Community of Christ friend


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HI, I'm Stacie and I'm a Community of Christ person for 29 years. I am a full time caregiver for my mom and grandmother who both have alzheimer's. Mom is in late stage, grandma is just beginning. I moderate on a board with a Community of Christ focus and frequently encounter LDS there. I don't know any in real life. My ministry interests are in the areas of addressing conflict and diversity via dialog, worship planning, and whatever ways I can think of. I'm the Communications officer for my Mission Center (a geographic area of about 20 congregations) and worship planner for my congregation. I look forward to learning more about you guys in the different discussions. Thanks, Stacie

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Hi Stacie. Welcome to My mom also had alzheimer's. My family pulled together tried our hardest to take care of her at home for as long as possible until she was so bad we had to put her in a nursing home. We visited her every day tho, sometimes two to three times a day/night. She went to the Spirit World around five years ago.

I don’t know you but I know you will be blessed because of what you are doing. I hope to see you around on the boards.

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Hi everyone, thank you for the welcome! I think nearly every family will have a loved one with alzheimer's. It runs deeply on both sides of my family. We've been caring for one grandparent or another for 23 years. There are frustrations, but there are also joys and laughter. These kinds of forums help me pass the long quiet times. I will see you in the threads. Stacie

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HI, I'm Stacie and I'm a Community of Christ person for 29 years. I am a full time caregiver for my mom and grandmother who both have alzheimer's. Mom is in late stage, grandma is just beginning. I moderate on a board with a Community of Christ focus and frequently encounter LDS there. I don't know any in real life. My ministry interests are in the areas of addressing conflict and diversity via dialog, worship planning, and whatever ways I can think of. I'm the Communications officer for my Mission Center (a geographic area of about 20 congregations) and worship planner for my congregation. I look forward to learning more about you guys in the different discussions. Thanks, Stacie

do you have anything to do with your church in the nauvoo area???
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I am Robert also a Community of Christ/RLDS member. I recognize your picture from our Community of Christ message board. I post there under my Middle name Dale. I was LDS until my 2005 Community of Christ baptism. I had my name removed from the LDS membership rolls in 2005. But i had Reorganized LDS Church association, leanings starting in 1988, but paused many years on making a change of denomination decision.

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I have often wanted to go into the CoC temple and apologize for the overzealous, shall we say, LDS who try to wrestle away your right to worship the Lord according to the dictates of your own conscience(s) (See AoF 11). We should know better and be more respectful to you and I hope most are. I believe you and we have had meaningful discourses as well as cooperative efforts regarding church history and I for one appreciate the records that the CoC have maintaned then shared with LDS scholars.

BTW - I heard a rumor that the LDS Church donated some funds to the building to your temple in KC, is that true? It would be a nice Christian gesture if we did.

All the best,


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Hi Abraham, thank you for your warm thoughts, and hopes for better relations. We have our own zealous/eager ones, so I understand. I think our groups have collaborated on some worship and historical events in recent years and on the institutional level things are much better between us.

This is what I've heard about a donation from the LDS for our Temple. It shows more of that cooperative relationship that is good for everyone involved.

The LDS church did not make a financial contribution toward the construction of the temple in Independence and the Community of Christ did not contribute financially to the construction of the new Nauvoo Temple. However, both churches swapped land in order to make both temples possible. The RLDS church owned some of the land that the Nauvoo Temple is on and the LDS church owned some of the land that the Independence Temple is on. My understanding is that it was a straight swap and that money didn’t change hands.

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