Rights of the Father/Parents


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Guest SisterofJared

Well, the very purpose of government is to protect your life, liberty and property.

I don't think a child qualifies as your property.

I think a child qualifies under protecting life though... and therefore we ought not allow abortion, for the very purpose of even having our government is to protect life.

Sister of Jared

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I get that you believe you are an eternal being. I believe that as well. But believing it doesn't give us a perspective beyond our mortal minds, and I don't believe that laws of the land should be grounded -- or, more accurately, ungrounded -- in anyone's belief in the afterlife.

There is no evidence that your believe is correct, or that mine is correct, or that Judaism is correct, or that Islam is correct . . . you get the picture.

You mean just because I believe it...that's not proof........:o:o Are you sure?? :lol: Oh and you failed to acknowledge that you and I agree on the child support issue....just saying. :cool:

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You mean just because I believe it...that's not proof........:o:o Are you sure?? :lol: Oh and you failed to acknowledge that you and I agree on the child support issue....just saying. :cool:

I didn't mean to not acknowledge our agreement . . . and, since we do agree, it is obviously part of the very nature of Eternal Truth that parents are responsible for their children.;)

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Men absolutely should be required to support there children...whether they are wanted or not....and if they don't, they should be jailed for the low lifes that they are.

It doesn't happen too often when the roles are reversed, but what about women who refuse to pay child support to their child's father?

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You mean like Britney refusing to pay Kevin? :D She's already in some kind of prison isn't she?....mental prison I mean.:rolleyes:

I have some family members in that situation. My nephew's mother will never get around to paying child support. Of course, she ought to be jailed for other reasons, and then sterilized. Well, I suppose the order doesn't really matter.

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Hmmm......thats's not really fair. Having sex doesn't always lead to pregnancy.....does it? From an eternal perspective.....is it better to have the child in the event of unwanted pregnancy.....yes. Is it always convenient? No. I look at things from the perspective that we are eternal beings...sons and daughters of God and all here for the same purpose.....ultimately to return to the presence of Heavenly Father. Abortion doesn't help us to return. It is not a Christ like action and I want everyone to return home. This world is full of distractions....full of deceptions. I know you disagree with me Otterpop, but my heavens 42,000,000 abortions per year and 93% Of them performed for social reasons and inconvenience. :eek:

If everyone shared this same premise for their actions, this issue would be much easier to deal with. Unfortunately, it appears that not enough of the world accepts this premise and we end up basing a temporal government on temporal consequences. I'm not saying that's best, but that's reality.

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Generally, a father has to consent to an adoption, as well -- and he has the right to contest any adoption that took place without his consent.

unless you can't find him. Then you have to do newspaper postings for a period of time (depends on the state). If nothing happens you go forward. (way too much experience with missing/hiding fathers)

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I think the problem with allowing fathers a legal say in stopping an abortion, is that it creates new ground that could give men legal sway over forcing women to have an abortion. It sounds absurd, but there are lots of people who would push for it.

Because the mother carries the baby, assumes all the risk for nine months, and can't always rely on the father to take full custody of the child when it's born (contract or not), there is no way to make this situation fair for anyone. It's sad that all babies can't be born into loving homes where both parents want them, but that's the reality.

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if a woman wants to place a child for adoption she should be required to notify the father. he should get custody if he wants it (no need to adopt, it's already his kid), baring any extreme situation that would prevent any parent from retaining custody of their kids. the woman can sign away her rights and walk away just as any man can.....

a father can't be notified if there is not one named on the birth certificate. i think it should be law that fathers be named on a birth certificate. we all know it took two why pretend it's not true. if the woman was foolish enough to not know then she should have to make a list and all potential fathers should be notified, blood tests can be done to determine if a man steps up cause he cares he might have a kid.

though i think the abortion issue is real. we have much bigger and relevant father's rights violations that go on and need legislative recognition before we get into that.

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Let' say a couple engages in sexual intercourse and the result is pregnancy. The female doesn't want to have a child.....the encounter was a mistake and the end result unwanted and wants to terminate the pregnancy. However, the male feels strongly that abortion is immoral and asks the female to have the child...his child....and he will adopt. Should he have legal rights to the child? Certainly there are plenty of instances where women have babies and the man wants nothing to do with them or the baby and yet they have to pay support...and rightly so I might add.

Also, what about parental notification? Should minors be allowed to have abortions without parental consent. Would you let your daughter have any kind of elective medical procedure without your consent?

The biological Father doesn't have to Adopt. . .its a custody issue.


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Males have few rights in this matter. If a woman wants an abortion she can have one for whatever reason. Yet if she fishes out a condom after the act from the garbage and impregnates herself the guy has a legal obligation to pay child support.

Worse case I heard of a few years ago involved a babysitter doing it with a 12 year old boy (I think it was against his will as well). Later she discovered he got her pregnant and she sued for child support and was awarded it.

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