hi my name is maria i am a mormon for about 12 or so years


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[hi my name is maria i am a mormon i am a single mom of three boys ages 9 years old and 7 years old and one that is 2 months i live in minnesota right now but in a shelter not knowing when i have to leave from this shelter and find another one i having to do raise all my kids by my self and its hard i know i wish someone can help i would love to not think about finding a place to live just for once but i does not seen to happen i am 28 years old hispanic :(:confused::rolleyes::genie::o

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Welcome to the website Maria, I hope and pray that there are family or friends who will feel like they can help you. Is your bishop or branch president doing what he can to help you out? Are you looking for work? Maybe if you get to know people in your branch or ward well enough that they can trust you then they might hire you to watch their kids sometimes or to do something else.

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Hope somone is helping you out. I feel horrible that I met a very young unemployed construction worker who was healing from his injuries but the BC goverment took its sweet time to give him finacial aid. It was to late and he was homless in a heartbeat. I should have at a minimum gave him 20 dollars but it was far less

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Hi Maria! God to have you here! Life is hard sometimes! We been promised 2 things that always helped me: 1 We will never get more to carry than what we manage. 2 God tries especially those He loves most! Looks like Good loves ypu very much as you been given so much to carry! One thing I can promise you... it WILL be worth it! Keep active in Church and teach your kids the truth.

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