Common Misconceptions and Myth Busters of the Church


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No, I am not. Since this is group project explores community diversity, we chose to present on a group that we were unfamiliar with or not involved in.

Okay so below are some misconceptions. If you are willing to participate, you can tackle one or two or all of them. The response could be text or a video of yourself explaining why the misconception is false and set the record straight.

Here are a few misconceptions that I have gathered from both high school and college students in the San Diego County:

1. You have to wear Mormon underwear for life.

:)Rameumptom: Many religions wear special things to show their faith. Hasidic Jews wear tzit tzits (fringes) on four corners of their clothing. Some also have special underclothing, as well as the skull cap. Muslim women wear head coverings, etc. Catholic priests and nuns also wear special clothing. Each of these has a purpose - to set those individuals apart from the world.

2. Mormons cannot drink soda.

:) Ram: We can drink soda. Our teaching entitled the Word of Wisdom (Doctrine and Covenants 89), teaches us to abstain from things that are bad for us. It specifically notes tobacco and alcohol, but includes other things that wisdom dictates we should use carefully or perhaps even abstain from. Some LDS abstain from caffeine, for example. Others, knowing that carbonated soda used on a daily basis is not good for the body, may choose to abstain or reduce the amount of soda consumed. Each of us makes many personal decisions on such things, as guided by the Lord in prayer and pondering.

3. Mormon underwear helps to discipline young boys against masturbation.

:) Ram: Garments are worn only by the adults who have attended the temple. It is a reminder of the holiness of the temple, and that Paul told us that our bodies are a temple that should be kept holy.

4. Mormon underwear has knee and nipple protectors.

:) Ram: Nope.

5. The Word of Wisdom teaches that alcohol is not good for consumption.

:) Ram: This is correct. And, as we can see, alcohol has ruined many lives over the centuries. Family violence, illness, work absences, traffic deaths and more are caused daily by alcohol consumption.

6. Mormons practice polygamy.

:) Ram: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has not practiced polygamy since 1890. There are break-off groups that do still practice polygamy today. However, they are not a part of the LDS Church. Anyone found practicing polygamy in the LDS Church is excommunicated.

7. Why don't Mormons believe in The Bible?

:) Ram: We DO believe in the Bible. The King James Version of the Bible is one of our "standard works". It sits in conjunction with the Book of Mormon and other sacred writings as a necessary key to our salvation. We study the Bible, along with these other scriptures for our spiritual benefit. Right now, LDS high school students attend a "seminary", an early morning class prior to attending high school classes, where they are studying the New Testament. In those studies they are beginning to discuss the last week of Christ's life, and will continue discussing that period up through Christmas, when they'll discuss the resurrection.

8. Do Mormons worship Joseph Smith?

:) Ram: No. We honor Joseph Smith as a prophet of God, just as we honor Isaiah, Moses, and the other ancient prophets. We Worship God the Father and Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer.

9. Why are the things that happen in the Temple such a secret?

Ram: Not really a secret. For us, it is more that it is very sacred, and so we choose not to share sacred things too openly. Even Jesus warned us not to cast our pearls before swine. While I don't consider you swine, I do believe that sacred things should be kept to sacred times and events. This is how it was anciently. When Jesus took Peter, James, and John up to the Mount of Transfiguration, they saw incredible things. On descending afterward, Jesus told them to tell no one until after the resurrection. This included not telling the other apostles! Clearly, some things must be kept sacred, to the point that they seem secret. This shows God that we are serious enough about our worship that he can trust us, and perhaps reveal more to us.

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I wanna clear something up. I'm an exmormon by the way. With the not discussing of what goes on in the temple, I always thought that that was even amongst members.

While the temple rites are sacred, for the most part, they are not secret. Much of it, in fact, is found in the scriptures. The law of chastity is discussed both in the scriptures and the temple, and therefore can be discussed.

Many LDS are careful on keeping it sacred, and so stay on the side of caution. It is better to say little and keep it sacred, than to treat it casually.

The key to the temple is that it is, as believed anciently, a staircase/ladder to heaven. It represents our climbing Jacob's ladder (better translated as a staircase) up the holy mountain to God's throne. We literally practice doing what Jacob experienced: entering into God's presence.

Such an experience as seeing God face to face would be so sacred that I would hope most would not treat it as a casual thing. Awe and reverence would cause us to share it with few others. Since the temple is symbolic and is our practice for entering God's presence, we treat it sacred, as it symbolizes the most sacred and sublime experiences.

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Guest SisterofJared

Well, that is sort of correct.... as I explained to the OP, certain things cannot be discussed OUTSIDE of the temple... even with spouses. Those dsicussions are reserved for when you are in the temple. Other things can be discussed. It's a matter of knowing when what should be discussed even more that with whom.... if it is someone who doesn't attend the temple, there are things you will never discuss with them. If they do attend, then you may discuss those things only when you are in the temple. So obviously that would exclude nonmembers from the discussions on those things which are so sacred they can only be talked about in the temple.

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The full text of Elder Packer's "The Holy Temple" can be found on the official Church website here: The Holy Temple. It is suggested reading for all members intending to enter the temple, and has been such for last at least 10-15 years (it was originally published in 1980).

This book is fabulous!! We have a 4.5 hour drive to the nearest Temple and I take this book and read aloud on the trip. When not traveling it sits on our coffee table.:)

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Because everyone has given you the standard answer.. which is right.. I will take a deeper approach.. one you might not see.

Here are a few misconceptions that I have gathered from both high school and college students in the San Diego County:

1. You have to wear Mormon underwear for life.

2. Mormons cannot drink soda.

3. Mormon underwear helps to discipline young boys against masturbation.

4. Mormon underwear has knee and nipple protectors.

5. The Word of Wisdom teaches that alcohol is not good for consumption.

6. Mormons practice polygamy.

7. Why don't Mormons believe in The Bible?

8. Do Mormons worship Joseph Smith?

9. Why are the things that happen in the Temple such a secret?

When it comes to the temple and garments (This is after we have been through the temple the first time. That depends on when we decide we want to go or when we are authorized to go. There are some people who are members of the church who have never been to the Temple. This is their choice and it is dependent on a check list of requirements that determines ones desire to go. We all know what the requirements are.. we just need to adhere to those requirements.)

So if someone goes thru the temple for the first time at age 40.. they would then wear them from that time forward.. Ok?

Now to answer your questions with a little flair.

1. The times we don't wear them: Swimming, hot tubbing, water skiing, shower or bath, and during sex. Also when playing professional sports, IE basketball, tennis etc. I am sure there are other times but when not doing these other activities.. we are instructed to wear them as often as we can. Yes.. we do have more than one set.

2. Some do.. others don't. Bottom line is that it is not on the list of no no's. This is a personal preference. I think the commandment was given to protect us and if we use it as a guideline.. we should be able to discern whether or not something is good for us or not. The more rules you put on people.. the more they want to rebel. There will always be those that push the envelope. I think common sense dictates.

3. Does not work well on children.. as it was stated.. they don't wear them.. but it does work great for adults. It also helps with adultery and other forms of sexual sins. One of the main reasons is.. you have to take them off. They are like the last line of defense. When one decides to cross that line.. there is something mental about it that you have to take off your garments. And when you are able to that.. then you have truly decided to commit a big big error. Because they are special.. they also help with modesty... as we do not let the garments be seen. Our clothes are to cover them from sight.

4. The garments are worn closest to the body. Where other religions wear their garments on the outside of their clothes.. We wear them underneath. We do not broadcast to everyone else that we are "holy" or "special" people.. hey.. look at our garments.. we quietly cover them because they are scared to us. We do believe that if worn properly.. they have protected many from injury and death.

5. Alcohol is great for the body. It is what is used for the washing and cleansing. Just look at the way Dr's use it. Some research says.. hey.. a little is good for you. We feel that a little.. can become a lot. We are human.. and the flesh is weak. Look at the problems out there that surround alcohol abuse. Some people just can't help it. So it is better to avoid the appearance of evil.. than to flirt with it.

6. I think it is important to note that being married (civil union) and Temple marriage or sealing (eternal union) are different. Every man and woman who gets married (civil union) is given an automatic divorce decree.. "until death do you part". In the Mormon church.. if a man and woman is married in the temple.. they are "sealed" to each other for all time and eternity. Now.. bigamy is being married to more than one person... man or woman.. and polygamy.. is a man being married (civil union) to more than one living wife at a time. In the Church today.. no person can be married to another if they are already married and alive. However.. it should be noted that if a man marries a woman.. and he is sealed to her in the temple.. and she dies.. the man can marry again and be sealed to another woman. Therefore in the eyes of God.. he is married to both women in the next life for all eternity. That does suppose that all the individuals are righteous and have made it to Heaven.

7. I think people believe this because we have the Book of Mormon which we believe to be the word of god.. and therefore assume we don't use the Bible. The Bible is also the word of God. The men who wrote it were inspired and directed from God to write the things they did. However... we believe that because the Bible was copied and copied and copied and copied again and translated and copied again by men.. and sometimes wicked men.. that some things have been either left out.. or changed... and therefore the original message that the writer intended.. was lost. It became even more apparent to us after Joseph Smith.. through the power of God and by direct inspiration and revelation.. made many corrections to those lines and verses that had been changed or removed or copied or translated incorrectly. We use the same Bible that most people use.. the King James Version. However.. we have foot notes at the bottom of our Bible that indicates if there was a change in the original text.. and we can then view the change if we so desire. And most of the time.. we do.. because it adds much clarity to the meaning when you see how the original writer had intended it to read.

8. Joseph Smith is a Prophet. Just like Moses was to the Israelites. Or any of the other prophets. Because he was also an Apostle.. he is just as important as Peter, James, John or Paul are. They testify to the divinity of Jesus being the Christ.. and the son of God. People when turning to the Bible.. read and quote the words written by not Jesus himself... but those who were called to serve and write the words of Jesus. So it is with Joseph. He has written the words spoken by Jesus. He also translated words that were written by other prophets who live on the American Continent and published those translated words into what is called the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon prophets who wrote their words lived during the time 600 BC to about 400 AD. Joseph is the first prophet of this last dispensation... which is the dispensation before the 2nd coming of Christ. So he restored many truths.. and introduced many new ones that had not been known before. It is all in preparation for the return of the Lord before the millennium. So we honor him and his calling.. we do not worship him. God is who we worship.

9. I think any time that someone does not talk about something.. people automatically think there is something wrong. We don't speak of what happens in the Temple because we know how people are. Just look at how people treated the sacred burial sites of the Indians. They disrespected them! See how people who hated any group would attack anything that meant or had any value to them. Mormons learned way back in the 1800's that they had to keep secret when they were doing baptisms in the River. Why? Because there would always be someone who would try to damn it up or ruin it so it could not be done. People can be just plain mean. So if you feel that very special things are being done in the Temple.. the mean people would just find a way to destroy what we think is beautiful and make it ugly. So it was decided long ago.. not to spill the beans. It was sacred.. so we do not speak of it. There are many Ex Mormons who have left the Church. And they are the ones who now just mock and make fun all the time... Why? Because they know it is special to us.. and they can then ridicule that which they don't believe in anymore.

I hope this is what you were looking for.

Edited by MrNirom
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6. I think it is important to note that being married (civil union) and Temple marriage or sealing (eternal union) are different. Every man and woman who gets married (civil union) is given an automatic divorce decree.. "until death do you part". In the Mormon church.. if a man and woman is married in the temple.. they are "sealed" to each other for all time and eternity. Now.. bigamy is being married to more than one person... man or woman.. and polygamy.. is a man being married (civil union) to more than two wives. In the Church today.. no person can be married to another if they are already married and alive. However.. it should be noted that if a man marries a woman.. and he is sealed to her in the temple.. and she dies.. the man can marry again and be sealed to another woman. Therefore in the eyes of God.. he is married to both women in the next life for all eternity. That does suppose that all the individuals are righteous and have made it to Heaven.

Polygamy is a man being married to more than ONE woman at a time.

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Polygamy is a man being married to more than ONE woman at a time.

So is BIGAMY - Criminal offense of having two or more wives or husbands at the same time. The willful contracting of a second marriage. Most of the time if a man had two wives.. he would be called a Bigamist.. if more than two.. a polygamist.

However Polygamy can be defined as any "form of marriage in which a person [has] more than one spouse.

polygyny (one man having more than one wife),

polyandry (one woman having more than one husband).

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To the OP - I think you can find just about EVERYTHING within the links provided below from the Official Church website:

This is the link to the PDF Gospel Library:

PDF Magazines of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

This is the link to "The Strength of Youth" booklet:

This is the link to "Gospel Principles" - an introductory lesson book designed for new members of the church:

And just about all you can learn about temples:

Purpose of Temples

(At the top has a link to President Boyd K. Packer's "The Holy Temple")

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