Any bloggers out there?


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I just got into blogging (about 4 months ago) but I've been quite consistent. I maintain two blogs, one on Austrian economics and libertarianism, the other on Church topics (the newest). (They are both in my signature.)

My wife maintains our family blog, which is great, so our families can see what we're doing halfway around the world.

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I blog.

As you can see in my signature, I blog about the following:


-My personal life

-As a way of publishing a book

I also keep my personal journal in a BLOG, but I don't let others read it.

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I love to blog. Mostly to help keep my family and friends up to speed with what is going on in our crazy life. I want to start a blog about my thoughts about the church. I'm not a very goood writer, so I have been putting it off. I think a good way to start is to blog about what the lesson was on in R.S or E.Q. , sacrament meeting talks. The brethern have said to start blogs, and comment on forums. I think all memeber should blog about the church. That way, we would flood out all the anti mormon stuff out there.

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I have 3 blogs, which I sometimes get around to updating.

TheObiBlog - stuff happening to me & my family.

LoudmouthMormon - Occasional things LDS

Wartifacts - Slowly scanning in and posting my dad's WWII memorabilia, before it all turns into dust.


Took me a few times of saying it, but I like the play on words with the WW2 blog.

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Guest queriesqueries

I have an anonymous blog where I write the things I find I cannot say. It is for my purposes only and doesn't get any traffic, which is fine with me. My friends and family who blog write about their families and children with the intent of sharing their lives with their friends and family, but I tend to use facebook for that.

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