Share your hobbies and interests

Guest DeborahC

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Guest DeborahC

I enjoy doing quilting, needlefelting, sockmonkeys and other fiber arts. You can see some of my projects on my page.

I also enjoy traveling. My last trek was along the Camino Santiago from the border of France, across the pyranees to the coast of Spain, about 850 km. You can see this trip and photos at - Camino Santiago - 54 - Female - Oregon -

What things are you interested in?

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I love to read, books, magazines, and I am a big sports nut. I love to read and watch sports. I would sit in the rain or snow to watch a football game. Does not matter if its high school, college or pro.

I love to read about Church History and I go and visit the Church History sites as often as I can. I just came back from Nauvoo.

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I love to play and watch basketball, though I haven't been able to play for about 2 years now and it kills me that I can't. I love to be with my family. I love going to church. Something that I can do is cut hair. I cut my own hair and a few family members hair. I don't really love to do it but I can do it.

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Guest GhostRider

my hobbies...Reading,, I also enjoy woodworking mostly making small boxes for keepsakes and turning pens. speaking of its the holidays!!! yuck! lol my busy season! time for all the relitives to give me orders lol

I also love hiking and fishing. i usually fly fish and tie my own flys.

Another hobby that i just recently got into again is rodeo. I have ridden a few bulls and trust me, have the bruises to show for it. may be giving this little hobby up due to the fact that well. its getting harder and harder to out run a ton of upset burgers and steak still on the hoof.

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I read (many genres). I do handwork: sewing, quilting, crochet, knit, embroider, counted cross stitch, a little tatting. I chat and post. I do research into cause and treatment of chronic illnesses, mostly chronic pain, also diet and other heatlh related topics.

I love tending my neice and nephews. I love being with family. The four best hours of my week are the four I spend volunteering at the temple.


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Guest Godless

I know this is probably a horrible thing to say on an LDS website, but one of my biggest interests/hobbies is craft beer. I sample and scrutinize beers in the same way that some people do with fine wines. I also enjoy reading (non-fiction mostly), cycling, cooking, and the occasional game of poker.

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This is also something that probably isn't good for a LDS website, but I brew beer and mead(honey wine) as a hobby. It's legal at least where I live as long as you don't make over 100 gallons in a year, be at least 21, and never sell it. I also spin fiber, knit, and do different forms of braiding cords, so I'm a bit of a fiber geek. I do embroidery as well, and I made a cross-stitched blanket for my niece which became my gift for her Catholic baptism when she was 5 months old.

I also love to read and collect books, as I have several bookcases that are full. Right now, I'm reading Escape by Carolyn Jessop about her life in the FLDS polygamist group. It's obvious that they're not part of the mainstream LDS church because in addition to polygamy, they drink coffee.

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