Christmas caroling


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That one has got to be the most dismal carol ever. Used to depress me beyond belief when I was a kid.

Now "Good King Wenceslas." That rocks.

speaking of dark lyrics in christmas songs....what is everyone's take on this one:

It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

It's the most wonderful time of the year

With the kids jingle belling

And everyone telling you "Be of good cheer"

It's the most wonderful time of the year

It's the hap-happiest season of all

With those holiday greetings and gay happy meetings

When friends come to call

It's the hap- happiest season of all

There'll be parties for hosting

Marshmallows for toasting

And caroling out in the snow

There'll be scary ghost stories

And tales of the glories of

Christmases long, long ago

scary ghost stories?? i'm guessing that this is in reference to charles dickens. anyone have any other theories?
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Be near me,Lord Jesus;

I ask thee to stay

Close by me forever,

and love me, I pray.

:offtopic: Going off topic here for a little story:

When I first came to the ward I am in, the Bishop asked me to befriend a single sister. She was 82 years old, dirt poor, no education, she lived in an extremely filthy, rodent infested tiny camper trailer. I picked her up and took her home from Church every Sunday.

This women smelled bad, she talked loud and she loved to sing. She obviously was tone deaf, and she didn't know the LDS Hymns, but that didn't stop her from belting out the Hymn.

She sat next to me at all the meetings. I loved it! No where in the scriptures does the Lord say we have to sing praises to Him in tune or even in tempo.

I loved singing when I sat next to her. No one could tell who was singing the worst. We both opened our mouths and SANG praises to God, and we did it with great love and gusto. At least I did.

:backtotopic: All of you, Truegrits especially and me:p, sit up straight so you are not hunching down on your diaphragm, throw your shoulders back, take deep breaths, open your mouths and lets joyously and respectfully sing forth the beautiful Christmas carols. Father and Jesus do not care if we are in tune or tempo. They hear the joyousness of our hearts.

Edited by Iggy
spelling, what else????
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She sat next to me at all the meetings. I loved it! No where in the scriptures does the Lord say we have to sing praises to Him in tune or even in tempo.

Yeah, doesn't it say in Psalms to make a "joyful noise" unto the Lord? :P

(My turn...)

It came upon the midnight clear,

That glorious song of old,

From angels bending near the earth

To touch their harps of gold:

Peace on the earth,

Good will to men

From heaven's all-gracious king.

Edited by Wingnut
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This question just popped into my head, and excuse me for going off topic, but do the greeters at Walmart have to take classes before they are allowed to clean the baskets and line them up for the next customer? Does it take much specialized training to run the scan gun they use to deactivate the anti-theft strips that the cashier forgot to do? Sorry for interrupting, Iggy, but it just came to me and bugged me for a minute.

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I don't know - I'm a Cashier.

Could you find out? Cause I think my dad would be perfect for the job. He's only 82. He just wouldn't be able to sit in a class with some snot-nosed 32 year-old associate junior manager of the boy's clothing department telling him what to do. He'd probably strangle the punk with his ID lanyard after about an hour. So, if there is some way he could bypass the class on how to ignore customers standing next to you saying 'excuse me, can I get some help?' that would be great.

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