Pumpkin food


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I don't know about anyone else, but if you ask my husband, he'll tell you that I become unreasonably obsessed with pumpkin this time of year. Funny thing is, I don't like pumpkin pie.

Give me pumpkin cheesecake, pumpkin bread, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin ice cream, pumpkin ice cream topping (okay, so I haven't tried it yet, but I bought some Smucker's brand Pumpkin Spice flavored ice cream topping at the store today).

If you share my obsession with pumpkin in the fall, please post your favorite pumpkin recipes here (or links to them). Here are a few of mine.

The Recipe Girl: Pumpkin Cornbread (with Pumpkin Chili, of course)! (I've not made either of these recipes myself, but I saw them this morning and thought they looked really yummy...pumpkin cornbread and pumpkin chili.)

And here's a really super yummy cookie recipe: The Kitchen Counter: Whole Wheat Oatmeal Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

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I also become very obsessed with pumpkins at this time of year, which is evident in some of my posts. :P

I love pumpkin seeds, and will eat them regardless of the season. I'm always reading in Harry Potter about how pumpkin juice is always a drink. Is pumpkin juice fiction, or do people actually drink that? If so, then I would kill for some!

And, besides pizza, pumpkin is my absolute favorite pie! ^_^

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my wife and I have a reciepe for this and the cream cheese goes on the bottom and them add the pumpkin and then to the oven....good stuff....:)

How about posting the recipe...two of my favorite things..cream cheese and pumpkin pie.

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  • 4 months later...

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