Bush Uncensored

Guest Unorthodox

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Guest TheProudDuck
Originally posted by Unorthodox+Oct 28 2004, 11:20 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Unorthodox @ Oct 28 2004, 11:20 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--Outshined@Oct 28 2004, 12:18 PM

It shows he has a sense of humor...

Exactly what I was thinking...he is not as uptight as I thought. However, I heard that this video is already being used in anti-bush ads.

Oh please.

From my review of left-wing websites (Kos and Josh Marshall's site) as well as some of the loopier ones (Democratic Underground), the left side of the spectrum is pretty much addicted to, shall we say, Old Dutch words beginning with the letter "f."

I was much more surprised when my sweet cultured wife gave another driver a one-fingered salute the other day. (To be fair, it was counterbattery fire.)

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Guest bizabra

Nice example to out young'uns. Care to show YOUR adolescent this video and then NOT expect him/her to mimic it? After all, if the prez can give the one-fingered salute, and the vice prez can tell someone to F#@%& OFF, then it MUST be OK!

Wonder how the religious right views this. Hmm. . . .probably with the same wink and shrug some on this BB do. bunch o' hypocrits. . . .

tra la la

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Oh boo hoo, the man isnt perfect, what a surprise. Im sure he nor anyone thought this would ever be made avaliable for children to view, thus mimic. You make it sound like he is going into schools and giving everyone the bird. I guess only one so perfect as your self can sit in the judges seat.

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Originally posted by bizabra@Nov 2 2004, 09:36 AM

Wonder how the religious right views this. Hmm. . . .probably with the same wink and shrug some on this BB do. bunch o' hypocrits. . . .

tra la la

You mean were hypocrits because we don't get all tied up in self-righteous knots because Bush was joking around?

I hardly think that you are offended like you PRETEND to be Biz. We know you too well.

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Originally posted by bizabra@Nov 2 2004, 10:36 AM

Nice example to out young'uns. Care to show YOUR adolescent this video and then NOT expect him/her to mimic it? After all, if the prez can give the one-fingered salute, and the vice prez can tell someone to F#@%& OFF, then it MUST be OK!

Wonder how the religious right views this. Hmm. . . .probably with the same wink and shrug some on this BB do. bunch o' hypocrits. . . .

It wasn't in a public forum, and was never intended for the public to see.

If you behave yourself beyond reproach 100% of the time, then by all means cast the first stone, but I act pretty silly once in a while, and am willing to bet none of you are pefect in your behavior.

If anything is hypocritical, it's attacking someone for goofing off with friends or spitting in the garden. He's allowed to be a human being, you know.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest bizabra

Personally, I don't care if he wants to flip the bird to whomever he cares to! It's just that I feel kinda sorry for all those little old church ladies that think he is a good decent honest christian man. Poor foolish souls.

One question though: How would it come across if GBH was caught on tape in a frat-house moment flipping the bird at the camera? Would your opinion of him be less? Would you think he was being a good example? Would you just shake your head and excuse him for being a "silly human" just goofing off? Or would you feel disappointed? What if it was your SON who was caught on tape flipping the bird, just out of a spirit of Hi-jinks?


Like I said, I'm not offended by it, but I am not amused, either. I, myself, wouldn't do it, not if I was sitting in front of a camera and I was the Prez. No sirree! Would YOU do it? Would you want your Mom to see it? Would she think it was funny?

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Originally posted by bizabra@Nov 15 2004, 08:09 PM

Personally, I don't care if he wants to flip the bird to whomever he cares to! It's just that I feel kinda sorry for all those little old church ladies that think he is a good decent honest christian man. Poor foolish souls.

Thanks your point? That because someone is a bit off-color that they aren't a good, decent, honest, Christian man?


You want to explain that one to us Biz or should we just assume that you are just the merry jokester?

Like I said, I'm not offended by it, but I am not amused, either.  I, myself, wouldn't do it, not if I was sitting in front of a camera and I was the Prez.  No sirree! Would YOU do it?  Would you want your Mom to see it?  Would she think it was funny?

This coming from someone who goes to burning man. Oh the horror, the horror!

By the way, your implication that those who don't share your low opinion on George Bush are poor foolish souls, is um, supercillious manure, but thanks for sharing.

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Guest bizabra

So, it would be cool with you if Prez Hinkley flipped the bird on camera?

And what does the Burning Man festival have to do with it? Why would my attendance make it more likely that I would flip the bird like Shrub did? I don't get the correlation.

I think they are "poor follish souls" because they believe Shrub is a good decent moral individual. And of course, being a politician, he is not! heh heh heh

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Oh biz,

You are so silly. What on earth gave you the impression that it would be okay if President Hinckley flipped the bird. What in heaven's name and you twisted and misconstrued to infer that I think it would be okay?

... and re. your confusion vis a vis Burning Man... do you really mean to tell us that an attendee of Burning Man would get offended (read pretend to be offended) by a little off color behavior? Are we all idiots? I mean, er, complete idiots?

Please explain your (lack of) reasoning behind your assertion that people who flip the bird are 1. non-Christian, 2. non-good, and 3. immoral?

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Guest bizabra

Biz once before:

Personally, I don't care if he wants to flip the bird to whomever he cares to! It's just that I feel kinda sorry for all those little old church ladies that think he is a good decent honest christian man. Poor foolish souls.

One question though: How would it come across if GBH was caught on tape in a frat-house moment flipping the bird at the camera? Would your opinion of him be less? Would you think he was being a good example? Would you just shake your head and excuse him for being a "silly human" just goofing off? Or would you feel disappointed? What if it was your SON who was caught on tape flipping the bird, just out of a spirit of Hi-jinks?


Like I said, I'm not offended by it, but I am not amused, either. I, myself, wouldn't do it, not if I was sitting in front of a camera and I was the Prez. No sirree! Would YOU do it? Would you want your Mom to see it? Would she think it was funny?

Biz again:

Snow, I reposted my post so that you could read again that a ) me, an attendee of Burning Man was NOT offended by the flip off. b ) I did not assert that people who flip the bird are either unchristian, non-good, or immoral. c ) that I think those little old church ladies might not find Shrubs frat-boy humour to be very good behaviour for a good christian man, if they perchance were to see that clip. d ) I did not claim that it would be ok for Hinckley to mimic the Prez, I merely queried you on how YOU might feel about it.

Thanks for paying attention this time.

Oh, and maybe you COULD tell us if YOU think it would be OK for GBH to flip the bird, too? Do YOU think a good decent person who is president of the USA should flip the bird like that?

Remember, I don't care that he did, and am not offended by it, I think it shows his true character and is a most revealing little video clip. Besides, Shrub is a politician, and we all know they are the most honest christian moral group there is! ;)

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Originally posted by bizabra@Nov 16 2004, 11:14 PM

b ) I did not assert that people who flip the bird are either unchristian, non-good, or immoral.

Uh, yeah ya did Biz. You said:

"Personally, I don't care if he wants to flip the bird to whomever he cares to! It's just that I feel kinda sorry for all those little old church ladies that think he is a good decent honest christian man. Poor foolish souls."

And why are they poor (to be pitied) and foolish? Because the believe that Bush is good and honest and a Christian whereas you, Biz, claim that he is not. And what is your evidence that he is not? Well, as you keep reminding us, he flipped the bird.

Funny that you would deny it after you reposted your post where you claimed. Thank you, you make my job so easy.

Oh, and maybe you COULD tell us if YOU think it would be OK for GBH to flip the bird, too?  Do YOU think a good decent person who is president of the USA should flip the bird like that?

You already asked and I thought my response was clear. I do not think it would be "okay;" fro that matter I do not think it is "okay" for Bush to do it. But I understand that doing it does not make you bad or indecent or un-Christian. That is to say, I don't let my personal emotional dislikes of someone cause me to ascribe evil to a relatively minor and unimportant behavior just so I can label them thsu dismiss them.

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Guest TheProudDuck


Besides, Shrub is a politician, and we all know they are the most honest christian moral group there is!

Well, King Benjamin was a politician. So was Mosiah. And I think Alma the Younger had a chief judge gig for awhile.

Politicians are people, which means they can be petty, grasping, ambitious, and nasty, some more than others. So can doctors, lawyers, soldiers, businessmen, teachers, non-profit activists, churchmen, waiters, and pretty much everyone else you can name.

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