Duane S Crowther


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I have a copy of his book. Personally, I think he is very close to accurate on many of his views. I do have a concern that he tends to rely on many patriarchal blessings and personal correspondences for his data - something most of us cannot verify, nor ascertain the accuracy of. Even a stake patriarch can have a bad day when it comes to prophecy.

He has the White Horse prophecy in it at the end, which I hold at arm's length as questionable. I do believe that the Constitution will hang by a thread, as other prophets have stated it (such as Pres Benson), however, the provenance for this revelation just isn't there.

I personally believe we are entering an era, which he calls the period for wars of desolation. I also believe we are entering the period when the fullness of the Gentiles is coming to an end for the gospel preaching.

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I have a copy of his book. Personally, I think he is very close to accurate on many of his views. I do have a concern that he tends to rely on many patriarchal blessings and personal correspondences for his data - something most of us cannot verify, nor ascertain the accuracy of. Even a stake patriarch can have a bad day when it comes to prophecy.

He has the White Horse prophecy in it at the end, which I hold at arm's length as questionable. I do believe that the Constitution will hang by a thread, as other prophets have stated it (such as Pres Benson), however, the provenance for this revelation just isn't there.

I personally believe we are entering an era, which he calls the period for wars of desolation. I also believe we are entering the period when the fullness of the Gentiles is coming to an end for the gospel preaching.

Thanks for your thoughts. I try really hard to make sure info I have is reliable because there is so much that is speculation. I was reading about the wars of desolation and was wondering about what is going on in darfur and the congo, the tootsie and hutu genocide that happened seemed to be more of the other type of war (to me). I would love your thoughts. I am just an elementary student in gospel learning so my thoughts and ideas that I discern from what I read could easily be incorrect.

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Even last night, I received a dream on what shall before our nation concerning many remaining states with same gender marriage and government alter the laws of the land. Only to see something, it is better not to ask at all. Now, this is a personal revelation that anyone is entitled too. Helpful for us in understanding what other prophets in the past seen. Do I need Crowther book to help me in seeing the future? No. Go and make that research yourself and then ask the Lord s Nephi did in trying to interrupt Lehi's dream.

Crowther did a tremendous job of documenting details but even I, hesitate, with some of his viewpoint or interpolation of given references to those receiving the warnings.

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Like any other author, including any GA books written outside the scope of official LDS publication, we need to take all of them with a grain of salt when it comes to any issue outside the main doctrinal teachings of the Church.

We need to do it all with prayer and seeking the Spirit's guidance, understanding that we "see through a glass, darkly." God does not reveal all things at once, but a little at a time, so that we may continue growing in faith.

Still, Crowther's book is a good place to start to understand many events that may happen in the last days.

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I am reading a book written by him entitled Prophecy Key to the future. I want to know if anyone knows anything about him. I know he was a member of the church and this book was published by bookcraft inc in 1962. I am enjoying the book, I would just like to know more about the author if anyone knows. Thanks

For all it may be worth, many years ago I did some basic research to check Duane Crowther's standing with the LDS Church. At that time he was a member in good standing. I personally find his books on prophecy to be useful.
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  • 6 months later...

I just bought this book off of eBay for $3.75! A steal in my opinion. I've cracked through the first two chapters already. I'm very excited to read it. Somedays I feel that I won't be around for the Second Coming (I'm 30) but other days I think I will. There is so much yet to be done and when I think of the small amount of stuff that had to happen since 1830 and what we are left with remaining to happen I think maybe we'll need 300 more years for it to all unfold. Unless things rapidly pick up speed and happen all at once.

It is my understanding, in the brief overview I've had of Brother Crowther's book, that we are just in the very beginning in this very long line of activities that have yet to happen. When the missionaries beginning being called out of the Gentile nations, if that happens in my lifetime, next come the internal wars in the United States - then I will begin to believe things are picking up speed.

I'm new to the LDS.net forum board, so be nice! ;)

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I have a copy of his book. Personally, I think he is very close to accurate on many of his views. I do have a concern that he tends to rely on many patriarchal blessings and personal correspondences for his data - something most of us cannot verify, nor ascertain the accuracy of. Even a stake patriarch can have a bad day when it comes to prophecy.

He has the White Horse prophecy in it at the end, which I hold at arm's length as questionable. I do believe that the Constitution will hang by a thread, as other prophets have stated it (such as Pres Benson), however, the provenance for this revelation just isn't there.

I personally believe we are entering an era, which he calls the period for wars of desolation. I also believe we are entering the period when the fullness of the Gentiles is coming to an end for the gospel preaching.

As long those who are angels of life and death [the four] are still among us, we still have time. ^_^

I have witnessed several PBs and some are very interesting to watch them come to past. One of which was a boy who will write scriptures, the house of Israel will bow down at his feet, and have wisdom of Solomon. There were others notable statement but if you ever talk to this boy, this boy character is one of pompous nature. He was born in the same time frame of Elder Feartherstone 's 1987 regional temple speech back in 1987 when he mentioned, along with President Benson acknowledgment, a boy will be born to lead the church in the millennium. Patterning this boy life, makes one feel like a disciple of Crowther. :lol:

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As long those who are angels of life and death [the four] are still among us, we still have time. ^_^

I have witnessed several PBs and some are very interesting to watch them come to past. One of which was a boy who will write scriptures, the house of Israel will bow down at his feet, and have wisdom of Solomon. There were others notable statement but if you ever talk to this boy, this boy character is one of pompous nature. He was born in the same time frame of Elder Feartherstone 's 1987 regional temple speech back in 1987 when he mentioned, along with President Benson acknowledgment, a boy will be born to lead the church in the millennium. Patterning this boy life, makes one feel like a disciple of Crowther. :lol:

I have a photocopy of Elder Featherstone's letter he wrote at the time of the dedication of the Atlanta Temple. He foresaw that dedication as the beginning, and prophesied that there would soon be temples in other Southern cities, and mentioned several of them. It was surprising to see Birmingham as one of those cities, given how few Saints live in Alabama.

And it was amazing, given it would be another 15+ years before Pres Hinckley would announce the mini-temples.

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I just bought this book off of eBay for $3.75! A steal in my opinion. I've cracked through the first two chapters already. I'm very excited to read it. Somedays I feel that I won't be around for the Second Coming (I'm 30) but other days I think I will. There is so much yet to be done and when I think of the small amount of stuff that had to happen since 1830 and what we are left with remaining to happen I think maybe we'll need 300 more years for it to all unfold. Unless things rapidly pick up speed and happen all at once.

It is my understanding, in the brief overview I've had of Brother Crowther's book, that we are just in the very beginning in this very long line of activities that have yet to happen. When the missionaries beginning being called out of the Gentile nations, if that happens in my lifetime, next come the internal wars in the United States - then I will begin to believe things are picking up speed.

I'm new to the LDS.net forum board, so be nice! ;)

As I read Brother Crowther's book, I see us nearing the end. I believe we are leaving the time of the wars of preparation, and into wars of desolation.

We see Babylon and Zion beginning to be established as the two great powers, made up of conglomerations of nations. Babylon in the Old World, and Zion in the New World.

I believe we are seeing the End of the Gentile Times. Europe has rejected Christ, and our nation is beginning to do so as Pres Obama now has stated we are not a Christian nation.

There are many prophecies now coming to pass. I see D&C 87 as having been almost completely fulfilled (see my link: DC87 - Life, the Universe, and Etcetera ).

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Every time I see the name Duane S. Crowther I think we are talking about someone I went to Ricks College with that had the same name. We just called him Bud.

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I am reading a book written by him entitled Prophecy Key to the future. I want to know if anyone knows anything about him. Thanks

Yes, I do know something about him.

Duane S. Crowther is so tough that when he was denied an Egg McMuffin at McDonald’s because it was 10:35, he roundhouse kicked the store so hard it became a Wendy’s.

Duane S. Crowther doesn’t read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants.

There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of creatures Duane S. Crowther has allowed to live.

Outer space exists because it’s afraid to be on the same planet with Duane S. Crowther

Duane S. Crowther is the reason why Waldo is hiding.

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I am reading a book written by him entitled Prophecy Key to the future. I want to know if anyone knows anything about him. I know he was a member of the church and this book was published by bookcraft inc in 1962. I am enjoying the book, I would just like to know more about the author if anyone knows. Thanks

Read this book back about in 1969 and was very impressed with it.

Looked it over a few years ago and was still impressed.

Not so sure what that may mean to anyone else:p but. . .

The White Horse at the end is a problem and He had a couple of other things I thought out of sink also but overall. . .

I was very impressed with it:D

Take it with a grain. . .;)

And call me in the morning:lol:

Bro. Rudick

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