Oh You Have To Read This!

Winnie G

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I take it none of you have ever had a strong willful daughter? One who is as strong as her mother as a grown women who will only change when she wants to change on her terms.

As fare as help, support and protect we have a wonderful support system with in our family.

I know this because even though I am no longer in the same city I have watch from two hours away the way they care for each other.

I taught them well and take pride and love in that.

Oh by the way any intern who knows how to perform “that” sexual act is fare from “abusing”

She sounds like a big girl to me and fare from needed any protection from me.

It is amusing to think that some how because you care others will care too and somehow stop the world from spinning.

Boys will be boys and even though you would like to think other wise scanty interns will be who they are too.

OH come on peaple

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Oh do you really want to know how I feel about men????

I rather work with men then women.

Men are up front innless they hang around women too much.

Men maybe pigs but your never surprised by such behaviour.

When men truly love it’s the deepest of all love.

They can be tuff protective passionate and at the same time be venerable.

They can play with that inner child and show it off to their children and grandchildren and not be embarrassed.

They can giggle like a child when the lights are off then growl like a bear.

When three or more are gathered in a room they can talk about something women will know nothing about and come off sounding like Charlie Brown teacher.

They are our better half if matched right.

I love men.

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Guest Unorthodox

Originally posted by Winnie G@Nov 4 2004, 07:57 AM

Oh by the way any intern who knows how to perform “that” sexual act is fare from “abusing”

She sounds like a big girl to me and fare from needed any protection from me.

I agree with Winnie...

The worst you can accuse Clinton of in his personal life is Adultry.

But abuse?

That girl knew what she was doing (and probably enjoyed herself).

In fact she was disappointed that Clinton referred to their affair as a mistake in his memoirs. She seemed to actually care for him.

He didn't feel the same way...too bad...that sort of thing happens all the time in relationships...one person cares more than the other. Maybe he thought he cared too...for awhile. Maybe he was confused about what he wanted...maybe it was a mid-life crisis.

But I never heard of any accusations of "abuse".

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Originally posted by Unorthodox+Nov 4 2004, 01:01 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Unorthodox @ Nov 4 2004, 01:01 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--Winnie G@Nov 4 2004, 07:57 AM

Oh by the way any intern who knows how to perform “that” sexual act is fare from “abusing”

She sounds like a big girl to me and fare from needed any protection from me.

I agree with Winnie...

The worst you can accuse Clinton of in his personal life is Adultry.

But abuse?

That girl knew what she was doing (and probably enjoyed herself).

In fact she was disappointed that Clinton referred to their affair as a mistake in his memoirs. She seemed to actually care for him.

He didn't feel the same way...too bad...that sort of thing happens all the time in relationships...one person cares more than the other. Maybe he thought he cared too...for awhile. Maybe he was confused about what he wanted...maybe it was a mid-life crisis.

But I never heard of any accusations of "abuse".

I think that the fact that Clinton didn't care about her and just used her to gain his ends is a type of abuse.

But that is just me.

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Guest Unorthodox

Anything is possible...

Clinton may have "used" her...but to what end? To make people hate him? I doubt that. It was for pleasure, obviously. Maybe he had a confused emotional attachment to her at first, then changed his mind...it happens...especially in a mid-life crisis.

On the other hand, maybe she was using him to try to advance her career? In that case, was Clinton "abused"?

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Clinton was a loser guy, you know the kind who don’t even know that “IT’s” a sex act.

I could have rolled on the floor. Someone failed him when it came to the birds and the bees. And to think he ran the US for 8 years. :rolleyes:

By the way if that is abuse then we should round up every one who has casual sex for there own gratification. Since that covers A Huge % of the world what do you suggest? <_<

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Originally posted by Unorthodox@Nov 4 2004, 01:01 PM

I agree with Winnie...

The worst you can accuse Clinton of in his personal life is Adultry.

But abuse?

That girl knew what she was doing (and probably enjoyed herself).

The worst?

Hardly. You can accuse him of much worse than that. Heck it's even possible that he is guilty of worse than that although I am not quite sure what's worse, in your personal life, than adultery.

One thing is for certain. He is a mysoginist who uses women for kicks and then discards them and threatens them unless they stay silent. It's a pattern with him.

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That’s millions of men yes he should be held at a higher standard but like Bush hocking a logy on the lawn of the Whitehouse for all to see. Presidents are set to a higher standard, people liked Clinton the economy was good so people did not care that he took advantage of his state as president to have his way with that young girl who know what she was doing. Both are accountable.

As fare as pattern with him do we know that for sure? and you know who cares realy he is a man with a cloud of shame for the rest of his life, like Nixson's Im not a Crock <_<

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Guest Unorthodox

Originally posted by Snow@Nov 5 2004, 01:04 AM

The worst?

Hardly. You can accuse him of much worse than that.

We can accuse people of whatever we want.

Heck it's even possible that he is guilty of worse than that although I am not quite sure what's worse, in your personal life, than adultery.

Abuse is worse that Adultry in my opinion.

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Originally posted by srm+Nov 1 2004, 11:43 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (srm @ Nov 1 2004, 11:43 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--Winnie G@Nov 1 2004, 10:16 PM

Who cares what faith you belong to?

I would rather have a president that bangs interns on the side then one who thinks he is an instrument of god to wipe out the infidels over oil.

Oh as fare interns go. It’s not my business, Just do the Job!  <_<

It seems that you are making us out to be the terrorists.

is it your position that the world would be better off w/ Sadam in power?

Wait, is Sadam who you're talking about when you say sexually abusing people? How about killing and torturing? is that OK, as long as he does his job?

Would have been nice if said dude just went on record to say:"I want to take Saddam out!" insteads of going this "theys got WMDs!!!!!" route which made us out to all look like dorks. But hey, it's our job to liberate the world. USA USA!!!

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Guest TheProudDuck

Originally posted by Unorthodox@Nov 12 2004, 03:56 PM

The liberals want us to lose the war on terror 

The ones on democraticunderground.com and Bill Maher's website message board do.

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Guest Unorthodox

I rest my case.

Its a good thing God intervened in Ohio.

God will never let another Democrat run this country, because they are all immoral.

This is HIS country. He wrote our freakin' Constitution!

It even says so in D&C, so it must be true.

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Guest TheProudDuck
Originally posted by TheProudDuck+Nov 12 2004, 05:27 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (TheProudDuck @ Nov 12 2004, 05:27 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--Unorthodox@Nov 12 2004, 03:56 PM

The liberals want us to lose the war on terror 

The ones on democraticunderground.com and Bill Maher's website message board do.

I'm not kidding, by the way:

Quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And you do realize that over 80% of our troops support Bush, don't you? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Yes darling - I do.... That's only fair isn't it? Why should decent people die in your bogus war you murdering hun. I hope the whole lot of them are decapitated... but getting the butts blown off will suffice.

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Would be interesting to know how many vets actually support Bush... you know, the guys who actually know what it's like to fight in a war. I know from personal experience that my dad-in-law--a long time staunch Repub and vet of two wars, Korea and 'Nam (51st Division), respectively--can't stand Shrub & Co. But hey, he's just an old coot who's time came and went. What does he know??? He only got hit by schrapnel probably! He didn't see blood! Maybe a little too much A.O. in his diet while serving his tour in 'Nam. 'Cuz, come on---really, what kind of TRUE patriot would be against kicking a little Arab boo-tay?! I say it's high time to sweep all the liberals up and send them north to Wimpyland, Canada, 'cuz we just don't have room for that kind of descension in the free world!


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Originally posted by Larry Kozlowski@Nov 13 2004, 05:00 PM

Would be interesting to know how many vets actually support Bush... you know, the guys who actually know what it's like to fight in a war. I know from personal experience that my dad-in-law--a long time staunch Repub and vet of two wars, Korea and 'Nam (51st Division), respectively--can't stand Shrub & Co. But hey, he's just an old coot who's time came and went. What does he know??? He only got hit by schrapnel probably! He didn't see blood! Maybe a little too much A.O. in his diet while serving his tour in 'Nam. 'Cuz, come on---really, what kind of TRUE patriot would be against kicking a little Arab boo-tay?! I say it's high time to sweep all the liberals up and send them north to Wimpyland, Canada, 'cuz we just don't have room for that kind of descension in the free world!


Looks like Larry's missed a couple doses of the meds too. :o:o:o
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Originally posted by Setheus@Nov 14 2004, 06:24 AM

You're "dad-in-law" must be so proud

The fact that my dad-in-law's prized daughter of thirty two years died in my arms after a valiant 16 month battle w/ ovarian cancer a content and happy woman, I'd say who knows... The fact that I've raised a fairly decent and intelligent 6 year old kid on my own for five years and I'd say "pretty good chance". But Ima justa sthupit wed neck people! Go figure?
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