Oh You Have To Read This!

Winnie G

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Guest TheProudDuck

Originally posted by Faerie@Oct 26 2004, 01:01 PM

I've found here in the south that a LOT of churches label us all sorts of things, but their followers don't always agree or go along with those labels..

again, even if a president belongs to a church that labels us cultists, it'd be a cold day in jamaica before that'd monumentally impacted our church

president: i don't like those mormons, those cultists!! i'm gonna punish them by..by..by..

what? what in the world could an anti-mormon president possibly do to the LDS church? john kerry belongs to a religion that teaches that Invitro Fertilization is an abomination as well as all forms of abortion, should I start worrying that if he becomes the next president that infertility clinics around the country will be forced to shut down and RvW will automatically be dismissed?


john kerry belongs to a religion that teaches that Invitro Fertilization is an abomination as well as all forms of abortion, should I start worrying that if he becomes the next president that infertility clinics around the country will be forced to shut down and RvW will automatically be dismissed?

Well, no -- because Kerry has no problem disregarding any aspect of his religion that conflicts with his political philosophy.

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Guest TheProudDuck

Originally posted by Unorthodox@Oct 26 2004, 12:55 PM

This is also interesting...it looks like Bush doesn't have much of a problem contradicting his own Church's teachings...


I guess that is a good thing, because if they ever did decide to label the LDS a cult, he could ignore them.


Read the article. The ministers who put out the anti-Bush ad aren't speaking for the Methodist Church, but rather for themselves only.

I happen to think it's pretty arrogant for anyone to presume to characterize another professing Christian as a bad Christian, especially when (apparently) the Methodist group includes "ministers" who don't even accept Christ's divinity, but what do I know.

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Guest TheProudDuck
Originally posted by Unorthodox+Oct 26 2004, 02:17 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Unorthodox @ Oct 26 2004, 02:17 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--TheProudDuck@Oct 26 2004, 03:05 PM

john kerry belongs to a religion that teaches that Invitro Fertilization is an abomination as well as all forms of abortion, should I start worrying that if he becomes the next president that infertility clinics around the country will be forced to shut down and RvW will automatically be dismissed?

Well, no -- because Kerry has no problem disregarding any aspect of his religion that conflicts with his political philosophy.

Doesn't Bush do the same thing?

For example? Seriously -- what teachings of the Methodist Church do you consider President Bush to be violating?

Kerry is in a particularly tricky situation, because the Catholic Church specifically teaches that political leaders may not support legalized abortion. While the Church does not generally favor capital punishment (although it doesn't forbid it entirely) and has expressed reservations about the justice of the Iraq war, these are considered to be "prudential" judgments, where the Church does not issue a binding rule, but rather leaves the matter to the judgment of the secular authorities. As I understand it, on the other hand, support for abortion is prohibited without exception as a matter of canon law.

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Homosexual rights:

"Certain basic human rights and civil liberties are due all persons. We are committed to supporting those rights and liberties for homosexual persons."

You can scratch this one off the list. I don't think Bush is trying to infringe on any basic human rights of homosexuals. I don't believe that Same-sex marriage is a basic human right.

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Guest TheProudDuck

Originally posted by Unorthodox@Oct 27 2004, 05:39 AM

I wasn't sure about that one. The Methodists were sort of vague in that statement and did not mention marriage.

The other contradictions seem legitimate.

I learned alot from that website. I like the Methodists...I didn't know their beliefs were so similar to my own.

My opinion is that BOTH presidential candidates will use religion when necessary, but they can't be consistant with their own church's beliefs without keeping church and state separate.


The interesting thing about Methodists, as with most old-line Protestant denominations, is that there's a great disconnect between the beliefs of the clergy and the congregations. The clergy are professionally trained at seminaries, which tends to make them far more liberal than ordinary believers -- yet another reason I'm thankful beyond belief that the Church has a lay ministry, which avoids this kind of disconnect.

Also, the Methodist Church's official "social" or political positions don't have the force of official doctrine. From the UMC website:

"The United Methodist Church makes no bones about its social principles and social agenda, although it never says that they are the will of God. Instead, we recognize that our public support or opposition represents our human decisions. Of course, we make those decisions in the context of trying to understand what God wants for us, but we never claim to have a divine pronouncement on something; therefore, issues are always open to discussion."

So the social positions of the UMC leadership do not rise to the level of "teachings of the Methodist Church." Which is a good thing, because I would guess that a solid majority of ordinary Methodists disagree with some or all of them.

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Guest Unorthodox

Me neither.

By the way, I deleted all my posts above but I invite the reader to just go to the Methodist's website and see for themselves what a great job Bush is doing of separating Church and State.

His policies contradict his Church's values in at least four ways!

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Originally posted by Winnie G@Nov 1 2004, 10:16 PM

Who cares what faith you belong to?

I would rather have a president that bangs interns on the side then one who thinks he is an instrument of god to wipe out the infidels over oil.

Yes but since that is not the case, we dismiss your whimsy as uninformed, biased and without merit.
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Originally posted by Winnie G@Nov 1 2004, 10:16 PM

Who cares what faith you belong to?

I would rather have a president that bangs interns on the side then one who thinks he is an instrument of god to wipe out the infidels over oil.

Oh as fare interns go. It’s not my business, Just do the Job! <_<

How 'bout if that intern's your daughter?
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Originally posted by Winnie G@Nov 1 2004, 10:16 PM

Who cares what faith you belong to?

I would rather have a president that bangs interns on the side then one who thinks he is an instrument of god to wipe out the infidels over oil.

Oh as fare interns go. It’s not my business, Just do the Job! <_<

It seems that you are making us out to be the terrorists.

is it your position that the world would be better off w/ Sadam in power?

Wait, is Sadam who you're talking about when you say sexually abusing people? How about killing and torturing? is that OK, as long as he does his job?

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Oh how easy it is to push that male buttons.

My daughter Please she is a big girl, I learned a long time ago, she has and does what She Wants.

Peaple cant belive she was the only one or the only president to behave that way.

I can see that feelings run high to day.

If you feel so strong about it make sure you vote.

lets see how you feel when Bush has his oil rich buddys over for a BBQ in the rose garden.

Come On Peaple smile :rolleyes:

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Oh how easy it is to push that male buttons.

My daughter Please she is a big girl, I learned a long time ago, she has and does what She Wants.

You feel no need to help, support and protect her? that is very sad.

Peaple cant belive she was the only one or the only president to behave that way.

Did i say anything of the sort?

I can see that feelings run high to day.

If you feel so strong about it make sure you vote.

lets see how you feel when Bush has his oil rich buddys over for a BBQ in the rose garden.

Come On Peaple smile :rolleyes:

So you don't feel that abusing an intern is wrong yet you do feel that having rich friends over to eat is bad?

My feelings aren't especially strong. Rather than dance, why not answer the questions.

It seems that you are making us out to be the terrorists. is this how you feel?

is it your position that the world would be better off w/ Sadam in power?

Wait, is Sadam who you're talking about when you say sexually abusing people? How about killing and torturing? is that OK, as long as he does his job?

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