questions from an investigator


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Hello forum,

I am looking into the church, I am reading the book of mormon and getting missionary discussions. I am researching the church and found many issues, is there a comprehensive site somewhere that would answer the following questions? There seem to be quite a few sites with ex-mormons saying alot of disturbing things, how do you all deal with these issues? Do you reasearch them individually? Dissmiss them all as malarky? It would seem some are very serous accusations against the chruch and it's validity?



response to edit: how can I get answers to my questions and do comparative research if I cannot link to the sources? It there a way to do this and be inline with the rules? Certainly people here can't be that fragile that me posting a link or something is going to blow their faith?

Edited by declanr
anti-LDS sources. Please read and understand the rules, especially rule #1.
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You can ask the Missionaries but the ones i have known have little knowledge on the anti stuff.

I suggest

He's not an official from the church but does a pretty good job of answering some of the tougher questions and puts things in a historical/ scientific perspective

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Welcome to the site and yes there is much out there to discredit the church. We could spend days, weeks, even months arguing over the anti stuff out there but we might never get anything done :). I have heard much of the anti stuff also and have argued with others over it, in the end people will believe what they want either for or against.

My best advice to you the scriptures, fast and pray about things. He will give you the answer you seek and He will never lie to you. Then when you have your prayers aswered, be happy and content with it. We can't change peoples opinions except through example and longsuffering, really longsuffering :)

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Hello forum,

how can I get answers to my questions and do comparative research if I cannot link to the sources? It there a way to do this and be inline with the rules? Certainly people here can't be that fragile that me posting a link or something is going to blow their faith?

As has been pointed out, the problem is not that the members of this site are necessarily fragile. But this site does not exist as a sounding board for those who wish to tear down people's testimonies of the gospel, rather to build them up. We welcome honest questions from honest searchers. We do not tolerate dishonest cheapshots or strawmen arguments given up purely for the entertainment of those who wish to tear us down. The website you cited exists purely to tear down the LDS Church, not to bring people to Christ.

If you have an honest question in your search for truth, I invite you to ask away, keeping in mind the rules which you agreed to and we presume you read when you became a member of this site. As a matter of keeping things straight, I suggest that you post only one question or topic at a time and allow us to answer them fully for you before moving on to the next topic. Shotgun questions or multiple salvos without discussion are disconcerting and end up getting very few answers.

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All I know is if I want to aquaint myself with someone I don't go and interview their enemies to see if I would like them. I also wouldn't go around asking their friends if the rumors about the person I wanted to get to know were true.

Get to know the person and by their fruits ye shall know them.

Ben Raines

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Might I recommend a little known function of the forum called "SEARCH"?

Almost ANY question you would have has probably already been discussed AT LENGTH on this forum. You'll probably find just about anything if you search by good key words.

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BenRaines;All I know is if I want to acquaint myself with someone I don't go and interview their enemies to see if I would like them. I also wouldn't go around asking their friends if the rumors about the person I wanted to get to know were true.

Get to know the person and by their fruits ye shall know them.

I agree with BenRaines, when I was investigating the church the pastor from the church I was attending at that time have me a lot of anti-mormon literature. I was very confused and didn't know what to believe. What the missionaries told me is that when I was ready to learn about the church to start by reading the Book of Mormon and praying about. I threw away the anti-mormon literature and started reading the BoM and Gospel Principles. A few weeks later a decided to be baptized in the lds church.


Edited by RainofGold
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I am looking into the church, I am reading the book of mormon and getting missionary discussions.

Super! What brought you to search out the church?

I am researching the church and found many issues,

I guess that is kind of normal. The history of the church has been I guess strange to those that don’t understand it. (or compared to living in 2008). But good research looks at both good and bad, not just bad!

is there a comprehensive site somewhere that would answer the following questions?

There are some here and there. The sites listed so far are pretty good. Another good one is

Some of the stuff is written by people for this site, but most is just a collection of what is already out there on the internet. But I do suggest you take time to figure things out on your own, you can go back and forth all day. The challenge the missionaries have and our Church as a whole is to Read the book of Mormon, to pray about it. To see if it came from God!

There seem to be quite a few sites with ex-mormons saying alot of disturbing things, how do you all deal with these issues?

Most of us in the church pretty much ignore it now days because we have heard all these things over and over again. I’m sure some of the things not EVERY member is comfortable with, but they realize there is at least some difference in what the church WAS, and what it is NOW! I’m not living in the past, I am a member of the church now. Each are different in how they choose to deal with things.

Do you reasearch them individually?

Sense we are just talking about broad terms, I can only guess. The way your question is asked, I’m guessing you are wondering if the Church teaches anything as a whole against these “disturbing things,” for the most part the church doesn’t. The Church well correct any idea that is wrong, but it isn’t something they teach at a whole. It is up to the members to do what they want on the matter.

Dissmiss them all as malarky?

Some of them yes.

It would seem some are very serous accusations against the chruch and it's validity?

Most members of the church didn’t join because of some website, or some proof. Most to all us found the truthfulness from the Spirit. We each came to find out individually that the book of mormon is true! That Revelation is on the earth again! That Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ did appear to Joseph Smith! That prophets are called again as God’s mouth piece.

This is what makes each of us a member! This is what we invite all to find out for themselves.

how can I get answers to my questions and do comparative research if I cannot link to the sources? It there a way to do this and be inline with the rules? Certainly people here can't be that fragile that me posting a link or something is going to blow their faith?

Posting a bunch of links to a site that is trying to tear down our church really isn’t the best idea. If you want to ask a question, generalize it to the specify point you want to ask about. Then we can try to answer it. If not, feel free to Send somebody a message.
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Just type LDS Apologetics into google a whole raft of them appear.

For me its interesting but relatively unimportant, my church membership came about because of a relationship with God - if your beliefs hang on purely work that humans are involved with it is always going to disappoint. God has to be at the bedrock of any belief - and as Latter Day Saints our rock is revelation whether through prophets or personal. The history is fun but for me hugely incidental for example I don't overly like a lot of the people in the bible Adam to me came across very wimpy, Jacob was such a bad father he engendered hatred of 11 sons against 1, Abraham left a wife and child to die, etc


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Super! What brought you to search out the church?

I met the missionaries, they were very sincere and warm people.

I guess that is kind of normal. The history of the church has been I guess strange to those that don’t understand it. (or compared to living in 2008). But good research looks at both good and bad, not just bad!

That is why I am here! I think an objective approach to the research is a good one, not to simply look and the exmormon sites, or detractors, but other sources as well.

There are some here and there. The sites listed so far are pretty good. Another good one is

Some of the stuff is written by people for this site, but most is just a collection of what is already out there on the internet. But I do suggest you take time to figure things out on your own, you can go back and forth all day. The challenge the missionaries have and our Church as a whole is to Read the book of Mormon, to pray about it. To see if it came from God!

The fair site looks very good, I will dig into it. I am reading and praying about the Book of mormon, but I am struggling to see how this challenge is different than any other religioun, or conversion to, have you sincerely read and prayed about the Koran?, the Vedic Scriptures? The Torah? Praying and feeling good about what you want to believe is the sort of subjective validation that converts billions of people to OTHER religions as well as the LDS church, I am looking for objective, real information, besides the spiritual witness an evangelical Christian , or a Jehovas wittness, or a scientologist gets of truth.

Most of us in the church pretty much ignore it now days because we have heard all these things over and over again. I’m sure some of the things not EVERY member is comfortable with, but they realize there is at least some difference in what the church WAS, and what it is NOW! I’m not living in the past, I am a member of the church now. Each are different in how they choose to deal with things.

Sense we are just talking about broad terms, I can only guess. The way your question is asked, I’m guessing you are wondering if the Church teaches anything as a whole against these “disturbing things,” for the most part the church doesn’t. The Church well correct any idea that is wrong, but it isn’t something they teach at a whole. It is up to the members to do what they want on the matter.

I think this is either a management failure, or a very telling sign that much of the bad information about the LDS church cannot be refuted, letting prospective members research critical factual and historical issues of the church without guidance seems a bit crazy, when church published an official "answer to the anti's" or something I'll be sure to buy a copy!

Some of them yes.

Most members of the church didn’t join because of some website, or some proof. Most to all us found the truthfulness from the Spirit. We each came to find out individually that the book of mormon is true! That Revelation is on the earth again! That Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ did appear to Joseph Smith! That prophets are called again as God’s mouth piece.

That is great, I too would like that revelation, which is why I am reading the book of Mormon and praying

This is what makes each of us a member! This is what we invite all to find out for themselves.

Posting a bunch of links to a site that is trying to tear down our church really isn’t the best idea. If you want to ask a question, generalize it to the specify point you want to ask about. Then we can try to answer it. If not, feel free to Send somebody a message.

Good idea, my question was overall a broad one, using that page as an example, as I have questions i will ask them individually.

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About Mormons

this is the response to critcism:

Anti-Mormon Critics

this is my favourite site its quite balanced used to be until the church took on as well. This site to me manages to retain the spirit of a sacrament meeting or general conference which is unusual with an apologetic site which tends to about knowledge and learning - it also tends to go for the simplest explanation

I like this quote from the above site

"Why do the Elders of the Church hold their peace, instead of contradicting the various falsehoods, which are published concerning them and their principles? The answer is, it would require a standing army of writers and printers in constant employ; for no sooner are our enemies detected in one falsehood, than a thousand more are put in circulation by them: and there are many who love a lie so much more than the truth,that we are quite willing they should enjoy their strong delusion." (Parley P. Pratt, Mormonism Unveiled, 1838)

Most claims, can be counter claimed but imo to teach it in church would take away valuable time from what is truly important.

For example right now we are focusing as a Stake on Family Home Evening, Family Prayer and Family Scripture Study - last year it was Temple attendance etc


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