the sky? Do you use a cell phone?

I ask because you are unwilling to trust modern science if it contradicts your religious beliefs, so I wonder how you can trust ANYTHING that is the product of modern scientific methods! Or do you believe that scientists pick and choose what they lie about? They tell the truth about modern chemical concoctions that help cure disease, but lie about the natural world and how it works?

I am not trying to belittle you, just pointing out how your beliefs are incorrect. It is belittling little children to set them straight if they believe in something magical or incorrect? Or would you correct them and teach them their error so that they can learn?

Many many mormons accept the reality of evolution and consider the bible to be metaphor and not a literal historical document. Are they somehow belittling your beliefs? Why not?

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Guest Yediyd

A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still...

I will listen to people like Jason and Prison chaplin...even if I don't agree with them..

The difference between you and them, they dissagree with me, but do so respectfully; you, on the other hand only wish to argue and antagonize. You say mean and spiteful things, Your attitude negates your points, I have no desire to converse with you...have a nice life.

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Guest Yediyd

BTW, congradulations! You are the first person up here that I have put on ignor. Now, thanks to you, I can learn how that feature works. :P

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Or do you believe that scientists pick and choose what they lie about? They tell the truth about modern chemical concoctions that help cure disease, but lie about the natural world and how it works?

Biz, this is a very weak point. We don't understand all the laws of nature or physics. We can hardly say, "We know it all, therefore we can interpret the data once and for all and establish what happened." Nice try, though.

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Yes, Cal. I believe in a God so powerful that, if He created the heavens and the earth, he can change the physical property of same.

Or, maybe there is an easy explanation for it. Maybe the conditions of having sunshine during a rain storm just never materialized.

Nah, I would rather believe that God can do anything

Hey, I'm new here, but feel this is a great place to put my 2 cents in... I'm going to try extensively to find the quote, but for DISCUSSION's sake, God has to follow the laws of physics. He may have created 'physics' but by His own law, He must obey His own laws of physics.

But this doesn't diminish miracles...the answer is that God manipulates, within the boundaries of the laws, physics to perform such miracles. Let's face it folks...we do not even begin to understand the complexity and vastness of the laws of physics, neither do the scientists. There is so much to learn that we can't even fathom yet.

If you compare what science knows with Creationism, and look with an open mind, you will see God in every aspect of science and science within God.

Albert Einstein said, It is lame to see science without seeing God; it is foolish to see God without seeing science [paraphrased].

For instance, the great flood of Noah's time... It rained 19 inches in 12 hours in Marble Falls, TX last week. Times that by 40 days and you have approx. 126 feet of rain. Add that to the 2/3 of the earth's existing water and you easily have the entire earth flooded. 19 inches of rain killed 13 people here. It's easy to see 40 days and nights of torrential rain killing the entire earth's population.

God caused the great flood, but He used the laws of physics to cause it to happen---not magic.:rockonsign:

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Guys, Girls, let's stop arguing! why don't we just accept that everyone believes things a little differently, and by the way, BIZ, I didn't appreciate the comment on Joseph Smith being a "Supersticious Fool," considering this is LDS Talk, I don't think many other people appreciate it either, plus in the rules it states that "No saying things that may belittle or antagonize the church." :excl:


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BIZ: Do you not understand the laws of nature? A rainbow is not a supernatural event. It is a natural event caused by the sun refracting through the water vapor/droplets that are acting as many tiny prisms that togethtr create the visual effect of the rainbow.

Tsk. There could never have NOT been rainbows as long as there has been rain. Or that somehow, supernaturally, there could ever NOT be any so long as there IS rain falling on this earth! :blink:

Go back to school and pay attention in biology/science classes again!

Sorry Biz,

Again we have to disqualify your post for being too rational.

Please try again.

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Yed, do you ever take modern medicine for any reason? Do you use any kind of plastic or synthetic materials at all? Do you understand how babies are conceived? Do you trust that the airplane you might fly in will stay up in the sky? Do you use a cell phone?

I ask because you are unwilling to trust modern science if it contradicts your religious beliefs, so I wonder how you can trust ANYTHING that is the product of modern scientific methods! Or do you believe that scientists pick and choose what they lie about? They tell the truth about modern chemical concoctions that help cure disease, but lie about the natural world and how it works?

I am not trying to belittle you, just pointing out how your beliefs are incorrect. It is belittling little children to set them straight if they believe in something magical or incorrect? Or would you correct them and teach them their error so that they can learn?

Many many Mormons accept the reality of evolution and consider the bible to be metaphor and not a literal historical document. Are they somehow belittling your beliefs? Why not?

Please don't speak for "...many, many Mormons...", I am Mormon and speak for myself and no one else. The LDS Church teaches that all religion has some truth... no one has the right to try to talk any person out of his or her belief. If each individual is open to discussion, than fine...but don't speak for others and don't criticize and demean them for their beliefs.

As for science, please read the article at (2nd question down), which states: "Morris S. Petersen, professor of geology, Brigham Young University, and stake president, Provo Utah East Stake. There is much we do not know about the creation and early history of the earth. The scriptural record is sketchy, and the record of science is incomplete. Indeed, what we imagine to be true now about the history of the earth may prove to be only partially true in the light of greater knowledge. We are assured, however, that the day will come when the Lord "shall reveal all things—

"Things which have passed, and hidden things which no man knew, things of the earth, by which it was made, and the purpose and the end thereof—

"Things most precious, things that are above, and things that are beneath, things that are in the earth, and upon the earth, and in heaven." (D&C 101:32-34.)

Until that day comes, we must rely on what we are taught in the scriptures and what we assume to be true based on the evidence gathered and examined by science.

<A name=6>We are, in fact, encouraged to obtain both scriptural and secular knowledge in striving to learn about God and his creations: "Teach ye diligently and my grace shall attend you, that you may be instructed more perfectly in theory, in principle, in doctrine, in the law of the gospel, in all things that pertain unto the kingdom of God, that are expedient for you to understand..."

There are many books written by Mormon scientists and scholars on the subject of reconciling creationism and science. Richard Ingebretsen wrote the book, "Joseph Smith, ([paraphrase]who IS not a mystic or paranormal believer) and , Modern Astronomy"; which covers theories concerning the life and death of stars, time, the nature of light, etc. How much more scientific could an uneducated country boy from the 19th century be?

I respect all beliefs, please respect mine. And please don't state what Mormon beliefs are unless you've been taught the gospel as we interpret it. :please:

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